The Danish Peace Academy

Terp, Holger: Peace in print, The history of the peace movement 6. Records No. 1496-1888.

Ra Rc Re Ri Ro Ru Rv Ry
Sa Sc Se Sf Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sr St Su Sv Sw Sy
Ta Te To Tr Tu Tw
Va Ve Vi Vo Vr
  1. Runham Brown, H.: Spain : Challenge to Pacifism.
    - London : WRI., 1936 - 12 pp.

  2. Ruopp, Phillips: Private Testimony and Public Policy.
    - Wallingford : Pendle Hills Publications, 1959. - 32 pp. *.
    (Pendle Hills Pamphlet ; 105). (Quaker Peace Work).

  3. Rupp, Leila J. Worlds of Women : The Making of an International Women's Movement.
    - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1998. - xiii, 325 pp. Ill. (WILFPF).

  4. Ruprecht, Thomas M.: Friedensbewegung im Gesundheitswesen : zur Geschichte der "Internationalen Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges" und ihrer bundesdeutschen Sektion.
    - Neckarsulm-München : Jungjohann Verlagsgesellschaft, 1987. - 40 pp. GER.
    - ISBN 3-88565-785-2

  5. Russell, Bertrand: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell 1 : 1872 - 1914.
    - London : George Allen & Unvin, 1967 ; 1978. - 230 pp. : ill. *
    (Also translated into Norvegian:

    Memoarer : 1872 - 1914.
    - Oslo : Tiden, 1967. - 235 pp.)

  6. Russell, Bertrand: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell 2 : 1914 - 1944. 1978. - 230 pp. : ill.
    (Also translated into Norvegian:

    Memoarer 1914 - 1944.
    - Oslo : Tiden, 1968. - 268 pp.)

  7. Russell, Bertrand: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell 3 : 1944 - 1967.
    - London : George Allen & Unvin, 1967 ; 1978. - 230 pp. : ill.
    (Also translated into Norvegian:

    Memoarer 1944 - 1967.
    - Oslo : Tiden, 1969. - 227 pp.)

  8. Rückblick fur die Zukunft : Wandlung und Wirken des Schweizerischen Friedensrates in 35 Jahren
    / Hansjörg Braunschweig ; Willi Kobe ; Ruedi Tobler.
    - Zürich : Schweizerischen Friedensrat, 1981. - 119 pp. : ill. * GER. (Schriftenreihe des Schweizerischen Friedensrates ; 7)

  9. Rytovuöri-Apunen, Helena: Peace research in Scandinavia 1959-1986.
    - Aldershot : Avebury Pub., 1990. - xi, 381 pp. (Peace research, Nordic countries, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, political science, theory).

  10. Røed Larsen, Sverre: Militærnektning i Norge : en studie av en protestgruppe.
    - Oslo : FmK., 1973. - 247 pp. : ill. * NOR. (Magistergradsavhandling i Sosiologi. Oslo, marts 1973). (Thesis). (CO in Norway).

  11. Röhm, Eberhard: Sterben für den Frieden : Spurensicherung: Hermann Stöhr (1898-1940) und die ökumenische Friedensbewegung - Stuttgart : Calwer, 1985. - 278 pp. : ill. GER.

  12. Röhrs, Herman: Frieden : Eine pädagogische aufgabe : Idee und Realität der Friedenspädagogik.
    - Braunschweig : Agentur Pedersen, 1983. - 397 pp. GER. (Peace education)

  13. Rönhaugh, Arne B.: Vi studerer "Samvittighetens Internasjonale" : Et riss av War Resisters International.
    - Oslo : FmK., 1957. - 50 pp. * NOR.

  14. Rørdam, Holger Frederik.: De danske og norske Studenters Deltagelse i Kjøbenhavns Forsvar mod Karl Gustav : Et Bidrag til Kjøbenhavns Universitets Historie 1658-60. - Copenhagen : C.G. Iversen, 1855. - 228 pp. * DAN

  15. Saint-Raphaël, Claude de: Mouvement universel pacifique.
    - Paris : La pensée universelle, 1984. - 218 pp. : ill. FRE. - ISBN 2-2214-05720-XX

  16. Sakharov, Andrej: Vospominaniya.
    (Also translated into English: - New York : Alfred F. Knopf, Inc.. 1990. : ill.

    Also translated into Danish:

    - Århus : Centrum, 1990. - 866 pp. : ill. - ISBN 87-583-0589-0 *.
    (The Nobel Peace Prize winners authobiography is translated and published in some 14 to 17 languages).

  17. Salem (Indiana) Peace Society Minutes, 1818-1826 / Edited by Pamela J. Bennett.
    [n.d.] *.
    Photocopy of original minutes in manuscript, 29 leaves, followed by an article from the Indiana Magazine of History with a description of the society and the minutes in printed form, edited by Pamela J. Bennett; contributed by I. George Blake.

  18. Salemon, Alice: Bertha von Suttner ; Jane Addams : To som har fått Nobel-Fredsprisen.
    - Oslo : Norske kvinners nasjonalråd, 1935. - 89 pp. * NOR.

  19. Salomon, Kim: Fred i vår tid : En studie i 80-talets fredsrörelse.
    - Malmö : Liber Förlag, 1985. - 152 pp. (Peace movement, West Europe, East Europe, USA, Japan, disarmament, NWFZ, human rights, religion, political parties, USSR).

  20. Salomon, Kim: Fredsbevægelser.
    - Copenhagen : Gyldendal, 1985. - 92 pp. : ill.
    - ISBN 87-00-66432-4 * DAN. (END).

  21. Sam Martin went to Prison : The Story of Consentious Objection and Canadian Military Service / William Janzen ; Frances Greaser. - Winnepeg : Kindred Press, 1990. - 64 pp. (Part 1 tells the personal story of the Mennoite CO curing World War 2. Part 2 gives a broader owerwiev of the history of CO in Canada).

  22. Samartha, Stanley J.: Courage for Dialogue : Ecumenical issues in inter--religious relationships.
    - Geneva : World Council of Churches, 1981. - xiii, 157 pp.

  23. Sampson, Ronald Victor: Tolstoy : The discovery of Peace.
    Heynemann, 1973. pp.

  24. Sampson, Ronald Victor: Tolstoy on the causes on war.
    - London : Peace Pledge Union, 1992. - 32 pp. port. - ISBN 0-902680-15-3

  25. Sand, Irene Brinch: Fredsbevegelsen i Norge fram til omkring 1905.
    - Bergen : (s.n.) 1990. - 14 pp. NOR.

  26. Sandford, John: The Sword and the Ploughshare : Autonomous Peace initatives in East Germany.
    - London : The Merlin Press, 1983. - 111 pp.

  27. Santi, Rainer: 100 years of Peace Making : A history of the International Peace Bureau and other international peace movement organizations and networks.
    - Geneva ; Helsinki ; Stockholm: International Peace Bureau ; Peace Union of Finland ; Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society, 1991. - 111 pp. : ill. *.
    (Also translated into Finish:

    100 Vuotta Rauhan rakentamista : Kansainvälisen rauhantoimiston (IPB) ja muiden kansainivälisen rauhanliikkeen järjestöjen ja verkostojen historiikki.
    - Helsinki ; Geneva : IPB ; Rauhankirjallisuuden edistämisseura, 1992. - 115 pp. : ill. *
    (Aseidenriisuntavihkot ; 34). - ISBN 951-9193-35-9
    (Also translated into German: (Also translated into Swedish:

    Hundra års fredsarbete : Berättelsen om fredsrörelsens första hundra år av organiserat internationellt samarbeta.
    - Helsinki ; Geneva : The International Peace Bureau ; Sällskapet för Befrämjande av Fredslitteratur i Finland, 1992. - 117 pp. : ill. *. - ISBN 951-9193-37-5).

  28. Sareyan, Alex: The Turning Point : How Men of Counscience Brought About Change in the Care of America´s Mentally ill.
    - , American Psychiatric Press, 1994. - pp

  29. Saunders, Malcom: Quiet dissenter : The life and thought of an Australian pacifist : Eleanor May Moore, 1875-1949.
    - Canbarra : Peace Research Centre, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, 1993. - 398 pp. : ill. ; 25 cm. ; PRC monograph ; 12).*. - ISBN 0-7315-1321-5

  30. Schade, Peter: Politik und Sicherheit. fachmilitarische Beratung und Lektorat, Fritz Birnstiel.
    - Regensburg : Walhalla und Prätoria, 1989. - 154 pp. GER.

  31. Scharnberg, Carl: 20 års kamp for fred : Artikler og taler gennem 20 år - fra atomkampagnen til Ålborg fredskonference. - Ålborg : Komm. S., 1981. - 72 pp. : ill. * DAN. - ISBN 87-87692-22-8 (Danish CND).
    Brev til en skeptiker: Frit Danmark 1960, s. 5, nr. 6 7
    Enhver er berettiget til på tryk... Perspektiv 1963, s. 7, nr. 4 13
    Den lille fjer og den »Verdensomspændende fredsoffensiv«. Rapport 1966, s. 137 29
    Militær, politi og demonstranter Frit Danmark 1965, s.6, nr. l 39
    Demagogi - taktik eller politik? Et studie og en dokumentation. Rapport 1965, s.269 45
    Det er nødvendigt at marchere Ekstra Bladet 24. august 1978 51
    Fremskridt Havnearbejdernes fællesforbunds medlemsblad, 1978 55
    Neutronbomben 1978 59
    Forbrydelse eller dumhed Land og Folk 31. oktober 1979 61
    Så modige, så ukuelige, så flittige Land og Folk 8. november 1980 65
    Gør det ufattelige forståeligt! Tale ved afslutningen af Nordisk Fredskonference, maj 1981.. 69

  32. Scharnberg, Carl: Det kan nytte, 1965Scharnberg, Carl: Det kan nytte : Artikler og erfaringer 1960-65. - Copenhagen : Borgens Billigbøger, 1965. - 120 pp. * DAN. (Danish CND).
    Aldermaston-London 1960 (Demokraten) 9
    Militærforliget 1960 17
    Brev til en skeptiker (Frit Danmark) 21
    Bag ordene (Information) 29
    Hvad vil Kampagnen (Radioindlæg) 39
    Hvad er Kampagnen (Kampagnetryksag) 43
    Politiske kandestøberier (Frit Danmark) 47
    Enhver er berettiget til på tryk (Perspektiv) 55
    Betænkning nr. 334 (Holbæk Amts Venstreblad) 73
    Studier i demokratisk debat (Radioindlæg) 81
    De professionelle (Demokraten) 89
    Efter mødet i Ottawa (Frit Danmark) 95
    Tre breve (Fotokopier) 101
    Valget 1964 (Kampagneorientering) 105
    Ti konkrete forslag (Verdens Gang) 113
    Afslutning 119
    Enkelte forkortelser er foretaget for at undgå gentagelser.

  33. Scharnberg, Carl: Vietnam - blot en begyndelse? Du skal ikke adlyde ordrer! : To radioforedrag. Særtryk af Centrum og Horisont nr. 275-176, 1967. - 20 pp. DAN.

  34. Schèele, Ingegerd von.: Fredspristagaren Bertha von Suttner väskaben med Alfred Nobel.
    - [Borås] : Own publishing, 1988. - 96 pp. : ill. * SWE.

