The Danish Peace Academy


John Avery
H.C. Ørsted Institute, University of Copenhagen


Experimental physics

Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa in 1564. He was the son of Vincenzo Galilei, an intellectual Florentine nobleman whose fortune was as small as his culture was great. Vincenzo Galilei was a mathematician, composer and music critic, and from him Galileo must have learned independence of thought, since in one of his books Vincenzo wrote: “It appears to me that those who try to prove a assertion by relying simply on the weight of authority act very absurdly.” This was to be Galileo’s credo throughout his life. He was destined to demolish the decayed structure of Aristotelian physics with sledgehammer blows of experiment. Vincenzo Galilei, who knew what it was like to be poor, at first tried to make his son into a wool merchant. However, when Galileo began to show unmistakable signs of genius, Vincenzo decided to send him to the University of Pisa, even though this put a great strain on the family’s financial resources.

At the university and at home, Galileo was deliberately kept away from mathematics. Following the wishes of his father, he studied medicine, which was much better paid than mathematics. However, he happened to hear a lecture on Euclid given by Ostilio Ricci, a friend of his father who was Mathematician at the court of the Grand Duke Ferdinand de’ Medici.

Galileo was so struck by the logical beauty and soundness of the lecture that he begged Ricci to lend him some of the works of Euclid. These he devoured in one gulp, and they were followed by the works of Archimedes. Galileo greatly admired Archimedes’ scientific method, and he modeled his own scientific method after it.

After three years at the University of Pisa, Galileo was forced to return home without having obtained a degree. His father had no more money with which to support him, and Galileo was unable to obtain a scholarship, probably because his irreverent questioning of every kind of dogma had made him unpopular with the authorities. However, by this time he had already made his first scientific discovery.

According to tradition, Galileo is supposed to have made this discovery while attending a service at the Cathedral of Pisa. His attention was attracted to a lamp hung from the vault, which the verger had lighted and left swinging. As the swings became smaller, he noticed that they still seemed to take the same amount of time. He checked this by timing the frequency against his pulse. Going home, he continued to experiment with pendula. He found that the frequency of the oscillations is independent of their amplitude, provided that the amplitude is small; and he found that the frequency depends only on the length of the pendulum.

Having timed the swings of a pendulum against his pulse, Galileo reversed the procedure and invented an instrument which physicians could use for timing the pulse of a patient. This instrument consisted of a pendulum whose length could be adjusted until the swings matched the pulse of the patient. The doctor then read the pulse rate from the calibrated length of the pendulum. Galileo’s pulse meter was quickly adopted by physicians throughout Europe. Later, the famous Dutch physicist, Christian Huygens (1629-1695), developed Galileo’s discovery into the pendulum clock as we know it today.

While he was living at home after leaving the University of Pisa, Galileo invented a balance for measuring specific gravity, based on Archimedes’ Principle in hydrostatics.

Through his writings and inventions, particularly through his treatise on the hydrostatic balance, Galileo was becoming well known, and at the age of 26 he was appointed Professor of Mathematics at the University of Pisa. However, neither age nor the dignity of his new title had mellowed him. As a professor, he challenged authority even more fiercely than he had done as a student. He began systematically checking all the dogmas of Aristotle against the results of experiment. Aristotle had asserted that the speed of a falling object increased according to its weight: Thus, according to Aristotle, an object ten times as heavy as another would fall ten times as fast. This idea was based on the common experience of a stone falling faster than a feather. Galileo realized that the issue was being complicated by air resistance. There were really two questions to be answered: 1) How would a body fall in the absence of air? and 2) What is the effect of air resistance? Galileo considered the first question to be the more fundamental of the two, and in order to answer it, he experimented with falling weights made of dense materials, such as iron and lead, for which the effect of air resistance was reduced to a minimum. According to Galileo’s student and biographer, Viviani, Galileo, wishing to refute Aristotle, climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa in the presence of all the other teachers and philosophers and of all the students, and “by repeated experiments proved that the velocity of falling bodies of the same composition, unequal in weight, does not attain the proportion of their weight as Aristotle assigned it to them, but rather that they move with equal velocity.” (Some historians doubt Viviani’s account of this event, since no mention of it appears in other contemporary sources.)

