The Danish Peace Academy

Peace in print, Bibliographies. Records 38-154 of 1888.

(Including review magazines).

Bibliographies over bibliographies

  1. Peace and War : A Guide to Bibliographies / Bernici Caroll ... [et al.]
    - Santa Barbara : ABC-Clio, 1983. pp. (War/Peace Bibliography Series ; 16).

Bibliographies over single subjects

  1. 35 godini organizirano dvizhenie za mir v Plovdiv i Plovdivski okrug 1950--1985 : bibliografski ukazatel / Radka Koleva ; editor : Iokhan Lautliev. - Plovdiv : [s.n.], 1985. - 45 pp. RUS.

  2. The American Peace Movement : References and Resources / Charles F. Howlett. - Boston : G.K. Hall, 1991. - 300 pp.

  3. Annotated bibliography of Mennonite writings on war and peace : 1930-1980 / Willard M. Swartley ; Cornelius J. Dyck (editors.). - Scottdale : Herald, 1987. - 740 pp. - ISBN 0-8361-1292-X

  4. Arkin, William M.: Research Guide to Current Military and Strategic Affairs.
    - Washington : Institute for Policy Studies, 1981. - 232 pp. *.

  5. Atkins : Stephen E.: Arms Control and Disarmament, Defense and Military, International Security, and Peace : An Annotated Guide to Sources, 1980-1987.
    - Santa Barbara, CA. : ABC-Clio, 1989.
    - 411 pp. (Arms control, disarmament, defence policy, international politics, security policy, peace, bibliography).

  6. Avhandlinger og hovedopgaver i historie og statsvitenskap om militære og militærpolitiske emner / Egil Grønstad. - Oslo : PRIO., 1977. - 8 pp. * NOR. (PRIO-publikasjon ; P-5/77).

  7. Bajer, Frederik : Danske og Norske Småskrifter om Fredssagen.
    - Copenhagen : Dansk Fredsforening, 1891. - 7 pp. *. DAN.

  8. Baretta, Joseph Preston : Strengthening the United Nations : A Bibliography on U. N. reform and World Federalism.
    - New York : Greenwood, 1987. - 351 pp.

  9. Bibliographie Theologie und Frieden / Institut für Theologie und Frieden.
    - Köln : Bachem, 1984. 2 Vol. pp. GER.

  10. Bibliography : Non-Offensive Defence : International Research Newsletter, NOD / Bjørn Møller.
    - Copenhagen : Center of Peace and Conflict Research, 1988. - 129 pp. *.

  11. Bibliography on Arms Control Verifi-cation / David Schivenrer ; Michael Sheeham.
    - Aldershot : Dartmouth, 1990. - 161 pp.

  12. Bibliography of International Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflicts / International Committee of the Red Cross & Henry Dumant Institute. - Geneva : International Committee of the Red Cross & Henry Dumant Institute, 1987. - 605 pp. * (Second edition ; revised and updated). (6.640 numbers covering : General studies, codification of international humanitarian law, international armed conflicts, implemention of international humanitarian law and neutrality in times of war).

  13. Bibliography on International Relations : Literature published in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden 1945-1960 / Mauri K. Elovainio ; Rauno Lehtinen. - Stockholm : Utenrikspolitiske Instituttet, 1973. - 200 pp. *.

  14. Bibliography on Peace Research in History / edited by : Blance Wiesen Cook.
    - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 1969. - 70 pp. *. (Covers : Manuscripts Sources, Bibliographical Aids and Organizations Providing Material for the Peace Researcher, Journals of Peace Research and Related Subjects, Church History and Religious Pacifism, Works on Pacifism, Anti-Militarism and Non-Violence, Works on Arbitration, Internationalism and World Law, Histories of Peace Organizations, Autobiographies, Memoirs and Biographical Studies of Leaders in the Movement for Peace, The Politics and Propaganda of Peace and War, Contemporary Peacekeeping Operations and Studies in Disarmament, Works on Vietnam : A Select List)

  15. Bibliography on World Conflict and Peace / Elsie Boulding ... [et al.]
    - New York : Westview, 1979. - 150 pp.

  16. Bjerstedt, Åke : Peace Education : A selective Bibliography.
    - Malmö ; Lund : Lärarhögskolan i Malmö / School of Education ; Lunds Universitet, 1985. - 38 pp. (Pedagogisk dokumentation ; 78).