  35. Scheer, Frederich-Karl: Die Deutsche Friedensgesellshaft 1892-1933 : Organisation, Ideologie, politische Ziele : Eine Betrag zur Geschichte des Pazifismmus in Deutschland. - Frankfurt am Main : Haag ; Herschen, 1983. - 665 pp. GER.
    (German liberal peace work).

  36. Schenk, Herrad: Frauen kommen ohne Waffen : Feminismus und Pazifismus.
    - München : Verlag Ch. H. Beck, 1983. - 112 pp. GER. (Womens peace work).

  37. Schlaga, Rüdiger: Peace Movement as a Party Tool : The Peace council of the German Democratic Republic : Paper presended at the IPRA Study Group Conference on the Study of Peace Movement : Towards A Comparative Analysis of Peace Movement in Lund, Sweden, 17.-20. August 1987. - Lund : , 1987. - 27 pp. ; 30 cm. *.

  38. School, Inge: Die Weisse Rose.
    - ? : , ? GER
    (Translated into Danish:

    Den hvide Rose.
    - Copenhagen : Obelisk, 1968. - 112 pp : ill.)

  39. Schott, Linda K: Reconstruction women's thoughts : The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom before the World War II. - Stanford : Stanford University Press, 1977. - 211 pp. : ill. - ISBN 0-8047-2746-5

  40. Schlotter, Peter: Die neue Friedensbewegung : Analysen aus der Friedensforschung.
    - Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp Verlag, 1982. - 496 pp.
    (Peace movement, peace research, security policy, strategy, WTO, theory).

  41. Schlüter, Rolf R.: Probleme der deutschen Friedensbewegung in der Weimarer Republik.
    - Bonn : (s. n.) 1974. - 349 pp. GER.

  42. Schmid, Günther: Sicherheitspolitik und Friedensbewegung : der Konflikt um die "Nachrüstung".
    - München : Günter Olzog Verlag, 1983. - 103 pp. (Akademiebeiträge zur Lehrerbildung ; 11).

  43. Schmitt, Rüdiger: Die Friedensbewegung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland : Ursachen und Bedingungen der Mobilisierung einer neuen sozialen Bewegung.
    - Opladen : Westdeutscher Verlag, 1990. - 338 pp. GER. (Studien zur Sozialwissenschaft ; 90).

  44. Schou, Angila: Die Friedensbewegung in der DDR.
    - Aalborg : Aalborg University Press, 1986. - 64 pp. GER.
    (Moderne tysklandsstudier ; 4).

  45. Schou, August: Histoire de l'internationalisme III:
    Du congres de Vienne Jusqúa Le Premiere Guerre Mondale (1914).
    - Oslo : H. Aschenhoug & Co., 1963. - 564 pp. * FRE.
    ; Publications de l'institut Nobel Norvégien tome VIII).

  46. Schroeder, Steven: A Community and a Perspective : Lutheran Peace Fellowship.
    - , Univercity Press of America, 1993. - pp.

  47. Schwarz, Helga: Karl Liebknecht : Krieg dem Kriege!
    - Berlin : Militarverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1986. - 63 pp. : ill. GER.

  48. Schwerter zu Pflugscharen : Friedensbewegung in der DDR / Klaus Ehring ; Martin Dallwitz.
    - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1982. - 279 pp. : ill. GER. (Rororo aktuell).

  49. Schneider, Norbert F.: Ewig ist nur die Veränderung : Entwurf eines analytischen Konzepts sozialer Bewegungen.
    - Frankfurt am Main ; New York : Lang, 1987. - 200 pp. GER. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 22. Soziologie ; 130).

  50. Schuhler, Conrad: Freeze! : Die Geschichte des anderen Amerika.
    - Dortmund : Weltkreis, 1983. - 219 pp. : ill. GER.

  51. Schulz, Hans-Jürgen: Frieden schaffen, aber wie? : Lehren aus der Geschichte der Friedensbewegungen.
    - Frankfurt am Main : Isp-Verlag, 1983. - 69 pp. GER.

  52. Schulz, Milan: Mir, mirove hnuti, krestanska etika : vybor z materialu ze stejnojmenneho sympozia, ktere usporadala ve dnech 24.-27.II.1983 katolicka laicka organizace Opus Bonum v severobavorskem Frankenu / sestavil. - Mänichov : Opus Bonum, 1984. - 218 pp. : ill. RUS.

  53. Schumann, Rosemarie: Amsterdam 1932 : Der Weltkongress gegen den imperialistischen Krieg.
    - Berlin : Dietz Verlag, 1985. - 237 pp. : ill. * GER.

  54. Schwantje, Magnus: Hans Paasche : Ein Biographie.
    - Berlin : Verlag Neues Vaterland (E. Berger & Co.), 1921. - pp. GER.

  55. Schütz, Klaus: Mobilmachung für das Überleben : Als Aufgabe von Friedens-forschung, Friedenspädagogik, Friedensbewegung.
    - Waldkirch : Waldkircher Verlagsgesellschaft, 1981. - 279 pp. : ill. GER.
    (Schriftenreihe der Friedenspolitischen Studiengesellschaft Hamburg ; 9).

  56. Scientific Research council on Peace and Disarmament: Peace Movement Today.
    - Moscow : NAUKA publishers, 1987. - 101 pp. (International Peace and Disarmament ; 39).

  57. Scott King, Coretta: My life with Martin Luther King.
    (Also translated into Swedish:

    Mitt liv med Martin Luther King.
    - Falköbing : Gummerssons, 1969. - 389 pp. : ill. *.
    (Also translated into Danish:

    Mit liv med Martin Luther King.
    - Copenhagen : Samleren, 1970. - 350 pp. : ill.).

  58. Searchlight on Peace Plans / Edith Wynner ; Georgia Lloyd.
    - New York : (s.n.) 1946. pp.

  59. Sergieenko, Petr: How Count L.N. Tolstoy lives and works.
    - New York, Boston : T. Y. Crowell & company, 1899. - 144 pp.

  60. Sethi, Jai Dev: Gandhian Critique of Western Peace Movements.
    - Delhi : Chanakya Publications, 1989. - vii, 275 pp.

  61. Shalom : Israels Friedensbewegung / edited by: Daniel Wiener.
    - Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1984. - 184 pp. GER. (Rororo aktuell ; 5136). (Rororo ; 980).

  62. Sharp, Gene: Nonviolent Action : An Introductory Outline for Study Groups.
    - London : Friends Peace Committee, 1963. pp.

  63. Sharp, Gene: the Power of Nonviolent Action.
    - Boston : Porter Sargent, 1973 ; 1984. - 902 pp. *. ; printing
    - ISBN 0-87558-070-X

    Vol 1: Power and Struggle.

    Vol 2: The Methods of Nonviolent Action.

    Vol 3. The Dynamics of Nonviolent Action. (Bibliography pp. 819-840).

  64. Sharp, Gene: Tyranny Could not Quell them : How Norway's teacher's Defeated Quisling during the Nazi Occupation and what it means for unarmed defence today.
    - London : Peace News, 1963. - pp.
    (Also translated into French:

    Resistance nonviolente en Norvége sous l' occupation nazie.
    - d'Orleans : le communautê non-violente d'Orleans, 1971? - 23 pp.

    Also translated into Norwegian:

    Tyranniet kunne ikke knusa dei! : Om den norske ikkevaldelege læraraksjonen under 2. verdenskrigen.
    - Oslo : FmK., 1980. - 42 pp. : ill. * (FmK's fredspolitiske skriftserie ; 3).

  65. Shattering Europe's Defense Consensus : The Antinuclear protest Movement and the future of NATO / James E. Dougherty ; Robert L. Pfaltzgraff, Jr (editors).
    - Washington, D.C.: Pergamon Brassey's, 1985. - 226 pp.

  66. Shepard, Mark: Gandhi Today : The Story of Mahatma Gandhi's Successors.
    - Washington DC : Seven Locks Press, 1987. - 146 pp. : ill. *.

  67. Shridharani, Krishnalal: War without Violence.
    - New York : (s.n.) 1939. - pp.

  68. Sicherheitspolitik contra Frieden? : Ein Forum zur Friedensbewegung / Hans Apel ... [et al.]
    - Berlin : Dietz Nachf, 1981. - 222 pp. GER.

  69. Sibley, Mulford: The Political theories of modern Pacifism.
    - New York : The Pacifist Research Bureau, 1944. - pp.

  70. Sigmund, Elisabeth: Rage Against the Dying : Campaign against Chemical and Biological Warfare.
    - London : Pluto, 1980. - 120 pp. *. - ISBN 86104-091-0

  71. Silence was a Weapon : The Vietnam War in the Villages : A personal perspective / Stuart A. Herrington.
    - Novato, CA : Presidio Press, 1982. - xvii, 222 pp. : ill.

  72. Simesen, Magnar: Til Dagsordenen : for livet og freden : Norges Godtemplar Ungdomsforbunds 75-årsjubileum i 1984.
    - Oslo : Norges Godtemplar Ungdomsforbund, 1984. - 60 pp. : ill. *. - ISBN 82-7271-008-0

  73. Singer, Kurt D.: Ossietzky : Fredens Forkæmper som frivilligt blev Martyr i Koncentrationslejren og er indstillet til Nobels Fredspris.
    - Copenhagen : Frem. 1936. 45 pp. * DAN.
    (Also translated into Swedish:

    Carl von Ossietzky : Fredskämpen och Nobelpristageran.
    - Stockholm : A. Holmström, 1936. - 52 pp.

    Also translated into German:

    Carl von Ossietzky.
    - Zürich : (s.n.) 1937. - 52 pp.).

    Also published in English:

  74. Siven, Deryck: Om fredsrörelsen i Finland före 1914.
    - Helsinki : University of Helsinki, 1939. - 150 pp. (Pro gradu). SWE.
    (Peace Work in Finland before 1914).

  75. Siven, Deryck: Om fredsrörelsens organisation och värksamhet 1815-1918.
    - Helsinki : University of Helsinki, 1938/39. - 162 pp. SWE. (Peace Work in Finland).

  76. Skjønsberg, Else: Kvinnenes fredsbevegelse på åttitallet.
    - Oslo : ProSus, 1998. - 189 pp. : Ill. * NOR. - ISBN 82-7480-065-6

  77. Skovmand, Svend: Gandhi.
    - Tranehuse : Forlaget Tranehuse, 1975.
    - 43 pp. : ill. * DAN. - ISBN 87-87563-06-1

  78. Slater, Catherine: Defeatists and their enemies : Political invective in France 1914-1918.
    - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1981. - 206 pp. (Oxford modern languages and litterature monographs).

  79. Smedes, E.: De socialistische arbeitssportinternationale als waarborg voor de europeesche vrede.
    - Amsterdam : "Europa", 1928. - 119 pp. NL.

  80. Smolnikar, Andreas Bernadus: Secret enemies of true Republicanism, most important developments regarding the inner life of Man and the Spirit World, in order to abolish Revolutions and Wars and to establish Permanent Peace on earth, also: the plan for redemption of Nations from monarchical and other oppressive [!] speculations and for the introduction of the promised new Era of harmony, thruth and righteousness on the whole [!] Globe. - Springhill : R. D. Eldridge, 1859. - 259 pp.

