The Danish Peace Academy

1) Library catalogues and research tools. Records 1-37 of 1715.

The first steps in all serious literature searches are to go the library, the data base, the Internet or the archival collection, all depending on the nature of the documents one is searching for: primary or secondary sources of bibliographies and library lists. The next step is to use bibliographic essays. This section includes some of the tools of the librarians: different research libraries accession catalogues, classified book catalogues and later supplements and also catalogues over archive collections. Thus this section also can be used as a guide to the libraries, the book marked and the archival collections who own important collections of documents or have recorded them, or is os has sold the works connected to the history of the peace movements. This way literature of the peace movement from the time of Erasmus of Rotterdam and to today is covered. Not all books on the history of the peace movement is included here, but we would like to be informed of overseen documents on the e-mail adress:

Search thrugh this bibliography with known names of authors, organizations and countries and key words, and languages.

  1. American Women's History: A Research Guide : Peace Movement

  2. Annual Report Swarthmore College Peace Collection : 1 July 1991 - 30 June 1992 / Windy E. Chmielewski.
    - Swarthmore : Swarthmore College Peace Collection, 1993. - 5 + 9 pp. : ill. ; 30 cm.
    (This annual report includes the article:
    "Men and Women who dared to say no to war" : Conscientious Obejctors and Civilian Public Service 1941 - 1947. Reprinted from: PACSCL News : Philidelphia Area Consortium of Special Collection Libraries, 1992:2 pp. 1-9).

  3. Bibliography of Peace Books.
    - Dundas : Dundas Public Library Peace Collection, 1977. - 16 pp.

  4. Brief List of References on International Conciliation and Peace.
    - Washington D. C. : Library of Congress, 1914. - 2 pp.

  5. Brohed, Ulla: Vi läste om fred : Et personligt urval böcker kommenterade av Bibliotekarer för fred, Malmö Stads-bibliotek. - Malmö : Bibliotekarer för fred, 198? - 10 pp. SWE *. (Published bi-monthly since 198?).

  6. Catalogue de la Bibliothéque de L' Institut Nobel Norvêgien:
    1. Litterature Pacifiste : Bibliographie du movement de la paix : Litterature Pacifiste dan la Bibliothèque de L'Institut Nobel Norvêgien / Catalogue of The Norwegian Nobel Institute: 1. Pacifist Litterature : Bibliography of the Peace Movement : Pacifist Literature in the Library of The Norwegian Nobel Institute.
    - Kristiania [Oslo] . . . [et al.] : H. Aschehoug & co. . . . [et al.], 1912. - 238 columns. ; 30 cm. * FRE.
    (This important catalog records around 2.500 books and booklets published from the year 1523 to April 1912 and records also some 175 magazines of the early international peace movement. An very vital source to the development of the idea of peace in history and the history of the early peace movement, including the liberal international peace movement).

  7. Cataloque Bibliothéque du Palas de la Paix / Catalogue of The Peace Palace Library / edited by: P. C. Molhuysen ; E. R. Oppenheim.
    - Haag : Sijthoff, 1916. - 1576 columns. FRE. Supplements 1-6. - Haag : 1954-63. Index 1966.
    (Covers law, international relations, history and the history of the peace movements).

  8. Fred i bevægelse : Fortegnelse over tidsskriftartikler på Tidsskriftcentret om den politiske diskussion i og omkring vesteuropæisk fredsbevægelse 1979-84.
    - Copenhagen : Tidsskriftcentret, 1985. - 120 pp. : ill. * DAN. (Indexed articles from peace magazines).

  9. Fredstidsskrifter på Tidsskriftcentret / Peace Magazines on The Periodical Centre.
    - Copenhagen : Tidsskriftcentret, 1986. - 8 pp. * DAN.

  10. Gandhi and Civil Disobedience : Documents in the India Office Records 1922-1946 / Amar Kaur Jasbir Singh.
    - London : India Office Library and Records, 1980. - v, 62 pp. : ill. * (India-Policies and government 1919-1947, Passive resistance, Sources-Manuscripts-Catalogs).

  11. Glasgow Caledonian University: Research Collections: Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament SCND Archive. Box list of Archive content, 2008. 24 pp.

  12. Guide to the international archives and collections at the IISH Amsterdam / Atie van der Horst ; Elly Koen (editors).
    - Amsterdam : International Institute of Social History, 1989. - 348 pp.

  13. A Guide to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom : Papers 1915-1978 / Doris Mitterling.
    - Boulder : Norlin Library. University of Colorado, Boulder Western Historical Collection, 1982. - 88 pp. *.
    (The electronic version is smaller 29 pp. and covers the period 1915-2000.
    Records the files deposed at Boulder, Swarthmore and at the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's international headquarter at Geneva. In the inventory are : International executive committee files, Individuals' correspondence regarding general subjects, National sections and other countries and Topics. Among the topics are : disarmament, education, international organization, League of Nations, No more War, pacifism and anti-war activities, peace organizations, refugees and women. Among the women, whose papers are recorded are : Gertrude Baer, Emily Green Bach, Gabriella Duchêne, Vilma Glücklich, Lida Gustava Heyrmann and Else Zeuthen).