Galileo maintained that, in a vacuum, a feather would fall to the ground like a stone. This experiment was not possible in Galileo’s time, but later it was tried, and Galileo’s prediction was found to be true. Galileo realized that falling bodies gain in speed as they fall, and he wished to find a quantitative law describing this acceleration. However, he had no good method for measuring very small intervals of time. Therefore he decided to study a similar process which was slow enough to measure: He began to study the way in which a ball, rolling down an inclined plane, increases in speed.

Describing these experiments, Galileo wrote:

“..Having placed the board in a sloping position... we rolled the ball along the channel, noting , in a manner presently to be described, the time required to make the descent. We repeated the experiment more than once, in order to measure the time with an accuracy such that the deviation between two observations never exceeded one-tenth of a pulse beat”

“Having performed this operation, and having assured ourselves of its reliability, we now rolled the ball only one quarter of the length of the channel, and having measured the time of its descent, we found it precisely one-half the former. Next we tried other distances, comparing the time for the whole length with that for the half, or with that for twothirds or three-fourths, or indeed any fraction. In such experiments, repeated a full hundred times, we always found that the spaces traversed were to each other as the squares of the times...”

“For the measurement of time, we employed a large vessel of water placed in an elevated position. To the bottom of this vessel was soldered a pipe of small diameter giving a thin jet of water, which we collected in a small glass during the time of each descent... The water thus collected was weighed after each descent on a very accurate balance.

The differences and ratios of these weights gave us the differences and ratios of the times, and with such an accuracy that although the operation was repeated many, many times, there was no appreciable discrepancy in the results”

These experiments pointed to a law of motion for falling bodies which Galileo had already guessed: The acceleration of a falling body is constant; the velocity increases in linear proportion to the time of fall; and the distance traveled increases in proportion to the square of the time.

Extending these ideas and experiments, Galileo found that a projectile has two types of motion superimposed: the uniformly accelerated falling motion just discussed, and, at the same time, a horizontal motion with uniform velocity. He showed that, neglecting air resistance, these two types of motion combine to give the projectile a parabolic trajectory.

Galileo also formulated the principle of inertia, a law of mechanics which states that in the absence of any applied force, a body will continue at rest, or if in motion, it will continue indefinitely in uniform motion. Closely related to this principle of inertia is the principle of relativity formulated by Galileo and later extended by Einstein: Inside a closed room, it is impossible to perform any experiment to determine whether the room is at rest, or whether it is in a state of uniform motion.

For example, an observer inside a railway train can tell whether the train is in motion by looking out of the window, or by the vibrations of the car; but if the windows were covered and the tracks perfectly smooth, there would be no way to tell. An object dropped in a uniformly-moving railway car strikes the floor directly below the point from which it was dropped, just as it would do if the car were standing still.

The Galilean principle of relativity removed one of the objections which had been raised against the Copernican system. The opponents of Copernicus argued that if the earth really were in motion, then a cannon ball, shot straight up in the air, would not fall back on the cannon but would land somewhere else. They also said that the birds and the clouds would be left behind by the motion of the earth. In 1597, Kepler sent Galileo a copy of his Mysterium Cosmographicum.

Galileo read the introduction to the book, which was the first printed support of Copernicus from a professional astronomer, and he replied in a letter to Kepler:

“...I shall read your book to the end, sure of finding much that is excellent in it. I shall do so with the more pleasure because I have for many years been an adherent of the Copernican system, and it explains to me the causes of many of the phenomena of nature which are quite unintelligible on the commonly accepted hypothesis.”