  17. Bjerstedt, Åke : Peace Education : A selective Bibliography focusing on the 1980's. - Malmö ; Lund : Lärarhögskolan i Malmö / School of Education ; Lunds Universitet, 1989. - 59 pp. (Pedagogisk dokumentation ; 96).

  18. Bjerstedt, Åke : Peace Education articles : A selective bibliography with focus on materials in English, German and the Scandinavian languages. - Malmö : Lärarhögskolan i Malmö / School of Education, 1995. - 26 pp.

  19. Bjerstedt, Åke : Peace Education books : A selective bibliography with focus on materials in English, German and the Scandinavian languages. - Malmö : Lärarhögskolan i Malmö / School of Education, 1995. - 33 pp.

  20. Boulery, Catherine: Bibliography on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes.
    - Geneva : Henry Dunant Institute, 1990. - 276 pp.

  21. Brauch, Hans Günter : Survey of Recent and on-going Research in the Social and Human Science on Disarmament : Both within the United Nations System and in other relevant Scientific Research Institutions. - Stuttgart : Peace Research and European Security Studies; University of Stuttgart, 1988. - 142 pp. *. (Research guide and bibliography of the development of the international peace research with the main emphasis on the research since 1975).

  22. British Writing on Disarmament from 1914 to 1978 : A Bibliography / Lorna Lloyd ; Nicholas A. Sims.
    - London ; New York : Frances Pinter ; Nichols Publishing Co., 1979. - 170 pp. ; 22 cm. *. - ISBN 0-89397-052-2 (Mostly conserned with the foreign relations of Great Britain).

  23. Burns, Grant : The Atomic Papers : A citizen's Guide to selected Books and articles on the Bomb, the Arms Race, Nuclear Power, the Peace Movement, and Related issues. - Metuchen : Scarecrow Press, 1984. - xiv, 309 pp.

  24. Canada and International Security 1985-1989 : A Bibliography = Le Canada, la paix et la sécurité internales : Une bibliographie 1985-1989.
    - Ottawa : Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security, 1990. - 434 pp. * ; FRE. (annual publishing since 1985). (Focussing primarily on arms control, disarmament, defence and conflict resolution, this bibliography aims to increase access to Canadian information on international peace and security issues. Includes periodical articles, government documents, conference papers, organizational newsletters and speeches).

  25. The Committee on Un-American Activities:
    Cumulative index to publications of the Committee on Un-American Activities, 1938-1954
    - Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1962. - pp.

  26. Index II to publications of Special Committee on Un-American Activities
    (Dies Committee) and the Committee on Un-American Activities, 1942-1947 inclusive : supplement to 1942 index (1948)

  27. Supplement to cumulative index to publications of the Committee on Un-American Activities :
    1955 through 1960 (84th, 85th, and 86th Congress) (1961)

  28. CSCE : From Idea to Institution : A Bibliography / Henrik Holtermann (editor).
    - Copenhagen : The Danish Institute of International Studies ; Jurist- og økonom-forbundets forlag, 1993. - 324 pp. ; 23 cm. *. - ISBN 87-574-3017-9

  29. Conscription : A Select and Annotated Bibliography / Martin Anderson (editor).
    - ?: Hoover Institution Press, 1976. - 490 pp.

  30. Conscription Militaire 1798-1801 : Militaire dienstplicht van 1798 tot 1814 en de uitwerkking hierwan in die gemeente Geulle / A. M. A. Maaseb. Geulle : Stictung ect, 1985. - 206 pp. : ill. NL.