  81. Snow, Michael: Christian Pacifism : Fruit of the Narrow Way.
    - Ricmond : Friends United Press, 1982. - 96 pp. *.

  82. Snowden, Ethel: A political pilgrim in Europe.
    - London : Cassell, 1921. - pp. (International Socialist Congress; Conference internationale pour la societe des nations (Bern, 1919); Womens international league for peace and freedom (Zurich, 1919) World War, 1914-1418).

  83. Socialistisk Folkeparti: SF's fredspolitik : Vedtaget af SF's Landsmøde 25.-27. april 1986.
    - Århus : SP Forlag, 1987. - 15 pp. * DAN.

  84. Socknat, Thomas P.: Witness against War : Pacifism in Canada 1900-1945.
    - Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1987. - 370 pp. (Social History of Canada). (Traces the history of the Canadian peace movement through World Wars I and II. Includes the story of the conscientious objectors).

  85. Sokhranenije mira : Obsjtjeje delo vsekh narodov : Materialy Vsemirnogo parlamenta narodov za mir, prokhodivsjego v Sofii v sentjabre 1980 goda. - Moscow : APN., 1980. - 44 pp. RUS.

  86. Soldier and Peasant in Japan : Origins of Conscription / Norman E. Herbert.
    - London : Greenwood Press, 1977. - 76 pp. : ill.

  87. Sollmann, Friederich Wilhelm: Religion and Policies.
    - Wallingford : Pendle Hills Publications, [1947?]. - 63 pp. *.
    (Pendle Hills Pamphlet ; 14).

  88. Solo, Pam: From Protest to Policy : Beyond the Freeze to Common Security.
    - Cambridge, Mass. : Ballinger, 1988. - 214 pp. *. - ISBN 0-88730-12-6

  89. Solomon, Mark: Death Waltz to Armageddon : E. P. Thompson and the Peace Movement.
    - New York : U. S. Peace council, 1983. - 44 pp. *.

  90. Sorkin, Grigorij Zacharovic: Komitern protiv militarizma i vojny.
    - Moscow : Mysl', 1986. - 171 pp. RUS.

  91. Soviet People uphold Peace / G. Krivopalova ; M. Shvetsova.
    - Moskow : Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1955. - 64 pp. : ill. *.
    (The Soviet Committee in Defence of Peace ; World Peace council).

  92. Spalt, Karl Heinz: Kultur oder Vernichtung : Ein Handbuch über Gedanken bedeutender Menschen über die Friedensfrage, die Stellung der Frau, der Kirchen, des Sozialismus, der modernen Wissenschaft zum Friedensproblem, die Geschichtsbarkeit / Maria von Borries ; Achim von Borries (editors). - Darmstadt : Darmstädter Blätter, 1990. - 226 pp. : ill. GER.

  93. Spree, Tommy: Ich Kenne Keine "Feinde" : Der Pazifist Ernst Friedrich : Ein Lebensbild
    - Berlin : Anti-Kriegs-Museum, 2000. - 131 pp. : ill. *. GER.

  94. Stark, James T.: Cold War Blues : The Operation Dismantle Story.
    - Hull, Que. : Voyageur Publishing, 1991. - 384 pp. (The story of the author's nine years, from 1977 to 1985 in the Canadian peace movement as the head of Operation Dismantle. This national peace group thought to launch an international referandum to challenge the moral authority of goverments to risk nuclear war in the name of national security).

  95. Stationierung, und was denn? : Friedensbewegung gegen Apokalypse / (pulbishers): Ulrich Albrecht ... [et al.]
    - Berlin : Europäische Perspektiven, 1983. - 173 pp. : ill. GER. (Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises atomwaffenfreies Europa ; 8).

  96. Staatsgefährdung? : Ein dokumentarischer Bericht über den Düsseldorfer Prozeß gegen Angehörige des Friedenskomitees der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. / Kraschutzki, Heinz (Hg.) - Hannover : Fritz Küster, 1961, - 278 pp. GER.

  97. Stead, Jean: Moscow Independent Peace Groups.
    - London : END/The Merlin Press, 1982. pp. *. - ISBN 0-85036295-48-8

  98. Stebbins, Rufus Phineas: An address delivered before the Peace Society of Amherst college July 4, 1838.
    - Amherst : J. S. & C. Adams, 1838. - pp.

  99. Steffy, Joan Marie: The San Francisco Peace Movement : A survey.
    - New York : Professors World Peace Acdemy, 1985. - iii, 76 pp. : ill.

  100. Steinson, Barbara J.: American Women's activism in World War 1.
    - New York : Garland, 1984. - 440 pp. (Modern American History).

  101. Stengel, von: Zum Ewigen Frieden.
    - : , 1889? - pp. GER.

  102. Stensgård, Erling: En praktisk Idealist : En Bog om Chr. Erichsen.
    - Århus : F. Ryber Petersens Boghandel, 1927. - 141 pp. : ill. * DAN.

  103. Streiten über den Frieden : Strategien, Perspektiven, Alternativen in der Friedensbewegung / Werner van Haren ; Almuth Westecker (publishers) - Dortmund : Weltkreis-Verlag, 1982. - 188 pp. GER.

  104. Streitfall Frieden : Positionen und Analysen zur Sicherheitspolitik und Friedensbewegung / published by: Wolfgang R. Vogt ... [et al.] - Heidelberg : Müller, 1984. - ix, 325 pp. GER. (Recht, Justiz, Zeitgeschehen ; 40).

  105. Stender Clausen, Jørgen: Det nytter ikke at sende hære mod ideer : Georg Brandes kulturkritik i årene omkring 1. verdenskrig - København : C. A. Reitzel, 1984. - 172 pp. *. - ISBN 87-7421-422-5

  106. Sternburg, William : Der Aussenseiter Carl von Ossietzky.
    - Frankfurt am Main : Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 19?? - pp. GER. (Fisher TB ; 4427).

  107. Stevenson, Lillian: Towards a Christian International : The Story of The International Fellowship of Reconciliation.
    - London : The International Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1929 ; 1936 ; 1941. - pp.

  108. Stiewe, Dorothee: Die bürgerliche deutsche Friedensbewegung als soziale Bewegung bis zum Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs.
    - Freiburg i. Br.: (s. n.) 1972. - 383 pp. GER.

  109. Stolpe, Herman: Kooperationen och fredsplaneringen.
    - Stockholm : Informationsbyrån Mellanfolkligt Samarbete för Fred, 1945. - 63 pp. : ill. SWE. (Skrifter utgivna av Informationsbyrån mellanfolkligt samarbete för fred ; 33, 1944).

  110. Studenternes Verdenskongres mod Reaktion Krig og Fascisme, Brussell, den 29.-31. December [1934].
    - Copenhagen : Social Samling, [1935?] - 24 pp. * DAN.

  111. Stuer, Lissie: Den danske folkehøjskoles fredsundervisning.
    - Copenhagen : Borups Højskole, 1984. - 80 pp. : ill. * DAN.
    (Peace education in folk high schools in Denmark).

  112. Størner, Torben: Bevægelser for fred.
    - Allingeåbro : Samtid, 1983. - 60 pp. * DAN.
    - ISBN 87-7380-002-3

  113. Suhr, Elke: Carl von Ossietzky : Eine Biographie.
    - Köln : Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1988. - 332 pp. : ill. GER.

  114. Suhr, Elke: Zwei Wege - ein Ziel : Tucholsky, Ossietzky und die Weltbühne : mit dem Briefwechsel zwischen Tucholsky und Ossietzky aus dem Jahre 1932. - München : Weismann, 1986. - 172 pp. GER.

  115. Suivi du programme du Bureau : Rapport du secretaire general au Conseil interparlementaire ... / The Interparliamentary Union. - Uccle-Bruxelles : Bureau interparlementaire, n.d. pp. FRE.

  116. Sullivan, Richard: Address, delivered at the seventh anniversary of the Massachusetts Peace Society, December 25th, 1822.
    - Cambridge : Hilliard and Metcal, 1823. - 28 pp.
    Miscellaneous Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress), Israel Thorndike Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)

  117. Sumner, Charles: The War System of the Commonwealth of Nations : An Address before the American Peace Society, at its Anniversary in Boston, May, 28th, 1849. - Boston : Ticknor, Reed, and Fields, 1849. - 71 pp.

  118. Sundblad, Carl: Hvafor bilda vi fredsföreningar?
    - Sorunda : Own pulbishing, 1895. - 13 pp. SWE.

  119. Sundblad, Carl: Svenska fredsrörelsens historia : Åren 1893-1903 : På uppdrag af Svenska Freds- och Skiljedoms-förenings centralstyrelse. - Stockholm : Svenska Freds- och Skiljedomsföreningen, 3. Vols. 1903 ; 1904 ; 1919. 200 + 340 + 240 pp. SWE. (A history of the Swedish peace movements).

  120. Sundgren, Kersten: Kvinnor för fred 1979-1989 : ny rörelse - gamla förebilder.
    - Stockholm : Kvinnor för fred, 1994. - 64 pp. : ill. * SWE.

  121. Suttner, Bertha von: Die Haager Friedenskonferenz : Tagebuchblätter / von Bertha von Suttner. - Dresden ; Leipzig : Pierson, 1900. - VII, 311, LIX pp. GER.

  122. Suttner, Bertha von Felicia Sophia Kinsky: Der Kampf und die Vermeidung des Weltkrieges ; Randglossen aus zwei Jahrzehnten zu den Zeitereignissen vor der Katastrophe ; (1892 - 1900 und 1907 - 1914).
    - Zürich : Orell Füßli, 1917. 2 Vols. pp. GER.

  123. Suttner, Bertha von: Lebenserinnerungen / published and edited by: Fritz Böttger. - Berlin : Verlag der Nation, 1968. - 665 pp. GER.

  124. Suttner, Bertha von: Das Maschinenzeitalter : Zukunftsvorlesungen über unsere Zeit.
    - Düsseldorf : Zwiebelzwerg, [1899] ; 1983. - 355 pp. : ill. GER.
    (Reihe Zwiebelzwerg Reprint).

  125. Suttner, Bertha von: Memoiren von Bertha von Suttner.
    - Stuttgart ; Leipzig: Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, 1909. - 553 pp. : ill. GER.

  126. Sveriges kvindliga fredsförening: Årbog 1906-1910. 5. Vols.
    - Stockholm : Sveriges kvindliga fredsförening, 1906 ; 1907 ; 1908 ; 1909 ; 1910. - pp. SWE. (Women peace work ; Sweden).

  127. Svenska Världsfredsmissionen : Fredsfront : Informations- och medlemsbok.
    (- Uppsala?) : Svenska Världsfredsmissionen, 1948. - 36 pp. SWE.

  128. Swerdlov, Amy: Womens strike for Peace : Traditional motherhood and Radical politics in the 1960s.
    - Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1993. - 310 pp. : ill.
    - ISBN 0-226-78636-6

  129. Swords into Ploughshares : Non-violent Direct Action for Disarmament / Arthur J. Laffin ; Anna Montgommery (editors).
    - New York : Harper and Row, 1987. - 243 pp.

