- ☮ Græsk: Faglig dansk
fredsgruppe oprettet 19??.
Arkitekter for fred støttede Fredsfestival 1986.
Architects for Peace is an independent multidisciplinary forum of
planners, architects, urban designers, landscape architects,
engineers, environmentalists and artists working in the public
domain, seeking sustainable urban development based on social
justice, solidarity, respect and peace.
Architects for Peace was established in the weeks preceding the
bombing and occupation of Iraq in 2003. Our aim was to prevent
Australian involvement on this war. Today we have members from all
over the world.
Architects for Peace is a member of ARC•PEACE International
Architects Designers Planners for Social Responsibility,
- http://www.architectsforpeace.org/index.php
- Se også: Arkitektur ; Kunstnere for fred.
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