  14. Guide to Sources on Women in the Swarthmore College Peace Collection / edited by : Windy E. Chmielewski.
    - Swarthmore : Swarthmore College Peace Collection, 1988. - 154 pp. *.
    (Covers some 140 American and international peace organizations and the files of around 100 women of the peace movement).

  15. Hajnal, Peter I.: Directory of United Nations ducomentary and archival sources / Dag Hammerskjöld Library (publisher).
    - New York : United Nations, 1991. - 106 pp.

  16. Howlett, Charles F.: Peace History Sources : A Bibliographic Essay. In: Papers / The Peace History Commission IPRA Malta 31 October - 4 November 1994 / editors Anne C. Kjelling ; Jeffry Kimball. - Oslo : , 1995. - p 1-6.
    (The essay deals with peace movements in America).

  17. Kjelling, Anne C.: Litteratur om fredssaken, på nordiske språk, i Nobelinstituttets bibliotek 1975-1986. - Oslo : The Norwegian Nobel Institute, 1986. - 5 pp. * NOR.

  18. Kjelling, Anne C.: Pacifism in Russia : A selective bibliography of non-Scandinavian literature in The Library of the Norwegian Nobel Institute : Prepared for the seminar "The History of the Russian Peace Making as an Integral Element of the World Peace Movement", Moscow, September 21-27, 1992. - Oslo : The Norwegian Nobel Institute, 1992. - 5 pp. *.

  19. Kjelling, Anne C.: Peace Museums : A selective bibliography of literature in The Library of the Norwegian Nobel Institute : Prepared for the Conference on the Formation of a Museum for Peace in the UK, and International Meeting of Peace Museum Directors, Bradford, September 10 - 12, 1992. - Oslo : The Norwegian Nobel Institute, 1992. - 3 pp. *.

  20. Kjelling, Anne C.: Peace Organizations during the inter-war years : A selective bibliography of litterature in The Library of The Norwegian Nobel Institute : Compiled on the occasion of the international conference on The acceptance of peace movements in national societies during the inter-war period 1919-1939, Stadtschlaining, September 25. -29. 1991. - Oslo : The Library of The Norwegian Nobel Institute, 1991. 8 pp. *. (Covers books, articles, congresses and journals).

  21. Library of World Peace Studies / Warren F. Kuehl (editor).
    - [New York] : Clearwater, 1978-1982. 1242 microfiches with reprints of the following American and international magazines:
    • Advocate of Peace [- Boston] : vol. 1., 1837- vol. 95, 1932.
      The Advocate of Peace (1837)
      Advocate of peace (1847)
      The Advocate of peace (1894-1920])
    • American Advocate of Peace [- Harford] : vol 1. 1834-vol. 2., 1836.
    • Another Mother for Peace 1967-1975.
    • Arms Control & Disarmament Bibliography : vol. 1, 1964/65 - vol. 9, 1973.
    • Calmuet [- New York] : vol. 1., 1831-1835.
    • Correspondence authographies du Bureau international de la Paix [- Berne :] 1892-1895
    • Correspondence bimensuelle 1895-1911 continued as
    • le mouvement pacifiste 1911-1940.
    • Defence Monitor : vol. 1, 1972-1982.
    • Friend of Peace : vol. 1, 1815-1827.
    • Geneva : vol.1, 1930-1936.
    • Harbinger of Peace [-New York] : vol. 1, 1828-1831.
    • Headway : vol. 2, 1920-1945.
    • League of Nations Herald : vol. 1, 1919-1932.
    • Proceedings of the National Arbitration and Peace Congresses, 1, 1907-1915.
    • La paix par le droit : vol. 2. 1891-1948.
    • Peace : A monthly review of the Peace Movement : vol. 1, 1933-1945.
    • Peace Action : vol. 1, 1934-1949.
    • Peace Forum : vol. 1, 1912-1915.
    • Peace Movement : vol. 1, 1912-1914.
    • The Peacemaker ... [and Court of Arbitration] : vol. 1. 1882[3]-1913.
    • The World Court : vol. 1, 1915-1919.
    • The World Tomorrow : vol. 1, 1918-1934.
    • World Unity Magazine : vol. 1, 1927-1935).

  22. McNitt : A Preliminary Bibliography on Resources on the History of Pacifism and Contentious Objection in The Michigan Historical Collection. [S. L.] (s.n.) 1976. pp.