  31. Cook, Earleen H : The Peace and Nuclear Freeze Movements.
    - Monticello, ?? : ill. : Vance Bibliographies, 1984. - 50 pp.

  32. Documentation on a World Authority / Beatrice Albrektsen ; Gerd-Liv Valla.
    - Oslo : The Nordic Working Group for a World Constitution, 1973. - 69 pp. *.

  33. Documents à la BVCF (La Chaux-de-Fonds / Documentation du Centre pour l'action non-violente.
    - Lausanne : Centre pour l'action non-violente (CENAC) anciennement Centre Martin Luther King. 2006. - 583 pp. *. FRE.
    Non violence.

  34. Documents au CENAC (Lausanne)
    - Lausanne : Centre pour l'action non-violente (CENAC) anciennement Centre Martin Luther King. 2008. - 558 pp. *. FRE. Non violence.

  35. Documents of International Organizations : A Bibliographic Handbook covering the United Nations and other Intergovernmental Organizations / compiled and edited by : Th. D. Dimitrov. - London : International University Publications, 1973. - xv, 301 pp.

  36. Eiss, Harry Edwin : Literature for young People on War and Peace : An annotated Bibliography.
    - New York : Greenwood Press, 1989. - 131 pp (Bibliographies and indexes in world literature ; 24).

  37. Elizabethtown College's Peace Pamphlet Collection.
    2008. *.

  38. Encyclopedia of the US Military / William M. Arkin ... [et al.]
    - New York : Harper & Row, 1990. - 864 pp. : ill. ; 30 cm.*.

  39. The (English) Digger Writings : A chronological index to the publications of Gerrard Winstanley and the Diggers, 1648-1652.
    Se also:

  40. First Steps to Peace / The Joel Brooke Memorial Committee of The Fund for Peace.
    - New York : The Fund for Peace, 1986. - 69 pp. : ill. *.

  41. FN-Publikasjoner : Kurs ved Nobelinstituttets bibliotek 8.- 10. oktober 1970 / recorded by : Björg Löken ; Elisabeth Mellbye. - Oslo : Norske Forskningsbibliotekares Forening ; Nordisk Vitenskapelig Bib-liotekarforbund, 1971. - 64 pp. * NOR. (A research librarian conference about the classification system of the United Nations publications which includes a general intro-duction to the organization and a bibliography over the United Nations publications).

  42. Fontaine, Henri la: Bibliographie de la paix et de l'arbitage internationale : Tome Premier : Mouvement Pacififique = Bibliography of Peace and International Arbitration = Vol. 1. : Peace Movement. - Monaco : Institute de la Paix, Monaco, 1904. - 280 pp. FRE. (Publ. de le Institut International de la Paix ; 1).

  43. Fontaine, H(enri) la: Essai de bibliographie de la paix.
    - Bruxelles : Imprimerie Th. Lombarts, 1891. - 25 pp. * FRE.

  44. Freden og krigen : En materialeliste og anden pædagogisk hjælp / Frank Krøyer ; Søren Kappel Schmidt. - Copenhagen : NTA., 1986. - 61 pp. * DAN. (Peace education, war).

  45. Freds- och konlfiktforskning i Lund 1963-1988 / Jan Øberg.
    - Lund : LUPRI., 1988. - 96 pp. : ill. * SWE.

  46. Fredskatalog : Liten utgave [sic] / Tord Høivik.
    - Oslo : PRIO., 1984. - 100 pp. ; 30 cm. * NOR.

  47. Fredskatalog : Dokumentasjon om krig og fred / Tord Høivik ; Åsmund Stenseth.
    - Oslo : PRIO., 1982. - 68 pp. ; 30 cm. * NOR.

  48. Friedensforschung in der DDR : Ergebnisse der 80er Jahre / Dr. G. Voigt ... [et al.]
    - Berlin : Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR. ; Wissenschaftlischer Rat für Friedensforschung; Zentrum für gesellschaftswissenschaftlische Information, 1988. - 195 pp. *. (Bibliographia ; 1988). GER. (Peace research in East Germany).