“I have collected many arguments in support of the Copernican system and refuting the opposite view, which I have so far not ventured to make public for fear of sharing the fate of Copernicus himself, who, though he acquired immortal fame with some, is yet to an infinite multitude of others (for such is the number of fools) an object of ridicule and derision. I would certainly publish my reflections at once if more people like you existed; as they don’t, I shall refrain from publishing.” Kepler replied urging Galileo to publish his arguments in favor of the Copernican system:

“...Have faith, Galileo, and come forward! If my guess is right, there are but few among the prominent mathematicians of Europe who would wish to secede from us, for such is the force of truth.” However, Galileo left Kepler’s letter unanswered, and he remained silent concerning the Copernican system.

By this time, Galileo was 33 years old, and he had become Professor of Mathematics at the University of Padua. His Aristotelian enemies at the University of Pisa had succeeded in driving him out, but by the time they did so, his fame had become so great that he was immediately offered a position at three times the salary at Padua.

The move was a very fortunate one for Galileo. Padua was part of the free Venetian Republic, outside the power of the Inquisition, and Galileo spent fifteen happy and productive years there. He kept a large house with a master mechanic and skilled craftsmen to produce his inventions (among which was the thermometer). His lectures were attended by enthusiastic audiences, sometimes as large as two thousand; and he had two daughters and a son with a Venetian girl.

The telescope

In 1609, news reached Galileo that a Dutch optician had combined two spectacle lenses in such a way as to make distant objects seem near. Concerning this event, Galileo wrote:

“A report reached my ears that a certain Fleming had constructed a spyglass by means of which visible objects, though very distant from the eye of the observer, were distinctly seen as if nearby. Of this truly remarkable effect, several experiences were related, to which some persons gave credence while others denied them.”

“A few days later the report was confirmed to me in a letter from (a former pupil) at Paris; which caused me to apply myself wholeheartedly to inquire into the means by which I might arrive at the invention of a similar instrument. This I did shortly afterward through deep study of the theory of refraction.”

“First I prepared a tube of lead at the ends of which I fitted two glass lenses, both plane on one side, while on the other side one was spherically convex and the other concave. Then, placing my eye near the concave lens, I perceived objects satisfactorally large and near, for they appeared three times closer and nine times larger than when seen with the naked eye alone.” “Next I constructed another more accurate instrument, which represented objects as enlarged more than sixty times. Finally, sparing neither labor nor expense, I succeeded in constructing for myself an instrument so excellent that objects seen through it appeared nearly one thousand times larger and over thirty times closer than when regarded with our natural vision.”

Galileo showed one of his early telescopes to his patrons, the Signoria of Venice. Writing of this, Galileo says:

“Many noblemen and senators, though of advanced age, mounted to the top of one of the highest towers to watch the ships, which were visible through my glass two hours before they were seen entering the harbor; for it makes a thing fifty miles off as near and clear as if it were only five.”

The senate asked Galileo whether he would give the city a similar instrument to aid in its defense against attack by sea. When he did this, they immediately doubled his salary, and they confirmed him in his position for life.

After perfecting the telescope as much as he could, Galileo turned it towards the moon, the planets and the stars. He made a series of revolutionary discoveries which he announced in a short booklet called Siderius Nuncius, (The Siderial Messenger). The impact of this booklet was enormous, as can be judged by the report of Sir Henry Wotton, the British Ambassador to Venice:

“Now touching the occurents of the present”, Sir Henry wrote, “I send herewith to His Majesty the strangest piece of news (as I may justly call it) that he has ever yet received from any part of the world; which is the annexed book (come abroad this very day) of the Mathematical Professor at Padua, who by the help of an optical instrument (which both enlargeth and approximateth the object) invented first in Flanders and bettered by himself, hath discovered four new planets rolling around the sphere of Jupiter, besides many other unknown fixed stars; likewise the true cause of the Via Lactae (Milky Way), so long searched; and lastly that the moon is not spherical but endued with many prominences, and, which is strangest of all, illuminated with the solar light by reflection from the body of the earth, as he seemeth to say. So as upon the whole subject, he hath overthrown all former astronomy..” “These things I have been so bold to discourse unto your Lordship, whereof here all corners are full. And the author runneth a fortune to be either exceeding famous or exceeding ridiculous. By the next ship your Lordship shall receive from me one of the above instruments, as it is bettered by this man.”