  130. Söderblom, Nathan: The Church and Peace, being the Burge Memorial lecture for the Year 1929.
    - Oxford : The Claridon Press, 1929. - 44 pp.
    (Also translated into Swedish:

    Burge Memorial förläsning.
    - Stockholm : Informationsbyrån för Fredsfrågor och Internationalt Samarbete, 1930. - 60 pp. (Småskrifter utgivne av Informationsbyrån för Fredsfrågor och Internationalt Samarbete ; 1)).

  131. Söderblom, Nathan: För fred och kristlig gemenskap = For Peace and Christian Fellowship.
    - Stockholm ; Uppsala : Almquist & Wiksel, 1914 ; 1915 ; 1925. - 4 pp. SWE. ; DAN. ; NOR. ; FRE. ; GER. ; ; NL..

  132. Söderblom, Nathan: Kyrkans uppgift i fredsarbetet : Föredrag i Helga Trefaldighet i Uppasal midsommerafton 1917 vid Allmänna svenska fredskongressen. - Stockholm : Svenska Andelsförlaget, 1917. - 31 pp. SWE.

  133. Söderblom, Nathan: Memorandum on the duty of the Church with regard to Reconsiliation and Reconstruction, prepared on the behalf of the Swedish council of the World Alliance for Promoting International Friendship through the Churches for the meeting of the International Committee at Copenhagen, August 1922. - London : (s.n.) 1922. - 6 pp.
    (reprinted as

    On the Reconstruction of the European Civilization.
    - Uppsala : (s.n.) 1923. - 8 pp.).

  134. Söderblom, Nathan: Memorandum presented to the International Committee of the World Alliance for Promoting International Friendship through the Churches at The Hague, October 2nd, 1919. - Uppsala : (s. n.) - 4 pp. (Proposed Ecumenical conference).

  135. Söderblom, Nathan: År fredstanken en illusion? : Föredrag i Engelbrektskyrkan den 11 november 1930.
    - Stockholm : Informationsbyrån för Fredsfrågor och Internationalt Samarbete, 1930. - 16 pp. SWE. (Småskrifter utgivne av Informationsbyrån för Fredsfrågor och Internationalt Samarbete ; 5).

  136. Sørensen, Georg: Peace Research between Utopianism and Conventionalism : Violence and nonviolence; the Gandhian heritage.
    - Århus : Institute of Political Science, University of Århus, 1990. - 20 pp. (International Peace Research Association Thirteenth General Conference, July 3-7, 1990, Groningen, Netherlands).

  137. Sørensen, Henning: Conscientious Objection in Denmark.
    - Copenhagen : Center for Peace and Conflict Research, 1990. - 23 pp. * (Working Paper 1990 ; 5).

  138. Sørensen, Henning: Fra mit livs skraldespand.
    - Nimtofte : Forlaget Indtryk, 1993. - 264 pp. : ill. *. DAN - ISBN 87-87634-29-5

  139. Sørensen, Henning: Krudt uden kugler : En fortælling om engagement og fredsbevægelse.
    - Højbjerg : Forlaget Hovedland, 2002. - 173 pp. : ill. *. DAN - ISBN 87-7739-583-2

  140. Sørensen, Mathias: I fremmed Klædning : Et personligt Indlæg mod det onde ved Krig og Militarisme.
    - Copenhagen : Own publishing, 1927. - 125 pp. : ill. * DAN. (About a Dane, who was conscripted into the German army during World War I).

  141. Sørensen, Nicolai Julius: "Fred på jorden" : Første fredsbog med Foredrag om Fredssagen.
    - Kristania [Oslo] : (s.n.) 1896. pp. NOR.

  142. Sørensen, Øystein: Fridtjof Nansen : mannen og myten.
    - Oslo : Universitetsforlaget, 1993. - 157 pp. : ill,. port. NOR.
    - ISBN 82-00-21735-3

  143. Tagore, Rabindranath: Mine Erindringer.
    - Copenhagen : V. Prios Boghandel ; Povl Branner, 1922. - 210 pp. * DAN.

  144. Die Tage von Bierville : Der VI. Internationale Demokratische Friedenskongress verbunden mit Internationalem Freundschaftmonat der Jugend/im Schloss und Park von Bierville bei Paris vom 1. bis 29. August 1926 : Deutscher Bericht nach amtlichen Unterlagen und Zeugnissen von Freunden und Gegnern zusammengestellt von / Joseph Probst ; Rio Schneider ; Carl Maria Brohl. - Würtsburg : Wütsburg im Werkbundverlag, 1926. - 247 pp. : ill. * GER.

  145. Tangen, Carl O.: Militærnegterne.
    - Kra. [Oslo] : Ungsocialistisk Forbunds Forlag, 1922. - 24 pp. * NOR.
    (Norvegian CO).

  146. Tanker och högkomster belysenda Pörtom Fredsförenings 25-åriga verksomhet / Johannes Haga ; Mie Sten.
    - Vasa : (s.n.) 1955. - 15 pp. SWE. (Peace Work in Finland).

  147. Tate, Merze: The Disarmament Illusion : The Movement For A Limitation Of Armaments To 1907.
    - New York: The Macmillan Company, 1942. - 424 pp. '.

  148. Tatum, Lawrie. Our red Brothers and the Peace Policy of President Ulysses S. Grant.
    - Philadelphia : J. C. Winston & co., 1899. - xix, 366 pp.

  149. Tatz, Jürgen: Gewaltfreier Widerstand gegen Massenvernichtungsmittel : die Friedensbewegung entscheidet sich.
    - Freiburg i. Br.: Dreisam-Verlag, 1984. - 222 pp. : ill. GER.

  150. Taylor, Richard: Against the Bomb : The British Peace Movement 1958-1965.
    - Oxford : Clarendon, 1988. - 368 pp. : ill.

  151. Teater for fred : En fotobog om fredsspillene 1982 / editors: Ditte Scharnberg ; Arne Katholm ; Magnus Brandstrup.
    - Århus : Husets Forlag, 1982. - [48] pp. : ill. * DAN.

  152. Teglers, Jørgen: Fredsbevægelsen : Med- og modspillere.
    - Copenhagen : SNU., 1988. - 78 pp. : ill. - 87-503-7292-0 * DAN.

  153. Tekenen voor vrede : Het volkspe-titionnement tegen de kruisraketten / Bert Klandermans (editor) ... [et al.]
    - Assen : Van Gorcum, 1988. - x, 150 pp. : ill. NL.

  154. Terp, Holger: Ellen Hørup : Et biografisk Essay.
    - Skive : Fredspædagogisk Værksted, 1989. - 50 pp. : ill. - ISBN 87-89073-05-3 * DAN. (Fredspædagogisk Værksteds småskrifter ; 6). (Ellen Hørup 1871-1953 was a pacifist journalist, a follower of Gandhi and also a fighter for womens liberation, political refugees, and better childcare).

  155. Terp, Holger: Danish Peace History.
    - Copenhagen : The Danish Peace Academy, 2008. - 45 pp. *.

  156. Terp, Holger: Goliath v David: A short history of the fight against organised peace work.
    - Copenhagen : The Danish Peace Academy, 2010. - 71 pp. *.

  157. A Testimony and Caution to such as do make a Profession of Truth, who are in scorn called Quakers, and more especially such who Profess to be Ministers of the Gospel of Peace, that they should not be Concerned in Worldly Government / Thomas Budd ; Thomas Hart. - Philadelphia : (s.n.) 1692. - 12 pp.

  158. Testimony of Dr. Linus Pauling / Hearings before the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act.
    - Washington, DC. : U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judicary, 1960. pp.

  159. Ein Theatermann im Exil, P. Walter Jacob / publisher: Uwe Naumann …[et al.]
    - Hamburg : Kabel, 1985. - 240 pp. : ill. GER.

  160. Thinking about Nonviolent Struggle : Trends, Research and Analyses.
    - Cambridge, MA : The Albert Einstein Institution, 1990. pp.

  161. The Theories of Punishment : Studied from the point of view of Nonviolence / Turun Yliopisto.
    - Turku : 1963. - 152 pp. (Annales Universitatis Turkuensis. Series B ; 86). (Disputats, Turku 1963).

  162. Therese de Villenave, Mathieu Guillaume: Societe de la morale chretienne.
    - Paris : A. Henry, imprimeur de la Chambre des deputes, 1842. - 21 pp. FRE.

  163. They Can't Go Home Again : The Story of America's Political Refugees / Richard Kilmer ... [et al.]
    - Philadelphia : United Church Press, 1972. pp.

  164. Thompson, Ben: Comiso.
    - London : END/ The Merlin Press, 1982. - 18 pp.*.

  165. Thomsen, Elise: Mellemfolkeligt Hjælpearbejde.
    - Holbæk : Fredsvennernes Hjælpearbejde, 1944. - 16 pp. * DAN.

  166. Thorborg, Margrete: Mahatma Gandhi.
    - Copenhagen : Kristeligt Fredsforbund, 1925. - 16 pp. * DAN.
    (First Danish Gandhi booklet).

  167. Henry David Thoreau: Resistance to Civil Government in Æsthetic Papers, 1849 pp. 189-213.Thoreau, Henry David: Resistance to Civil Government :
    (A lecture delivered in 1847).
    - Boston, MA. : Æsthetic Papers, 1849. pp. 189-213. *.
    (Reprinted as:

    On the Duty of Civil Disobedience : A new edition of "Resistance to Civil Goverment".
    - London : Simple Life Press, 1903. - 38 pp. (The Simple life series ; 4),

    also reprinted in New Heaven, Conn, by: C. & Margareth Rollins, 1928. - i, 27 pp.; and in London, by: Peace Pledge Union, 1943. - 16 pp.

    and as:

    On the Duty of Civil Disobedience.
    - London : Housmans, 1963 ; 1968 ; 1976. - 23 pp. *.

    Also reprinted in - Bombay : Satyagrala Sabha, 1919. - 40 pp.,

    and also reprinted in: - New York : A. J. Muste Memorial Institute, [1989]. - 26 pp. *.
    (A. J. Muste Memorial Institute, Essay Series ; 3).

    Translated into Danish:

    Civil lydighedsnægtelse : Og udvalgte breve.
    - Copenhagen : Steen Hasselbalchs Forlag, 1968. - 102 pp. *.

    and reprinted by: Gyldendal, 1984. - 95 pp.
    - ISBN 87-00-81594-2 *.

    Translated into German:

    Über die Pflicht zum Ungehorsam gegen den Staat : Und anderen essays. nd. - 186 pp).

  168. Thue, Elisabeth: Nobels fredspris til Ossietzky : Tyske reaksjioner og konsekvenser for forholdet mellem Tyskland og Norge. - Oslo : sn, 1994. - 172 pp. NOR. ; Hovedfagsopgave i Historie, Universitetet i Oslo, våren 1994. (Thesis in History).

  169. Til kamp mot militarismen.
    - Norrköbing : 1906. pp. SWE.

  170. To af Gandhis Taler ved det runde Bords Konference / Mohandas Gandhi.
    - Copenhagen : Indiens Venner, 1931. - 12 pp. * DAN.

  171. To kvinner for fred = Gerda Visle ; Ciaran McKeown / Richard Herrmann.
    - Oslo : Gyldendal norsk forlag, 1976. - 102 pp. * NOR. (North Irland)

  172. Toftkær, Troels: Det Østtyske Fredsråd.
    - Copenhagen : NTAs kampagnegruppe, 1983. - 4 pp. * DAN.

  173. Tokar, Brian: The Green Alternative : Creating an Ecological Future.
    - San Pedro, CA : R. & E. Miles, 1987. - 174 pp.