  49. The Garland Library of War and Peace : A Collection of 327 Titles bound in 328 volumes / edited by : Blance Cook ; Charles Chatfield ; Sandi Cooper; with an Introduction by Merle Curti.
    - New York : Garland Publ., 1971. - 136 pp. : ill. *.

  50. Gleditsch, Nils Petter: Hvor finnes det? : Amerikanske systematiske informasjonskilder om politikk og forskning.
    - Oslo : PRIO., 1977. - 91 pp. * NOR. (PRIO-publikasjon : p1977 ; 1). (Norwegian research guide similar to Arkin. No. 37).

  51. Graham, Mildred F. : United Nations Affairs and Charter Review : A Selected Bibliography : Official and Nonofficial sources, May 1954. - New York : The Church Peace Union, 1954. - 25 pp. * (Conference Group of U. S. National Organizations on the United Nations, Bureau of Information).

  52. Guerre, Paix et Desarmement : Bibliographie Thematique en Langue Francaise / Erik Poole ; Annie Bourret.
    - Quebec : Les Presses de l'Universite Laval, 1990. - pp. FRE.

  53. Gymnasielærere for fred : Materialebanken : En oversigt : Undervisningsforløb, tidsskriftliste, videobånd m. m.. - Odense : Gymnasielærere for fred, 1986. - 15 pp. * DAN. (Peace Education).

  54. Hessische Stiftung Friedens und Konfliktforschung : Publikationen 1971-1986 Gesamtverzeichnis / edited by : Reinar Steinweg ...[et al.]
    - Frankfurt am Main : Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, [1986]. - 201 pp. GER.

  55. Die deutsche Friedensbewegung 1914/18 bis 1933 : Eine Auswahlbibliographie.
    - Essen, Klartext, 1994 pp 730-747. In: Jahresbibliographie Bibliothek für Zeithgeschicte 1992.

  56. Holtermann, Henrik : Danish Foreign Policy : Literature in Languages other than Danish, 1979-1986. - Copenhagen : The Danish Institute of International Studies ; The Association of Danish Lawyers and Economists Publishing Departmentm 1988. -109 pp. *.

  57. Housmans Armsrace and Disarmament Booklist 1984 / .
    - London : Housmans, 1984. - 38 pp. *.
    - ISBN 0-85283-211-7
    (Selected keywords: Weapons ; Nuclear Weapons ; Chemical Weapons ; Strategic Doctrine ; Civil Defence ; Effects of Nuclear Weapons ; Cold War History ; Cold War USSR ; Cold War NATO ; Facts & Figures ; Disarmament ; Peace Action History & Movements).

  58. Jones, Peter Leslie : Peacekeeping : An annotated Bibliography.
    - Kingston : Frye, 1989. - xl, 152 pp.

  59. Just, Karsten : Atomkatastrofer : En bogliste fra biblioteket.
    - Ballerup : Bibliotekscentralen, 1985. - 8 pp. * DAN.

  60. Kekäle, Petri : Suomen turvallisuus-polittinen bibliografia : Vuosina 1981-87 ilmestyneet kirjat ja artikkelit.
    - Helsinki : Maanpuolustiedotuksen suunittlelukunta, 1989. - 130 pp. * FIN. ; SWE.(Bibliography on security policy published in Finland : Books and articles published in 1981-1987).

  61. Krieg und Frieden : Eine kommentierte Auswahlbibliographie.
    Vol. 1 : Bellestristik.
    - Schriesheim : Verlag und Antiquariat Frank Albrect, 1988. - 118 pp. : ill. * GER.

  62. Krieg und Frieden : Eine kommentierte Auswahlbibliographie.
    Vol. 2 : Der Friedensbewegung.
    - Schriesheim : Versandsantiquariat Frank Albert, 1989. - 136 pp. : ill. GER.