Wherever Galileo turned his powerful telescope, he saw myriads of new stars, so utterly outnumbering the previously known stars that mankind’s presumption to know anything at all about the universe suddenly seemed pitiful. The Milky Way now appeared as a sea of stars so numerous that Galileo despaired of describing them in detail. The vastness of the universe as postulated by Nicolas Copernicus and Gordiano Bruno (one ridiculed and the other burned alive) was now brought directly to Galileo’s senses. In fact, everywhere he looked he saw evidence supporting the Copernican system and refuting Aristotle and Ptolemy.

The four moons of Jupiter, which Galileo had discovered, followed the planet in its motion, thus refuting the argument that if the earth revolved around the sun, the moon would not be able to revolve around the earth. Also, Jupiter with its moons formed a sort of Copernican system in miniature, with the massive planet in the center and the four small moons circling it, the speed of the moons decreasing according to their distance from Jupiter.

Galileo discovered that the planet Venus has phase changes like the moon, and that these phase changes are accompanied by changes in the apparent size of the planet. Copernicus had predicted that if the power of human vision could be improved, exactly these changes in the appearance of Venus would be observed. Galileo’s observations proved that Venus moves in an orbit around the sun: When it is on the opposite side of the sun from the earth, it appears small and full; when it lies between the earth and the sun, it is large and crescent.

Galileo also observed mountains on the moon. He measured their height by observing the way in which sunlight touches their peaks just before the lunar dawn, and he found some of the peaks to be several miles high. This disproved the Aristotelian doctrine that the moon is a perfect sphere, and it established a point of similarity between the moon and the earth.

Galileo observed that the dark portion of the moon is faintly illuminated, and he asserted that this is due to light reflected from the earth, another point of similarity between the two bodies. Generally speaking, the impression which Galileo gained from his study of the moon is that it is a body more or less like the earth, and that probably the same laws of physics apply on the moon as on the earth. All these observations strongly supported the Copernican system, although the final rivet in the argument, the observation of stellar parallax, remained missing until the 19th century. Although he did not possess this absolutely decisive piece of evidence, Galileo thought that he had a strong enough basis to begin to be more open in teaching the Copernican system. His booklet, Siderius Nuncius had lifted him to an entirely new order of fame. He had seen what no man had ever seen before, and had discovered new worlds. His name was on everyone’s lips, and he was often compared to Colombus.

Still it moves!

In 1610, Galileo left Padua to take up a new post as Mathematician to the court of the Medicis in Florence; and in the spring of 1611, he made a triumphal visit to Rome. Describing this visit, Cardinal del Monte wrote: “If we were living under the ancient Republic of Rome, I really believe that there would have been a column on the Capital erected in Galileo’s honor!” The Pope received Galileo in a friendly audience, and Prince Cesi made him a member of the Adademia dei Lincei. The Jesuit astronomers were particularly friendly to Galileo. They verified his observations and also improved some of them. However, Galileo made many enemies, especially among the entrenched Aristotelian professors in the universities. He enjoyed controversy (and publicity), and he could not resist making fools of his opponents in such a way that they often became bitter personal enemies.

Not only did Galileo’s law describing the acceleration of falling bodies contradict Aristotle, but his principle of inertia contradicted the Aristotelian dogma, omne quod movetur ab alio movetur - whatever moves must be moved by something else. (The Aristotelians believed that each planet is moved by an angel.) Galileo also denied Aristotle’s teaching that generation and decay are confined to the sphere beneath the orbit of the moon.

Although Galileo was at first befriended and honored by the Je- suit astronomers, he soon made enemies of the members of that order through a controversy over priority in the discovery of sunspots. In spite of this controversy, Galileo’s pamphlet on sunspots won great acclaim; and Cardinal Maffeo Barberini (who later became Pope Urban VIII) wrote to Galileo warmly praising the booklet.

