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Italiensk: Sang og musik for
hovedsagelig én eller to stemmer, der akkompagneres af et orkester.
Sangformen der er udviklet i middelalderen omkring 1580, anvendes
bl.a. i opera, oratorier og
En arietta er en kort arie
Arios er arielignende.
Arioso er er en mellemting mellem recitativ og arie.
- https://archive.org/search.php?query=subject%3A%22aria%22
- https://archive.org/search.php?query=subject%3A%22arias%22
Musikeksempler: Bach arias and duetti: Cantata 155 BVW 155 - Arie
(Duett) (alt/tenor)
- https://archive.org/details/BachAriasAndDuetti
The Aria Database
- http://www.aria-database.com/
'The Aria Database is a collection of information about opera and
operatic arias. Besides providing basic information about each
aria, the Database includes translations for many arias and aria
texts for those that are not affected by copyright
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