  63. Krieg und Frieden : Eine kommentierte Auswahlbibliographie.
    Vol. 3 : Pazifismus und Militarismus im 20. Jahrhundret : Die Kriege
    - Schriesheim : Versandsantiquariat Frank Albert, 1990. - 162 pp. : ill. GER.

  64. Københavns Bogcafè : Katalog 80.
    - Copenhagen : Københavns Bogcafè. 1980. - 251 pp. : ill. * DAN.

  65. Københavns Bogcafè : Katalog 1985.
    - Copenhagen : Københavns Bogcafè, 1985. - 287 pp. : ill. * DAN. (These catalogues covers some 22.000 books of the alternative press from all over the world. Among the topics are international security).

  66. Københavns Bogcafè : Katalog 1985 : Registre.
    - Copenhagen : Københavns Bogcafè, 1986. - 72 pp. : ill. * DAN.

  67. Larson, Arthur D. : National Security Affairs : A guide to Information Sources.
    - Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Company, 1973. - 411 pp. (Management Information Guide ;27). (USA, security policy, international politics, peace research, peace keeping, arms control, disarmament, foreign politics, conflict, conflict resolution, war, strategy, defence policy, domestic politics, military history, military science).

  68. Leine, Odvar : Sikkerhets- og freds-forskning 1970-1981 : Bibliografi over vitenskabelig og populariseret materiale i Norge og Norden, med en oversikt over internasjonale referansverk. - Oslo : Hovedkomiteen for norsk forskning, 1982. - 253 pp. * NOR. (Vedlegg 1 til innstilningen "Forskning for sijkkerhet og fred").

  69. Lists of Publications of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
    - Washington D. C. : American Association for International Conciliation, nd. pp.

  70. Litteratur om oprustning og udvikling / Kirsten Bruun ; Sørern Møller Chri-stensen.
    - Copenhagen : Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, 1983. - 72 pp. * DAN.

  71. Litteraturliste : Atombomben, mennesket og fremtiden.
    - [Copenhagen?] : Kam-pagnen mod Atomvåben, [1960?] - 3 pp. * DAN. (CND).

  72. Livonen, Mirja : Bibliografinen katsaus 1980-luvun alun suoma laissen ja suomessa julkaistuun Rauhanliikirjallisu-teen. - Helsinki : Rauhan- ja konfliktin-tutkimuslaitos, 1986. - 67 pp. * FIN. ; SWE. (A Bibliographic overview of Peace Movement literature in the beginning of the 1980s. Finnish publications and publications published in Finland).

  73. Madsen, Finn : Litteratur om sikkerhedspolitik : En kommenteret bibliografi over udvalgte danske og internationale sikkerhedspolitiske udgivelser.
    - Søllested : Lee, 1988. - 192 pp. : ill. * DAN.

  74. Mellbye, Elisabeth : Internasjonale Organisasjoner og deres publikationer : En orientering for bibliotekarer. - Oslo : Det norske Nobelinstitut, 1951. - 28 pp. * NOR. (Research guide to the publications of international organizations, including : The League of Nations, United Nations and UNESCO).

  75. Moïse, Edwin E.: Iraq Wars Bibliography.

  76. Moïse, Edwin E. : Vietnam War Bibliography.
    ('This is primarily a bibliography of books, but a moderate number of articles are listed. I have made a special effort to list articles for which the full texts are available online.')

  77. Musto, Ronald G.: The Peace Tradition in the Catholic Church : An Annotated Bibliography.
    - New York : Garland Publishing, 1987. - xxix, 590 pp.

  78. Nansensgade Antikvariat : Kultur og politik 1920-1940.
    - Copenhagen : Nansensgade Antikvariat, 1988. - 30 pp. : ill. * DAN. (Bogliste ; 28).

  79. Nevald, Anna-Lisa : Dansk Sikkerhedspolitisk Bibliografi 1945-1983.
    - Copenhagen : Schultz ; Det udenrigspolitiske Selskab, 1983. - 133 pp. * DAN.