In 1613, the Medicis gave a dinner party and invited Professor Castelli, one of Galileo’s students who had become Professor of Mathematics at Pisa. After dinner, the conversation turned to Galileo’s discoveries, and the Grand Duchess Christina, mother of Duke Cosimo de’ Medici, asked Castelli his opinion about whether the motion of the earth contradicted the Bible.

When this conversation was reported to Galileo, his response was to publish a pamphlet entitled Letter to Castelli, which was later expanded into a larger pamphlet called Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina. These pamphlets, which were very widely circulated, contain the following passage:

“...Let us grant, then, that Theology is conversant with the loftiest divine contemplation, and occupies the regal throne among the sciences by this dignity. By acquiring the highest authority in this way, if she does not descend to the lower and humbler speculations of the subordinate sciences, and has no regard for them because they are not concerned with blessedness, then her professors should not arrogate to themselves the authority to decide on controversies in professions which they have neither studied nor practiced. Why this would be as if an absolute despot, being neither a physician nor an architect, but knowing himself free to command, should undertake to administer medicines and erect buildings according to his whim, at the grave peril of his poor patients’ lives, and the speedy collapse of his edifices...”

Galileo’s purpose in publishing these pamphlets was to overcome the theological objections to the Copernican system. The effect was exactly the opposite. The Letter to Castelli was brought to the attention of the Inquisition, and in 1616 the Inquisition prohibited everyone, especially Galileo, from holding or defending the view that the earth turns on its axis and moves in an orbit around the sun.

Galileo was silenced, at least for the moment. For the next eighteen years he lived unmolested, pursuing his scientific research. For example, continuing his work in optics, he constructed a compound microscope.

In 1623, marvelous news arrived: Cardinal Maffio Barberini had been elected Pope. He was a great intellectual, and also Galileo’s close friend. Galileo went to Rome to pay his respects to the new Pope, and he was received with much warmth. He had six long audiences with the Pope, who showered him with praise and gifts. The new Pope refused to revoke the Inquisition’s decree of 1616, but Galileo left Rome with the impression that he was free to discuss the Copernican system, provided he stayed away from theological arguments.

Galileo judged that the time was right to bring forward his evidence for the Copernican cosmology; and he began working on a book which was to be written in the form of a Platonic dialogue. The characters in the conversation are Salivati, a Copernican philosopher, Sagredo, a neutral but intelligent layman, and Simplicio, a slightly stupid Aristotelian, who always ends by losing the arguments.

The book, which Galileo called Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems, is a strong and only very thinly veiled argument in favor of the Copernican system. When it was published in 1632, the reaction was dramatic. Galileo’s book was banned almost immediately, and the censor who had allowed it to be printed was banished in disgrace. When the agents of the Inquisition arrived at the bookstores to confiscate copies of the Dialogue, they found that the edition had been completely sold out.

The Pope was furious. He felt that he had been betrayed. Galileo’s enemies had apparently convinced the Pope that the character called Simplicio in the book was a caricature of the Pope himself! Galileo, who was seventy years old and seriously ill, was dragged to Rome and threatened with torture. His daughter, Maria Celeste, imposed severe penances and fasting on herself, thinking that these would help her prayers for her father. However, her health was weak, and she became ill.

Meanwhile, Galileo, under threat of torture, had renounced his advocacy of the motion of the earth. According to tradition, as he rose from his knees after the recantation he muttered “Eppur si muove!”, (“Still it moves!”) It is unlikely that he muttered anything of the kind, since it would have been fatally dangerous to do so, and since at that moment, Galileo was a broken man. Nevertheless, the retort which posterity has imagined him to make remains unanswerable. As Galileo said, before his spirit was broken by the Inquisition, “...It is not in the power of any creature to make (these ideas) true or false or otherwise than of their own nature and in fact they are.”