  174. Tolstoy, Alexander: Tolstoys flugt og Død.
    - Copenhagen : H. Hagerup, 1927. - 263 pp. * DAN.

  175. Tolstoy, Leo: Döda icke! / Thou Shalt Not Kill ... [Adress to the Swedish Peace Congress?]
    - Stockholm : Svenska Freds- och Skiljedomsforeningen, 1909. - 40 pp. SWE.
    (Svenska Freds- och Skiljedomsforeningen, Fredsskrifter ; 7).

  176. Tolstoy, Leo: Für alle Tage I+II
    - Dresen : Carl Reissner, 1906. - 572 + pp. GER.

    Also translated into English:

    Wise Thoughts for Every Day : On God, Love, Spirit and Living a Good Life.
    / Selected and Translated from Russian by Peter Serikin.
    - New York : Archade, 366 pp.

  177. Tolstoy, Leo: The Gospel in Brief.
    - London : Brotherhood Publishing Co., 1896. - xi. 226 pp. *.

  178. Tolstoy, Leo: How I came to Believe.
    - London : The Free Age Press, 1900. - 64 pp. *.

  179. Tolstoy, Leo: Goverment is Violence : Essays on Anarchism and Pacifism.
    - London : Phoenix Press, 1990. - 182 pp.

  180. Tolstoy, Leo: "The Kingdom of God is within You" : or Christianity is not as a mystic religion but as a new theory of Life. - London : W. Heinemann, 1894. - xvi, 528 pp.
    (Also published in London, by: Scott, 1894. - viii, 376 pp.

    Also printed in New York, by: The Cassell Publishing Co., 1894. - x, 368 pp.

    Also printed as:

    The Kingdom of God is within You, and Peace essays [Christianity and Patriotism ; The Marseillaise in French and English ; Patriotism and Goverment ; Introduction to a short Biography of William Lloyd Garrison ; Address to the Swedish Peace Congress] / translated with an introduction by: Aylmer Maude. - London : Humphrey Milford ; Oxford University Press, 1936 ; 1942. - 591 pp. *.

    (Also translated into German:

    Das Reich Goltes ist in euch.
    - Stuttgart : 1894.)

    (Also translated into Danish:

    Kristi Lære og Kirkens Lære.
    - Copenhagen : Andr. Schous Forlag, 1894. - 459 pp. *. (Continuation of What I Believe or My Religion?)).

    Tolstoy, Leo: My Confessions and The Spirit of Christ's Teachings.
    - New York : Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., 1887. - 242 pp.

    Tolstoy, Leo: My Religion.
    - New York : T. Y. Crowell & Co., 1885. - xii, 274 pp.
    (Also printed as

    My Religion, On Life ; Thoughts on God ; On the meaning of Life.
    - Boston : Dana Estes & Co., [c. 1904]. - viii, 482 pp

    Lift Up Your Eyes: The Religious Writings Of Leo Tolstoy.
    - New York : Julian Press, 1960.

    Also printed in French:

    Ma religion.
    - Paris : Libraire Fischbacher, nd - 266 pp.*.

  181. Tolstoy, Leo: Letter to a Hindu [Taraknath Das].
    - London : Peace Pledge Union ; Peace News, 1943 ; 1963. - 16 ; 12 pp. *. (Peace News Pamplet). (First published in 1908).

  182. Tolstoy, Leo: Letter to A Non-Comissioned Officer. 1888. - 4 pp.

  183. Tolstoy, Leo: Letters on War.
    - London : The Free Age Press, [1906?] - 40 pp.

  184. Tolstoy, Leo: La loi de l'amour et la loi de la violence.
    - Paris : Dorbon-Ainé, [1910]. - 266 pp. FRE.
    (Also translated into Danish

    Magtens Lov og Kærlighedens Lov.
    - Copenhagen : J. Frimodts Boghandel, 1910. - 114 pp. *.
    (Reprinted: - Sindal : Børge Larsens Forlag, 1943. - 116 pp. *).

  185. Tolstoy, Leo: Magtanvendelse, Krig og Revolution : Udvalg af hans Skrifter, Dagbøger og Breve / selected by: Valentin Bulagkov. - [Copenhagen] : AmK, 1928. - 24 pp. * DAN.

  186. Tolstoy, Leo: Naar Tiderne Skifte : om den kommende Revolution.
    - Copenhagen : J. Frimodts Forlag, 1907. - 96 pp. * DAN.
    (Printed in: "The Forthnightly Review", 1906).

  187. Tolstoy, Leo: Om vold og Kjærlighet / translated, with an introduction by Trygve Ulf Helgaker.
    - [Lysaker] : Solum, 1977. - 99 pp. ISBN 82-560-007-0

  188. Tolstoy, Leo: Patriotism and christianity, to which is appended "A reply to criticisms" of the work and "Patriotism, or peace?" a letter called forth by the Venezuelan dispute between England and the United States.
    - London : Walter Scott, 1896.

    Christianity and patriotism with pertinent extracts from other essays. Ttranslated by Paul Borger and others.
    - Chicago : The Open Court Publishing Co., 1905 - 98 pp.

    Christianity and patriotism.
    - Honolulu, Hawaii : University Press of the Pacific, 2002. pp.

    Tolstoy, Leo: Patriotism and Goverment.
    - Chicago : Open Court Publishing Co., 1905.

    (Also translated into German:

    Christentum und Vaterlandsliebe.
    - Berlin : , 1894.


    Patriotismus und Christentum.
    - Berlin : Hugo Steinitz, 1894. pp.


    Patriotismus und Frieden.
    - Berlin : Hugo Steinitz, 1903. - 112 pp.)

    (Also translated into French:

    L'esprit chrétien et le patriotisme.
    - Paris : Perrin & Cie, 1894. - 182 pp.)

    (Also translated into Swedish:

    Patriotism och Kristendom.
    - Stockholm : 1894.)

    (Also translated into Danish:

    - Copenhagen : Andr. Schous Forlag, 1894. - 101 pp. *. (This appears to be the first foreign publication of the essay Patriotism; the later English editions, as far as I know, are missing the description of the Russian naval visit to the French port of Toulon and Tolstoy's discussion on the creation of a Triple Entente between Great Britain, France, and Russia.))

  189. Tolstoy, Leo: Recollections And Essays.
    - London : Oxford University Press, 1937. - 504 pp. (Tolstoy Centenary Edition).
    Introduction, by Aylmer Maude ... vii
    'Recollections.' Jottings made in 1902 and in 1908 ... i
    Why do men stupefy themselves? 1890 ... 67
    The first step. 1892 .... 90
    Non-acting. 1893 ...136
    An afterword to famine articles. 1893 ... 171
    Modern science. 1898 ...176
    An introduction to Ruskin's works. 1899 ...188
    Letters on Henry George. 1897 ...189
    Thou shalt not kill. 1900 ...195
    Bethink yourselves! 1904 ...204
    A great iniquity. 1905 ...272
    Shakespeare and the drama. 1906 ... 307
    What's to be done? 1906 ...384
    I cannot be silent. 1908 ... 395
    A letter to a Hindu. 1908 ...413
    Gandhi letters. 1910 ... 433
    Letter to a Japanese. 1910 ... 440
    The wisdom of children. 1910 ... 446
    Thoughts from private letters ... 494
    Index to this volume ... 501
    General indexes

  190. Tolstoy, Leo: Rede gegen den Krieg.
    - Berlin : Verlag "Der Sozialist", [1909] pp. GER.

  191. Tolstoy, Leo: Religion og Moral.
    - Copenhagen : Andr. Schous Forlag, 1894. - 46 pp. * DAN. (Translated from German. Published in the German magazine "Ethische Kultur", Berlin. no. 52-53. 1893 and no. 1-3. 1894).

  192. Tolstoy, Leo: The slavery of our times. 1900.

  193. Tolstoy, Leo: Tolstoy's writings on Civil Disobedience and Non-violence.
    - New York : New American Library, 1968. - 302 pp.

  194. Tolstoy, Leo: Tænk jer om! : Et aabent Brev.
    - Odense : Milo'ske Boghandels Forlag, 1904. - 36 pp. * DAN.
    (Letter or essay Bethink Yourselves from "The Times" dated May 24, 1904. - London? : , pp.
    Abouth the Japanese-Russian war.
    Also printed in Boston : American Peace Society, 1904.
    and in,
    Recollections and Essays.) (Also translated into Norwegian):

    Tag det til Hjerte! En henvendelse til alle Folkeslag : Med Forord af Norges Fredsforenings Formand.
    - Kra. [Oslo] : Narvesen, 1904. - 56 pp.

  195. Tolstoy, Leo: What I Believe.
    - London : K. Stock, 1885. - iv, 236 pp.

    What I Believe was first circulated in Russia in 1884. It was first printed in Russian at Geneva in 1888.
    (Also translated into Danish:

    Hvori Bestaar min Tro? : Studie [with] Om Livets Betydning : Betragtninger = On the meaning of Life. - Copenhagen : Andr. Schous Forlag, 1899. - 241 + 251 pp. * (Afhandlinger ; 2). (Continued in Kristi Lære og Kirkens Lære).

  196. Tolstoy, Leo: What to Do?

  197. Tolstoy, Leo: What then Must We Do?
    - London : Oxford University Press, 1896 ; 1950. - 392 pp.

    (Also translated into German:

    Bekenntnisse : Was sollen wir denn thun? Ev. Lucä 3,10. Von Leo Tolstoi. Aus dem russischen Manuskript übers. von H. von Samson-Himmelstjerna - Leipzig : , 1886.

    Was sollen wir also thun? : Deutsch von August Scholz - Berlin : , 1891.)

    (Also translated into Swedish:

    Till krig emot kriget : betänken eder : ett bref till krigets män och tsaren af Leo Tolstoj.
    - Stockholm : 1904. - 40 pp.)

  198. Tolstoy, Leo: Ultimes paroles.
    - Paris : Societé d` éditions et publications parisiennes, 1909. - 250 pp. FRE.

  199. Tolstoy, Leo: Über Krieg und Staat.
    - Berlin : Hugo Steinitz, 1901. - 110 pp. GER.

  200. Tolstoys Moralfilosofi Bedømt af Landsmænd. In. Volynski: Tolstoys moralfilosofi. II. Stachoff:
    Et Indlæg i Tolstojspørgsmålet.
    - Copenhagen : Andr. Schous Forlag, 1892. - 183 pp. * DAN. (Afhandlinger ; 1).

  201. Towards a Comprehensive Analysis of Peace Movements / edited by: Katsuya Kodama ; Unto Vesa.
    - Lund : Lund University Press, 1989. - 290 pp. *. - ISBN 91-7966-099-1

  202. Towards a Just World Peace : Perspectives from Social Movements / edited by: S. H. Mendlovitz ; R. B. J. Walker. - Guildford : Butterworths, 1987. - 403 pp.