  80. Nobels Fredspris : En bibliografi = The Nobel Peace Prize : A bibliography / Elsa Skaprud.
    - Oslo : Nobelinstituttets Bibliotek, 1976. - 5 pp. ; 30 cm. * NOR.

  81. Nonviolence and Peacemaking.
    - London : WRI., 1965. - 35 pp.

  82. Nonviolent action : A research guide / Ronald McCarty ; Gene Sharp ; Brad Bennett ; Albert Einstein Institution (publ.).
    - New York : Garland, 1997. - 720 pp. - ISBN 0-8153-1577-5

  83. Nonviolent Action : A selected Bibliography / April Carter ; David Hoggett ; Adam Roberts.
    - London : Housmans, 1966 ; 1970. - 48 ; 83 pp.*. See also People Power and Protest Since 1945.

  84. Nonviolent Action: State of the Literature. / : Lennart Bergfeldt.
    - Uppsala : Uppsala University, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, 1979. - 55 pp.*.

  85. Pacifism : A selected Bibliography / Compiled by John Hyatt.
    - London : Housmans, 1972. - 52 pp.*.

  86. Peace : Abstracts of the Psychological and Behavioral Literature 1967-1990 / editors Herbert H. Blumberg ; Christopher C. French.
    - Washington DC : American Psychological Association, © 1992. - 229 pp. ; 30 cm. *. - ISBN 1-55798-137-X (Bibliographies in Psychology ; 10). (Contains 1.472 titles and citations to journal and dissertation literature, books and books chapters. Drawn from PsycINFO® and entries extracted from PsycBooks and bibliographies). (Among the topics are : Aggression, Its Nature and Effects, Conflict Resolution, Education and Peace Studies, Feminist Aspects of Peace, General (but Specifically Psychological) Contributions, International Relations, Psychodynamic Aspects : Mental Health; Anxiety and Related Concepts).

  87. Peace and Security Bookshelf (bibliography).
    - Ottawa : Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security, 1991. - 22 pp. *.

  88. Peace and World Order Studies : A Curriculum Guide. / Senior Editorial Committee Gordon Feller ... [et al.]
    - New York : Institute for World Order ; Transnational Academic Program, 1981. - 386 pp. *. (Research guide and Bibliography).

  89. Peace and World Order Studies : A Curriculum Guide : 4th edition.
    - New York : World Policy Institute, nd. - 741 pp. (Geopolitics, international politics, world order, nonviolence, conflict resolution, sociology, environment, energy, militarism, arms race, international law, human rights, political economy, Third World, religion, minorities, futurology, peace education).

  90. Peace and World Order Systems : Teaching and Research / edited by : Paul Wehr ; Michael Washburn.
    - London : Sage, 1976. - 255 pp. *. (Sage Library of Social Research ; 25). (Research guide and Bibliography).

  91. Peace Movement Organizations and Activists in the U.S. : An Analytic Bibliography / John Lofland ; Victoria L. Johnson ; Pamela Kato.
    - New York : Haworth, 1991. - 141 pp. - ISBN 1-56024-075-X

  92. A Peace of the Action : An Annotated Bibliography and Teachers Guide on Peace Education / edited by : Damien Carey ... [et al.]
    - Collingwood : Friends of the Earth, 1987. - 172 pp. : ill. *. - ISBN 0-909313-34-2 (The Topics covered in this volume includes : peace and disarmament, the nuclear industry, taking action for change, human rights and social justice and peace education).

  93. A Peace Reader : Essential readings on war, justice, nonviolence, and world order / edited by : Joseph Fahey ; Richard Armstrong. - New York : Paulist Press, 1987. - viii, 477 pp.

  94. Peace Research Abstracts Journal. 1964-. / editors : Allan Newcombe ; Hanna Newcombe.
    - Dundas : Peace Research Institute, Dundas. Canada, - pp. * (Monthly). Covers some 500 summaries on peace, the military situation, limitations of arms, tensions and conflicts, ideology and issues, international institutions and regional alliances, nations and national policies, pairs of countries, crisis areas, international law, economics and diplomacy and decision making and communication).