Galileo was allowed to visit the bedside of his daughter, Marie Celeste, but in her weak condition, the anxiety of Galileo’s ordeal had been too much for her. Soon afterward, she died. Galileo was now a prisoner of the Inquisition. He used his time to write a book on his lifelong work on dynamics and on the strength of material structures. The manuscript of this book, entitled Two New Sciences, was smuggled out of Italy and published in Holland.

When Galileo became blind, the Inquisition relaxed the rules of his imprisonment, and he was allowed to have visitors. Many people came to see him, including John Milton, who was then 29 years old. One wonders whether Milton, meeting Galileo, had any premonition of his own fate. Galileo was already blind, while Milton was destined to become so. The two men had another point in common: their eloquent use of language. Galileo was a many-sided person, an accomplished musician and artist as well as a great scientist. The impact of his ideas was enhanced by his eloquence as a speaker and a writer. This can be seen from the following passage, taken from Galileo’s Dialogue, where Sagredo comments on the Platonic dualism between heavenly perfection and earthly corruption:

“...I cannot without great wonder, nay more, disbelief, hear it being attributed to natural bodies as a great honor and perfection that they are impassable, immutable, inalterable, etc.; as, conversely, I hear it esteemed a great imperfection to be alterable, generable and mutable. It is my opinion that the earth is very noble and admirable by reason of the many different alterations, mutations and generations which incessantly occur in it. And if, without being subject to any alteration, it had been one vast heap of sand, or a mass of jade, or if, since the time of the deluge, the waters freezing that covered it, it had continued an immense globe of crystal, whereon nothing had ever grown, altered or changed, I should have esteemed it a wretched lump of no benefit to the Universe, a mass of idleness, and in a word, superfluous, exactly as if it had never been in Nature. The difference for me would be the same as between a living and a dead creature.” “I say the same concerning the moon, Jupiter and all the other globes of the Universe. The more I delve into the consideration of the vanity of popular discourses, the more empty and simple I find them. What greater folly can be imagined than to call gems, silver and gold noble, and earth and dirt base? For do not these persons consider that if there were as great a scarcity of earth as there is of jewels and precious metals, there would be no king who would not gladly give a heap of diamonds and rubies and many ingots of gold to purchase only so much earth as would suffice to plant a jasmine in a little pot or to set a tangerine in it, that he might see it sprout, grow up, and bring forth such goodly leaves, fragrant flowers and delicate fruit?” The trial of Galileo cast a chill over the intellectual atmosphere of southern Europe, and it marked the end of the Italian Renaissance. However, the Renaissance had been moving northward, and had produced such figures as D¨urer and Gutenberg in Germany, Erasmus and Rembrandt in Holland, and Shakespeare in England. In 1642, the same year during which Galileo died in Italy, Isaac Newton was born in England.


Suggestions for further reading

1. Joseph C. Pitt, Galileo, Human Knowledge and the Book of Nature; Method Replaces Metaphysics, Kluwer, Dordrecht, (1992).
2. Michael Segre, In the Wake of Galileo, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, N.J., (1991).
3. Stillman Drake, Galileo, Pioneer Scientist, Toronnto University Press, (1990).
4. Silvio A. Bedini, The Pulse of Time; Galileo Galilei, the Determination of Longitude and the Pendulum Clock, Olschki, Fierenze, (1991).
5. Stillman Drake et al., Nature, Experiment and the Sciences; Essays on Galileo and the History of Science, Kluwer, Dordrecht, (1990).
6. Pietro Redondi, Galileo Heretic, Princeton University Press, (1987).
7. William A. Wallace, Galileo and his Sources; The Heritage of the Collegio Romani in Galileo’s Science, Princeton University Press, (1984).
8. William A.Wallace, Prelude to Galileo, Reidel, Dordrecht, (1981).
9. Stillman Drake, Telescopes, Tides nad Tactics; a Galilean Dialogue about the Starry Messinger and Systems of the World, University of Chicago Press, (1980).
10. Stillman Drake, Galileo, Oxford University Press, (1980).
11. K.J.J. Hintikka et al. editors, Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science, Reidel, Dordrecht, (1981).


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