  203. Tracy, James D. The Politics of Erasmus : A Pacifist Intellectual and his Political Milieu.
    - Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1978. - 216 pp. *. - ISBN 0-8020-5393-9

  204. Tranmæl, Martin: Hvem vil borgerkrig : Foredrag av Martin Tramæl ved Trondhjems socialistlags antimilitære demostrationsmøte den 21de mai 1918. - Thjem : Trondhjems socialistlag, 1918. - 31 pp. NOR.

  205. Tritton, Frederick J.: Carl Heath : Apostle of Peace.
    - London : Friends Home Service Committee, 1951. - 32 pp. *.

  206. Troyat, Henri: Tolstoï.
    - Paris : Faynard, 1965. - 889 pp. : ill. * FRE.

  207. True, Michael: To construct Peace : 30 more justice seekers, peace makers.
    - Mystic : Twenty-third publications, 1992. - 190 pp. ISBN 0-89622-487-2

  208. Trueblod, Benjamin Franklin: The Federation of the World.
    - Boston ; New York : Hughton, Mifflin and Company, 1899. - vii, 162 pp.

  209. Trush, Thomas: The Apology of an Officer, for withdrawing from the Profession of Arms.
    - London : C. Fox, 1883. - pp.

  210. Tucholsky, Kurt: Gesammelte Werke.
    - Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1960 ; 1961. pp. GER.
    (Also translated into Danish:

    Udvalgte skrifter.
    - Copenhagen : Rhodos, 1976. - 244 pp. : ill. *.
    (Kurt Tucholsky 1890-1935 was a German pacifist and author was connected to Carl von Ossietzky's magazine "Die Weltbühne").

  211. Tugendhat, H. Ernst: Rationalitaet und Irrationalitaet der Friedensbewegung und ihrer Gegner : Versuch eines Dialogs. - Berlin : Verlag und Versandbuchhandlung Europaeische Perspektiven, 1983. - 38 pp. GER. (Schriftenreihe des AK atomwaffenfreies Europa e. V. ; 7).

  212. Tugwell, Maurice: A mythology of peace.
    - Toronto, Canada : Mackenzie Institute for the Study of Terrorism, Revolution, and Propaganda, 1987. - 30 pp.

  213. Turberville, Arthur Stanley: Leo Tolstoy.
    - London : E. Dalton, 1908. - 340 pp.

  214. Turkey : Peace on trial / Jean Furtado (editor).
    - London : END/Merlin Press, 1983. - 54 pp. *
    (Turkey, militarization, peace movement, NATO, human rights, domestic politics).

  215. Twentieth-century peace movements : Successes and failures / editors: Guido Grünewald ; Peter van den Dungen.
    - Lewiston : Edwin Mellem, 1995. - 254 pp.
    - ISBN 0-7734-9065-5

  216. Tøj m.m. til børn i Ex-Jugoslavien : Rapport fra en nødhjælpekonvoj til Beograd og Prishtina - december 1993 / editor Hanne Norup Carlsen ; editor Else Hammerich. - Copenhagen : International Liga for Fred og Frihed, 1994. - 43 pp. : ill. ; 30 cm. * DAN.

  217. Uhlig, Ralph: Die Interparlamentarische Union 1889-1914 : Friedenssicherungsbemühngen im Zeitalter des Imperialismus.
    - Stuggart : Steiner, 1988. - xii 981 pp. : ill. - ISBN 3-515-0509-7 GER. (Studien zur modernen Geschicte ; 39). (Dispotats, Kiel 1987). (Thesis).

  218. Ulfsby, Inez Boon: Et håndslag til Finnmark : Fredsvennenes hjelpetjeneste under gjenreisningen 1946-47. - Oslo : Tiden, 1982. - 79 pp. : ill. NOR.

  219. Ullmann, Richard K.: The Dilemmas of a Reconciler serving the East-West Conflict.
    - Wallingford : Pendle Hills Publications, 1963. - 24 pp. *.
    (Pendle Hills Pamphlet ; 131).
    (Reprinted as:

    The Dilemmas of a Reconciler: Richard K. Ullmann (1904-1963).
    - London : Quaker Peace & Service, 1984. - 24 pp. - ISBN 0-901689-25-4 *. (Quaker Peace Work).

  220. Underhill, Hugh: Pacifism : An introductory perspective.
    - London : Peace Pledge Union, 1971 ; 1984 ; 1991. - 34 pp. : ill. * - ISBN 0-902680-23-4

  221. Unnithan, T. K. N.: Sociology of Nonviolence and Peace : Some behavioural and attitudinal Dimensions : A study of elites, non-elites and students and institutional situations and of elites in Nepal and Ceylon. - New Delhi : Research Council for Cultural Studies, India International Centre, 1969. - x, 181, xiv pp.

  222. Union Interparlamentaire : Compte Rendu de la ... Conferènce / Bureau Interparlamentaire.
    - Bern ; Geneva : pp. FRE. (Yearly minutes published since 1890).

  223. United Nations: The International Year of Peace at the United Nations : Reports, Statements and Resolutions.
    - New York : United Nations, 1987. - 60 pp.
    (Also translated into French:

    L'année internationale de la paix a l' organisation des Nations Unies : Rapports, Déclarations et résolutions. - New York : United Nations, 1987. - 60 pp.). (International Year of Peace, 1986).

  224. United Nations, General Assembly: International Year of Peace : Report of The Secretary-General, Addendum, Summary of Activities.
    - New York : United Nations, 1987. - 22 pp. (A/42/487/Add.1). (International Year of Peace 1986).

  225. Die Universitaet zwischen Oekonomisierung und Militarisierung? : Zur Sinnkrise in den Wissenschaften / Heinrich W. Ahlemeyer ; Heinz Gunther.
    - Münster : Lit., 1986. - iv, 281 pp. GER. (Arbeitskreis Münsteraner Wissenschaftler für Frieden und Abruestung).

  226. Unruh, Fritz von: Der Sohn des Generales. 1957. - pp. GER.

  227. Unsere Aufgabe in friedloser Welt : Zehn Jahre Freundschaftsheim Bueckeburg. 1948-1958.
    - Minden : [Own publishing?] - 72 pp. * GER.

  228. U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General: A Review of the FBI's Investigations of Certain Domestic Advocacy Groups. Sep. 20, 2010.
    - Washington DC. : U.S. Department of Justice Office, 2010.

  229. U. S. Select Service System: Conscientious Objection.
    - Washington DC. : Government (Special monographs ; II).

  230. Vad kan socialdemokratin göre för världsfreden? : En rundfråga bland världens ledande socialdemokrater.
    - Uppsala : Universitas, 1949. - 208 pp. * SWE.

  231. Vajda, Peter: Keznyujtas a leszere-lesre : Beke es baratsagi honap 1986. majus 8-junius 8. - Budapest : Orszagos Beketanacs, 1986. - 60 pp. HUN.

  232. Vaux, Roberts: Memoirs of the life of Anthony Benezet.
    - Philadelphia : Published by James P. Parke, 1817. - 136 pp.

  233. Vecchio, Giorgio: Movimenti pacifisti ed antiamericanismo in Italia (1948-1953).
    - Badia Fiesolana, San Domenico (FI) : European University Institute, Florence, Department of History and Civilization, 1986. - 19 pp. IT.

  234. Vejans, Andris: Latvijas miera balss.
    - Riga : "Avots", 1986. - 163 pp. : ill. RUS.

  235. Vellacott, Jo: Bertrand Russell and the Pacifism in the First World War.
    - Brighton : Harvester, 1980. - 326 pp.

  236. Vellacott, Jo: From Liberal to Lobor Wityh Women´s Suffrage : The Story of Catherine Marshall.
    - , McGill-Queen´s University Press, 1993. - pp.

  237. Verantwortung aus Wissen : Beiträge von DDR-Wissenschaftlern zu Friedensforschung und Friedenskampf / Gerhard Banse ; Nina Hager ; Klaus Buttker. - Berlin : Dietz, 1989. - 327 pp. : ill. GER.

  238. Verantwortung für Frieden und Arbeit : Dokumentation der Konferenz / Margret Johannsen ; Herbert Wulf (publishers). - Hamburg : Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg, 1988. - 155 pp. GER. (DGB-Landesbezirk Nordmark).

  239. Verkuil, I. D.: De grote illusie : de Nederlandse vredesbeweging na 1945.
    - Ultrect : Hess, 1988. - 125 pp. NL.

  240. Verwerflich? : Friedensfreunde vor Gericht : Eine Dokumentation der Gruppe "Gustav Heinemann" Tübingen / Ute Finckh ; Inge Jens (editors). - München : Knaur, 1985. - 204 pp. GER. (Gustav-Heinemann-Friedensgruppe Tübingen, Germany).

  241. Vi kan sikre freden : Taler fra verdensfredskongressen Paris-Prag 20. - 25. april ; 1949.
    - Copenhagen : Tiden, 1949. - 46 pp. : ill. * DAN. (The World Peace council).

  242. Vinke, Hermann: Carl von Ossietzky 1889-1938.
    - Bonn : Inter Nations, 1989. - 55 pp. GER.
    (Also translated and published in English, French and Spanish by the publisher).

  243. Vinke, Hermann: Carl von Ossietzky.
    - Marburg : Blindendruck der Deutschen Blindenstudienanstalt, 1984. - 205 pp. GER.

  244. Vinke, Hermann: Carl von Ossietzky.
    - Ravensburg : Maier, 1987. - 173 pp. GER. (Ravensburger Taschenbücher ; 1852).

  245. Vinke, Hermann: Carl von Ossietzky.
    - Ravensburger : Ravensburger Verlag, nd pp. GER. (Ravensburger TB ; 1852).

  246. Vinke, Hermann: Das Kurze Leben der Sophie Scholl.
    - Ravensburger : Otto Maier Verlag, 1980. pp. GER.
    (Also translated into Danish:

    "...for frihed og ære : Sophie Schrolls korte liv.
    - Copenhagen : Forum, 1983. - 143 pp. : ill. *).

  247. Voices from the Crowd : Against the H-Bomb / David Boulton (editor).
    - London : Peter Owens, 1964. - 185 pp

  248. Voices from Prague : Documents on Czechoslovakia and the peace movement / Jan Kavan ; Zdena Tomin (editors.)
    - London : Palach Press and END, 1982. - 75 pp. (Czechoslovakia, Charter 77, dissidents).

  249. Volksbefragung : Keine Raketen, mehr Demokratie / publisher: Jo Leinen.
    - Berlin : Verlag und Versandbuchhandlung Europäische Perspektiven, 1984. - 109 pp. GER. (Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises Atomwaffenfreies Europa e.V. ; 9)

  250. Volmerg, Ute: Jugendoffiziere im Konflikt mit der Friedensbewegung.
    - Frankfurt am Main : Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 1987. - 61 pp. : ill. GER.

  251. Voris, Jacquline van: Carrie Chapman Catt : A public life.
    - New York : Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 1987. - 307 pp. : ill.

  252. Voor wereldvrede in veiligheid, vrijheid en rechtvaardigheid : Pogrammaverklaring van Pax Christi Vlaanderen voor de 2de helft van de jaren '80 en het begin van de jaren '90. - Antwerpen : OMEGA, 1984. - 116 pp. : ill. NL.