  95. Peace Resource Book : A Comprehensive Guide to Issues, Groups and Literature / Elizabeth Bernstein ... [et al.]
    - Cambridge : Ballinger, 1986. - 416 pp.

  96. People Power and Protest Since 1945: A Bibliography of Nonviolent Action / Compiled by April Carter, Howard Clark and Michael Randle - London : Housmans Bookshop, 2006. - 209 pp. *.

  97. Supplement to People Power and Protest since 1945: A Bibliography of Nonviolent Action.
    - London : Housmans Bookshop, 2007. - 16 pp. *.

  98. The Quaker Testimony for Peace: Bibliographical Resources.
    Swarthmore College Peace Collection ; Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College.

  99. Quaker Tracts : A Collection of 109 Pamphlets in 16 Volumes.
    List Arranged by Volume.
    Compiled by Melinda K. Hayes, Librarian.
    Specialized Libraries & Archival Collections; University of Southern California.

  100. Rauhankasvatuskirjallisuudden Bibliographia / Sinikka Lehtînen ; Unto Vesa.
    - Helsinki : Rauhan- ja konfliktintutkimuslaitos, 1981. - 62 pp. * FIN. ; SWE.
    (Bibliography on Finnish Peace Education Literature).

  101. Resource Manual for a Living Revolution / Virginia Coover ... [et al.]
    - Philadelphia : New Society Publishers, 19?? - 330 pp. *.

  102. Reichel, Karl Ferdinand : Die Pazifistische Presse : Eine Übersicht über die in deutscher Sprache im In- und Ausland bis 1935 veröffenlichten pazifistichen Zeitschriften und Zeitungen.
    - Würzburg : Konrad Trilsch Verlag, 1938. - 96 pp. * GER. (Zeitung und Leben : Schriftenreihe published by : univ.-Prof. Dr. Karl d'Ester, Direktor des Instituts für Zeitungswissenschaft an der Universität München ; 61).

  103. Roberts, Nancy L. : American Peace Writers, Editors, and Periodicals : A Dictionary.
    - New York : Greenwood Press, 1991. pp.

  104. Rüstungsbegrenzung und Abrüstung : Auswahlbibliographie / Christian Filla.
    - Berlin : Institut für Internationale Politik und Wirtschaft der DDR, 1988. - 175 pp. * GER.
    (Bibliographien zur Imperialismusforschung ; 26).

  105. Saunders, Malcolm : A Bibliography of Books, Articles, and Theses on the History of the Australian Peace Movements Addendum 1.
    - Canberra : Research School of Pacific Studies, 1988. - 53 pp. * (Australian National University, Peace Research Centre, Working Paper ; 57).

  106. Surviving the Nuclear Age : A Bibliography on Nuclear Weapons, Arms Control and Disarmament 1987 Update / compiled and edited by : Ron Purver ; Jutta Paczulle.
    - Ottawa : Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security, 1990. - 279 pp. *.

  107. Smith, Joseph: A descriptive catalogue of Friends' books : or books written by members of the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, from their first rise to the present time, interspered with critical remarks and occasional biographical notices, I-II (1867). - 1052+1006 pp. *.
    - , og

  108. Smith, Joseph: Supplement to a descriptive catalogue of Friends' books, or books written by members of the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, from their first rise to the present time, interspersed with critical remarks and occasional biographical notices. (1893). - 378 pp. *. -

  109. Smith, Joseph: Bibliotheca anti-Quakeriana ; or, A catalogue of books adverse to the Society of Friends : alphabetically arranged ; with biographical notices of the authors, together with the answers which have been given to some of them by Friends and others (1873). - 488 pp. *.