  23. Manuscript Collections.
    Swarthmore College Peace Collection

  24. Nytt i biblioteket : Tilvekstliste = Acquisitions list.
    - Oslo : The Library of The Norwegian Nobel Institute, 19-. * NOR.
    (Monthly accessions catalogue over new books and indexed articles. Covers : history, policy, peace and conflict research, military, disarmament, law, international organizations and other subjects, now on the Internet).

  25. Queann, Sally: The Greenham Collection, the Femminist Archive, Bristol.
    - Bristol : Feminist Archive South, 1999. - 8 pp. : ill. *.

  26. Pacifism, Disarmament and International Relations : Series one - three.
    - Brighton : Research Publications. 1988. 36 roles of films + 103 microfiches and one guide.

    Vol. Series 1 : Archives of The War Resisters' International : Pamphlets 1921-1974 : The Bulletin and Successors 1923-1974 : Annual appeals and related documents 1934-1974 : Minutes of Council meetings 1955-1974 : Secretary's report 1947-1974 : WRI Newsletter 1962-1974 : Press releases 1964-1974 : Training in non-violence 1968-1973. 1988. 103 microfiche.

    Vol. Series 2 : Archives of The [International] Fellowship of Reconciliation : Minute books and committee papers 1915-1960. [198-] 9 roles of film.

    Vol. Series 3 : Archives of The Peace Pledge Union :

    Part one : Annual reports 1937-1985 and minute books 1936-1972 :

    Part two : The Pacifist, The PPU Journal, Pamphlets, leaflets and other publications 1936-86. - 1988. 27 roles of film + one guide.

  27. Peace and Security Thesaurus 1990 = Thêsaurus de la paix et da la sêcurite 1990.
    - Ottawa : Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security, 1990. - 115 + 115 pp. *.
    (This French/English Thesaurus is a collection of nomenclature in the fields of peace, international security and strategic studies, with advice on creating keywords for computer retrieval of specific data).

  28. Peace Archives : A Guide to Library Collections of the Papers of American Peace Organizations and of Leaders in the Public Effort for Peace / compiled and edited by : Margurita Green. - Chicago : World Without War Publications, 1986. - 66 pp. *.

  29. Peace Information Resources : A Guide to 31 British Collections with comprehensive subject indexes / Declean McHugh.
    - London : Inforshare Project, 1987. - 83 pp. ; 30 cm. *.

  30. Records of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 1941 - 1972 (bulk dates 1958-1963).
    Special Collections, University of Delaware Library, Manuscript Collection Number: 263.

  31. Shah, Shireen H.: A national museum for peace : a proposal.
    - Bradford : University of Bradford, Department of Peace Studies, 1990. - 89 pp.

  32. Schrader, Alvin M. : Peace Information in Canadian Public Libraries.
    - Dalhouse : Dalhouse University School of Librarian Service, 1990. - 125 pp. (Occasional Series, Dalhouse University School of Librarian Service ; 49).

  33. Selective Bibliographies of the Library of the Peace Palace.
    - Leyden : The Peace Palace, 1953-1955. 3 vol. pp. (International law).

  34. Sidwell Friends School Earl G. Harrison, Jr.,: Quaker Rare Book Collection, January 2009. 88 pp.*.

  35. Sovjet og Østeuropa : Udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitik : En bibliografi baseret på samlingeren på Københavns Universitets Slaviske Institut / Kirsten Barker Hansen ... [et al.]
    - Copenhagen : Københavns Universitets Slaviske Institut, 1983. - 94 pp. * DAN. (Københavns Universitets Sla-viske Institut Rapporter ; 7). (Copenhagen U., Slavic Institute's collection/bibliography : Sovjet Union and Eastern Europe; Foreign Policy and Security).

  36. Towards a museum for peace in the United Kingdom : meeting of directors and staff of peace and anti-war museums and related institutions worldwide : 10-12 September 1992 / Give peace a chance trust ; University of Bradford, Department of Peace Studies (publ.). - [Herford], [1993]. - 38 pp. : ill.

  37. Voice of Vomen Peace Library Bibliography.
    - Toronto : Voice of Vomen, 1975. - 47 pp.

  38. Vredescollectie : collection de dossiers relatifs du mouvement pacifiste : Inventaris van materiaal over de vredesbewegung gedurende de periode 1899 tot 1940, verzameld door Dr. J. C. ter Meulen, directeur bibliothecaris van de Bibliotheek van het Vredespalais (1924 - 1952) / Jacques Haasbeek (editor). - 's-Gravenhage : Bibliotheek van het Vredespaleis, 1993. - 2 vols. : 8+ 12 ill. in colours. *.
    Vol. 1. Dossiers. - 185 pp. ; octavo.
    Vol. 2. Auteurs. - 597 pp. ; octavo.


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