  253. Vredesbeweging / Ph. P. Everts ; G. Walraven.
    - Utrecht : Spectrum, 1984. - 103 pp. : ill. NL.

  254. Væver, Ole: Movements of the Move : Politico-linguistic strategies of western peace movements.
    - Copenhagen : Center for Peace and Conflict Research, 1989. - 24 pp. * (Working Paper 1989 ; 13).

  255. Vårt arbete för freden : Yrkesgrupper mot kärnvapen. / ed. Kristin Dahl. - Uppsala : Hallgren & Fallgren Studieförlag AB, 1985. - 136 pp. : ill. * SWE.
    Skilled worker's for peace.

  256. The Wages of War 1816-1965 : A Statistical Handbook / J. D. Singer ; M. Small. - New York : John Wiley, 1972. - 419 pp.

  257. Waller, Douglas C.: Congress and the Nuclear Freeze : An inside look at the policies of a mass movement.
    - Amherst : University of Massachussets Press, 1987. - 346 pp.

  258. Wallis, Jill: Mother of World Peace : The Life of Muriel Lester.
    - Enfield Lock, Hisarlik Press, 1993. - 326 pp. : ill. - ISBN 1-874312-15-X

  259. Wallis, Jill: Valiant for Peace : A history of the Fellowship of Reconciliation 1914 to 1989. - London : Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1991. - 286 pp. : ill., pl.
    - ISBN-0-900368-40-3

  260. Walworth, Athur: Wilson and his Peacemakers : American Diplomacy at the Paris Peace Conference 1919. - New York : (s.n.) 1986. - 618 pp.

  261. Wander's O.: Paasche-Buch.
    - Weizher : Fakelreiter verlag, 1922. - 44 pp. : ill. * GER.

  262. War Reisters International : War Resistance : A practical Policy.
    - New York : The New History Society, 1931. - 49 pp. * (Reprinted in ???).

  263. War Reisters International : War Resisters in many Lands : An Account of the Movement in twenty one Countries and a Report of the International Conference held on the Sonntagsberg, Austria, July 1928. - Enfield : WRI, [1928] - 68 pp. : ill. (Reprinted in ???).

  264. War Resisters International: War Resisters of the World : An Account of the Movement in Twenty Countries and a Report of the international Conference held at Hoddesdon, Herts, England, July 1925. - Enfield : WRI, 1925. - 84 pp. (Also published in French and German. Reprinted in ???).

  265. War we say no.
    - London : Peace Pleadge Union, nd. pp.

  266. Wardill, George: The Rights of Man : Advocated by giving a Description of Society, what it ought to be, what it is, and what it must become, before Contentment, Peace and happiness can be our portion.
    - New York : W. C. Bryant & co., printers, 1853. - 24 pp.

  267. Ware, John: Address Delivered before the Massachusetts Peace Society.
    - Boston : Office of the Christian Register, 1825. - pp.

  268. Warner, Gale: The invisible Threads : Independent Soviets working for Global awareness and Social Transformation.
    - Washington, D.C. : Seven Locks Press, 1991. - xi, 249 pp. *.

  269. Wartenweiler, Fritz: Fridtjof Nansen.
    - Erlenbach ; Zürich ; Leipzig : Rotapfel Verlag, 1930. - 292 pp. * GER

  270. Wartenweiler, Fritz: Mahatma Gandhi.
    - Zürich : Nussbaum, GER.

  271. Wartenweiler, Fritz: Pierre Ceresole. 1967. GER.

  272. Wartenweiler, Fritz: Vinoba Bhave. - Zürich : GER.

  273. Wasmuth, Ulrike C.: Friedensbewegungen der 80er Jahre : Zur Analyse ihrer strukturellen und aktuellen Enstehungsbedingungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und den Verein[i]gten Staaten von Amerika nach 1945 : ein Vergleich.
    - Giessen : Focus, 1987. - 350 pp. GER.

  274. Watermelons not War : A Support Book for Parenting in the Nuclear Age / Kate Clod ...[et al.]
    - Richmond : New Society Publishers, 1984. - 176 pp. : ill.

  275. Wawrinsky, Edward: Fredsrörelsen.
    - Stockholm : (s.n.). 1904. - 18 pp. SWE.

  276. We shall overcome : Die amerikanische Friedensbewegung in Selbstzeugnissen / collected and published by: Heinrich W. Ahlemeyer ; Bernd Greiner. - Köln : Pahl Rugenstein, 1983. - 315 pp. (Kleine Bibliothek ; 272). GER.

  277. Wehberg, Hans: Die fürer der deutschen Friedensbewegung (1890 bis 1923).
    - Leipzig : Oldenburg Verlag, 1923. - 78 pp. GER.

  278. Ein Weib wie wir?! ; Auguste Kirchhoff (1867-1940) : Ein Leben fur den Frieden und für die Rechte der Frauen / publisher: Hannelore Cyrus ; Verena Steinecke. - Bremen : Verlag in der Sonnenstrasse, 1989. - 152 pp. : ill.

  279. Welch, Richard E.: Response to Imperialism : the United States and the Phillipine-American War 1899-1902.
    - Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, 1979. - 215 pp. : ill.

  280. Weller, Ken: 'Don't be a soldier!' : The Radical anti-war Movement in North London 1914-1918.
    - London : Journeyman Press, 1985. - 96 pp.

  281. Weltraumwaffen : Neue Qualität der Rüstung- Neuorientierung der Friedensbewegung? / Christoph Butterwegge ... [et al.] (publishers)
    - Hamburg : VSA-Verlag, 1985. - 149 pp. GER.

  282. Wessling, Berndt Wilhelm: Carl von Ossietzky : Märtyrer für den Frieden.
    - München : Knesebeck & Schuler, 1989. - 319 pp. GER.

  283. Wette, Wolfram: Militarismus und Pazifismus : Auseinandersetzung mit den deutschen Kriegen, 1991. - 268 pp. GER : (Schriftenreihe Geschichte und Frieden / Dieter Riesenberger ; Wolfram Wette (editors). - Bremen : Donat, 1990-1991. - Vol. 3

  284. Wettig, Gerhard: Die Friedensbewegung der beginnenden 80er Jahre.
    - Köln : Bundesinstitut für Östwissenschaftliche und Internationale Studien, 1982. - ii, 26 pp. GER.

  285. Wettig, Gerhard: Die Funktion der westeuropaischen Friedensbewegung in sowjetischer Sicht.
    - Köln : Bundesinstitut für Ostwissenschaftliche und Internationale Studien, 1983. - ii, 61 pp. GER.

  286. Wettig, Gerhard: Psychoanalyse, Friedensbewegung und Sicherheitspolitik.
    - Köln : Bundesinstitut für Ostwissenschaftliche und Internationale Studien, 1983. - 43 pp. GER.
    (Berichte des Bundesinstituts für Ostwissenschaftliche und Internationale Studien ; 38-1983).

  287. Whitney, Edison: American Peace Society.
    [S. L.] 1927. pp.

  288. Whitney, Normann J.: Experiments in Community.
    - Wallingford : Pendle Hills Publications, 1966. - 40 pp. *.
    (Pendle Hills Pamphlet ; 149). (Quaker Peace Work).

  289. Whittle, Peter: Militærnægtelse : En oversigt over militærnægterordninger i forskellige lande.
    - Langeskov : AmK, - 45 pp. ; 30 cm. * DAN.

  290. Whittaker, David J.: Fighter for Peace : Philip Noel-Baker 1889-1982.
    - York : William Sessions, 1989. - 401 pp. : ill. *. - ISBN 1-85072-056-8

  291. Who was for Munich? : The Role of the Peace Movements in the 1930s / by: University Group on Defence Policy. Chairman: D. V. Glass. - Leeds : (s.n.) 1959. - 16 pp. (Republished by: Leeds Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, 1986. - 16 pp. *).

  292. Why Peace History : An inquiry into its justification / Ralph Summy ; Malcolm Saunders.
    - [Brisbane] : , 1992. - 19 pp. (Paper presented at APRA regional conference 31 January - 4 February 1992
    University of Canterbury Christchurch, New Zealand).

  293. Wiberg, Håkan: Konfliktteori och fredsforskning.
    - Stockholm : Almquist och Wiksell, 1990. - 310 pp. SWE.
    (Peace research, conflict, theory, history).

  294. Wiberg, Håkan: The Peace Research Movement. In: Friedensbewegungen : Bedingungen und Wirkungen / Gernot Heiss ; Heinrich Lutz (editors).
    - Wien : Verlag für Geschichte und Politik, 1984. - 205 pp. (Wiener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Neuzeit 11 ; 1984).
    (The chapter of Wiberg is reprinted in:
    Peace Research : Archievements and Challenges / edited by: Peter Wallensteen.
    - Boulder ; London : Westview Special Studies in Peace, Conflict and Conflict Resolution, 1988. pp. ).

  295. Wickert, Christl: Helene Stöcker 1869-1943 : Frauenrechtlerin, Sexual-reformerin und Pazifistin : eine Biographie.
    - Bonn : Dietz, 1991. - 199 pp. : ill., port. - ISBN 3-8012-0167-8

  296. Wider den Krieg : Grosse Pazifisten von Immanuel Kant bis Heinrich Böll / Christiane Rejewsky ; Dieter Riesenberger.
    - München : Beck, 1987. - 478 pp. GER.

  297. Widerstand gegen der Krieg : Beiträge zur Geschichte der War Resisters International : Internationale der KriegsdienstgegnerInnen / Wolfram Beyer (publisher) - Kassel : Weber Zucht, 1989. - 77 pp. GER.

  298. Wilcock, Evelyn: Pacifism and the Jews.
    - Stroud, Hawthorn, 1994. - 248 pp. - ISBN 1-869-48-5

  299. Wilhoit, Francis M.: The Policies of Massive Resistance.
    - New York : George Braziller, 1973. - 320 pp. *.
    (Massive Resistance was a white counter revolution to the civil rights movement 1956-1965).

  300. Will, Herman: A will for peace : Peace action in the United Methodist Church : A History.
    - Washington : Generel Board of the Church and Society of the United Methodist Church, 1984. - 278 pp. *.

  301. Williams, Reese: Unwinding the Vietnam War : From War into Peace.
    - Seattle : Real Comet Press, 1987. - 448 pp. : ill.

  302. "Wir werden nicht Ruhe geben …" : Die Friedensbewegung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1945 - 1982. Geschichte, Dokumente, Perspektiven. / Uli Jäger ; Michael Schmid-Vöhringer.
    - Tübingen : Verein für Friedenspädagogik Tübingen, 1982. - 48 pp.

  303. Wiltscher, Anne: Most dangerous Women : Feminist Peace Campaigners of the Great War.
    - London : Pandora, 1985. - xvi, 263 pp. : ill.