  110. Swinne, Axel Hilmar : Bibliographia Irenica 1500-1970 : Internationale Bibliographie zur Friedenswissenschaft; Kirchiche und Politiche Eingungs- und Friedensbestrebungen, Öekumene und Volkerverstädigung = International Bibliography of Peace Studies; Religious and Political Efforts for Unity and Peace, Ecumenism and International Understanding.
    - Hildesheim : Gerstenberg, 1977. - xxvi, 309 pp. : ill. GER. (Studia Irenica ; 10).

  111. Taipale, Ilkka : Rauhankirjalli-sudden Bibliografia : Aseidenriisuntavihkot 26 : Suomen Rauhanliitto.
    - Helsinki : Suomen Rauhan liitto, 1987. - 79 pp. * FIN. ; SWE.
    (Bibliography on Peace Literature published in Finland).

  112. Ter Meulen, Jacob ... [et al.] : Bibliography of the Peace Movement before 1899 : Provisional List : Period 1480-1776. - Haag : The Peace Palace, 1934. - 22 pp. ENG ; FRE.

  113. Ter Meulen, Jacob ... [et al.] : Bibliography of the Peace Movement before 1899 : Provisional List : 1776-1898.
    - Haag : The Peace Palace, 1936. - 124 columns * ; FRE.
    (Both bibliographies are reprinted, [edited, with an introduction by] : Peter van den Dungen ; [foreword by] : Arhur Eylfinger]

  114. From Erasmus to Tolstoy : The Peace Literature of Four Centuries : Jacob Ter Meulen's Bibliographies of The Peace Movement before 1898. - London [etc.] : Greenwood Press, 1990. - 145 pp. *. - ISBN 0-313-26827-4. (Bibliographies and Indexes in Law and Political Science ; 14). (The two bibliographies covers close to 4.000 titles in chronological order).

  115. Terp, Holger : Fred på tryk : Bibliografi over dansk freds- og sikkerhedspolitisk litteratur.
    - [Copenhagen] : Lup, [1989]. - 236 pp. * DAN. - ISBN 87-983001-05
    (Danish peace and security policy literature since 1882, the genesis of the organized peace work in Denmark. Including books, booklets and magazines. Covers the following subjects : Denmark, security policy, peace research, UN, international politics, NATO, WTO, military R&D, weapon industry, nuclear weapons, war, North-South, East-West, superpowers, USA, USSR, Europe, ECC, DDR, BRD, force posture, air forces, naval forces).

  116. Terp, Holger: Mahatma Gandhi articles on Satyagraha.
    - Copenhagen : The Danish Peace Academy, 2008, - 7 pp.

  117. Venstreoppositionens skrifter 1968-71 : Hovedopgave ved Danmarks Biblioteksskole / Magrete S. Henriksen ... [et al.]
    - Copenhagen : Danmarks Biblioteksskole, 1973. - 167 pp. * DAN. (Anti-Vietnam War Movement, Denmark).

  118. Versandkatalog / Helga Weber ; Wolfgang Zucht.
    - Kassel-Bettenhausen : Weber, Zucht & Co. Versandbuchandlung & Verlag, 1986. - 32 pp. * GER. (Nonviolence, Gandhi, Anarchism).

  119. The Vietnam Conflict : Its Geographical Dimensions, Political Traumas & Military Developments / Milton Leitenberg ; Richard Dean Burns.
    - Santa Barbara : ABC-Clio, 1973. - 163 pp. *. (War/Peace Bibliography Series ; 3).

  120. War and Peace Film Guide / John Dowling.
    - Chicago : World Without War Publications, 1980. - 188 pp. *.

  121. War and Peace in Literature / Lucy Dougall.
    - Chicago : World Without War Publications, 1982. - 171 pp. : ill. *.

  122. Woito, Robert S. : To End War : A New Approach to International Conflicts.
    - New York : The Pilgrim Press, 1982. - 755 pp. *.

  123. 135. Women, War and Peace : A Selected Bibliography and Filmography / compiled by Lise Hishberg. - New Brunswick, N. J. : Rutgers ; The State University of New Jersey, 1986. - 49 pp. * (The State University of New Jersey, Institute on Research on Women).


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