  304. Winstanley, Lilian: Tolstoy.
    - London : T.C. & E.C. Jack ; New York : Dodge, [1914?] - 108 pp.

  305. Winther, Judith: Politik fra neden : Om 1980erens fredsbevægelse.
    - Ginstrup : Edupax, 1992. - 199 pp. * DAN. (NtA ; END). - ISBN 87-983121-6-2
    Historie og identitet
    NATO's missilbeslutning
    1980 "Omsæt din angst i handling!"
    1981 "Vælg livet"
    Nye udfordringer
    Øst-vestforholdet - set i fredsbevægelsesperspektiv
    Tre eksempler på politik fra neden
    Kampagner, aktioner og demonstrationer
    Atomvåbenfrie zoner
    Afspænding fra neden
    Oprustningen til søs - Det nordatlantiske netværkssamarbejde
    Den militære logik - Fredsarbejdet efter udstationeringen
    Afslutning - Fred og demokrati
    Appendiks 1. Fredsbevægelsesaktiviteter
    Appendiks 2. END-appellen
    Appendiks 3. Interview i NATO-hovedkvarteret - NATO Alert Network

  306. Wintersteiner, Marianne: Die Baronin Bertha von Suttner : Erzählende Bibliographie.
    - Mühlacker : Stieglitz, 1984. - 265 pp. : ill. port. - ISBN 3-7987-0222-5

  307. Wir bleiben dabei : Nein zu Cruise und Pershing II.
    - Köln : Krefelder Initative, 1984. - 8 pp. * GER. (The Krefelder appeal were signed by the following: Begemann, Herbert, Lattmann, Dieter, Meyer, Horst, Middelhauve, Hans-Günter, Niemöller, Martin, Patzelt, Hans-Joachim, Ranke-Heinemann, Uta, Ridder, Helmut, Sommer, Gert, Starlinger Helmut, Strässer, Christopher, Trotta, Margaretha von, Uexküll, Gösta, Weber, Josef).

  308. Wiltsher, Anne: Most dangerous Women : Feminist Peace Campaigners of the Great War.
    - London : Pandora, 1985. - 263 pp. : ill.

  309. Wittner, Laurence S.: Confronting the Bomb : A Short History of the World Nuclear Disarmament Movement.
    - Stanford : Standford University Press, 2009. - 254 pp. *. - ISBN 0-8047-5632-5
    Note: Good and easy to read. A summerary of the III volume The Struggle Against the Bomb.

  310. Wittner, Laurence S.: Rebels against War : The American Peace Movement 1941-1960.
    - New York : Columbia University Press ; Temple University Press, 1969 ; 1984. - pp.

  311. Wittner, Laurence S.: The Struggle Against the Bomb : One World or None.
    - Stanford : Standford University Press, 1993. - pp. *.

  312. Wittner, Laurence S.: The Struggle Against the Bomb : Volume Two, Resisting the Bomb: A History of the World Nuclear Disarmament Movement, 1954-1970.
    - Stanford : Standford University Press, 1997. - 641 pp. *. - ISBN 0-0847-2528-4

  313. Wittner, Laurence S.: Toward Nuclear Abolition : A History of the World Nuclear Disarmament Movement, 1971 to the Present. - Stanford : Standford University Press, 2003. - vii + 657 pp. : ill. '. - ISBN 0-8047-4861-6
    ; The Struggle Against the Bomb Vol. III).

  314. Women against the Good War: conscientious objection and gender on the American home front, 1941-1947 / by Rachel Waltner Goossen.
    - Chapel Hill, NC.: The University of North Carolina Press, 1997. - 184 pp. - ISBN 0-8078-2366-x *.

  315. Women against the Iron Fist : Alternatives to Militarism 1900-1989 / Sybil Oldfield.
    - London : Basil Blackwell, 1989. - 244 pp. *.

  316. Women against War / compiled by Women's Division of Soka Gakkai.
    - Tokyo ; New York : Kodansha International, 1986. - 247 pp. : ill.

  317. Women and Peace : Theoretical, historical and practical perspectives / editors Ruth Roach Pierson ... [et al.]
    - London : Croom Helm, 1987. - 249 pp. : ill. *.

  318. Women and War / Jean Bethke Elshtain.
    - New York : Basic Books, 1987. - 288 pp.

  319. Women at the Hague : The internationalist Congress of Women and its results : By three Delegates to the Congress from the United States, Jane Addams, Emely G. Balch, Alice Hamilton.
    - New York : (s.n.) ; Garland Publications, 1916 ; 1972. - 171 pp. *.

  320. Women Save the World : Twenty-second International Congress of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 31 July to 6 August, Göteburg, Sweden : Conflict and the Arms Race - their underlying Causes / editor Torum Bergendal. - Geneva : The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1985. - 144 pp. : ill. ; 30 cm. *.

  321. Women, War and Revolution / edited by: Carol R. Berkin ; Clara M. Lovett.
    - New York : Holmes & Meier, 1980. - 310 pp. *.

  322. Women Working for a Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific: Pacific Women Speak : Why haven't you known?
    - Oxford : Green Line, 1987. - 40 pp. : ill. *. - ISBN 1-870370-00-7

  323. Woolf, Virginia: Three Guineas.
    - London : The Hogart Press, 1938. - pp.
    - Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1977. - 206 pp.
    - New York : Harcout, Brace and Company, 1938 ; 1966. - pp.

    Also translated into Danish:

    Tre Guineas.
    - Copenhagen : Rosinante, 1983. - 228 pp. *).

  324. Worcester, Noah: A Solemn Review of the Custom of War Showing that War is the Effect of Popular Delusion and Proposing a Remedy / by Philo Pacificus (Noah Worcester, “The Friend of Peace”). Eleventh American Edition, Revised by the Author. - Boston : Stereotyped by Lyman Thurston and Co. ; Published by S. G. Simpkins. 1833. - 14 pp.

  325. World Assembly for Peace, Helsinki June 22nd-29th. 1955.
    - Helsinki : World Peace council, 1955. - 644 pp. : ill. *.

  326. World Assembly of Builders for Peace, Warsaw 1977 / Assemblée mondaile des bâtisseurs de la paix, Varsovie 1977 ; Asambla Mondial de los Constructores de la paz, Varsovia 1977 ; Bcempha accame ctpotee popohoo Mpa ; Weltversammlung der Erbauer des Friedens, Warschau 1977. - Helsinki : The Informaiton Centre of The World Peace council, 1977. - 64 s. : ill. ; 23.5 cm. *. ENG. ; FRE. ; SPA. ; RUS. ; ARA.

  327. World Conference of Representatives of National Peace Movements, Leningrad, November 21-24, 1975.
    - Helsinki : World Peace Council, 1975. - 100 pp.

  328. World Congress of Youth for Peace 17th.-26th August 1928, Eerde Holland.
    - Amsterdam : The World Congress of Youth for Peace, 1928. - 60 pp. : ill. * (Youth peace work ; WRI).

  329. World Enclycopedia of Peace / honorary editor in chief: Linus Pauling ; executive editors: Ervin Laszjo ; Youl Yoo.
    - Oxford : Pergamon, 1986. 4 vol. pp. *.

  330. Wright, Edward Needles: Conscientious Objectors in the Civil War : A Thesis in American History.
    - Philidelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1931. - 274 pp. *.

  331. Wright, Henry C.: Declaration of Radical Peace Principles.
    - Boston : 1859. pp.

  332. Überlegungen zum Frieden / Thomas Desch ... [et al.]
    - Wien : Deuticke, 1987. - 463 pp. GER.

  333. Year book / American School Citizenship League.
    - Boston : American School Citizenship League, nd. pp.

  334. Year book / New York Peace Society.
    - [New York] : New York Peace Society, nd. pp. (Founded 1906).

  335. Young, Nigel: The Contemporary European Anti-Nuclear Movement : Experiments in the Mobilization of Public Power.
    - Oslo : PRIO, 1983. - 25 pp. (PRIO Paper ; 3/83). (Public Opinion, Western Europe).

  336. Young, Nigel: The contemporary Peace Education Movement.
    - Oslo : PRIO, 1983. - 24 pp.
    (Human Rights, International Relations, Militarization, Nuclear Warfare, Peace Education).

  337. Young, Nigel: An Infantible Disorder? : The Crises and Decline of the New Left.
    - London ; Henley-on-Thames: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977. - 512 pp. : ill.
    (Reprinted - Boulder : Westview Press, 1978).

  338. Young, Nigel. The Peace Movement in Britain : Tradition and Innovation.
    - Oslo : PRIO, 1985. - 18 pp. (PRIO Paper ; 6/85).

  339. Young, Nigel. Why do Peace Movements Fail? An Historical and Sociological Overview.
    - Oslo : PRIO, 1983. - 24 pp. (PRIO Paper ; 10/83).

  340. Young, Wilmer J.: A Testimony for Radical Peace Action.
    - Wallingford : Pendle Hills Publications, 1961. - 38 pp. *. (Pendle Hills Pamphlet ; 14).

  341. Zachariassen, Axel: Martin Tranmæl.
    - Oslo : Tiden, 1939. - 235 pp. : ill. * NOR.

  342. Zahn, Gordon C.: In Solitary Witness : The Life and Death of Franz Jägerstätter.
    - Boston : Beacon Paperbacks, 196? - pp. (Beacon Paperbacks ; 303). (The life history and writings of an Austrian Catholic martyred for his draft resistance in Nazi-dominated Austria).

  343. Zarjevski, Yefime: The People have the Floor : A History of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
    - Aldershot : Dartmouth, 1989. - 150 s. ; 24 cm. *. - ISBN 1-85521-045-2

  344. Zassenhaus, Hiltgunt: Mure.
    - Copenhagen : Det sjønberske Forlag, 1974. - 253 pp. * DAN.

  345. Zetkin, Clara: Roxa Luxenburg og Karl Liebknecht et litet mindeskrift.
    - Kra [Oslo] : Det norske Arbeiderpartis forlag, 1919. - 24 pp. : ill. * NOR.

  346. Zeuthen, Else: 40 års arbejde for freden.
    - Copenhagen : Kvindernes Internationale Liga for Fred og Frihed, 1956. - 7 pp. : ill. * DAN. (WILFPF).

  347. Zeuthen, Else: 50 års virke.
    - Copenhagen : Kvindernes Internationale Liga for Fred og Frihed, 1966. - 7 pp. : ill. * DAN. (WILFPF).

  348. Zeuthen, Else: Ligaen under Krig og Besættelse.
    - Copenhagen : Kvindernes Internationale Liga for Fred og Frihed, 1946. - 4 pp. ; Aarsblad ; 1946) * DAN.
    (WILFPF, Danish Section during the second world war).

  349. Zhechev, Ognyan: For the abolition of chemical weapons : The contribution of the People's Republic of Bulgaria : Documents and materials. - Sofia : Sofia Press, 1987. - 60 pp.

  350. Ziegler, Valarie H.: The advocates of Peace in antebellum America : Religion in North America.
    - Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 1991. pp.

  351. Zimmermann, Werner: Mahatma Gandhi.
    - Ludwigsburg-E : [Printer] Martin Hoch, [1931]. - 6 pp. *.

  352. Zuelizer, Wolf W.: Der Fall Nicolai.
    - Frankfurt am Main : Societäts-Verlag, 1981. - 447 pp. : ill. GER.

  353. Zur Psychoanalyse der nuklearen Drohung : Vorträge einer Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Tiefenpsychologie / publisher: Carl Nedelmann. - Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1985. - 210 pp. GER.

  354. Øberg, Jan: At Udvikle sikkerhed og sikre udvikling : Et essay om militarisme og fred. - Copenhagen : Vindrose, 1983. - 337 pp. * DAN. - ISBN 87-7456-144-8

  355. Oest West tegenstelling en milieu : Kernvragen van het conciliair proces / editor: Herbert van Erkelens. - Kampen : J. H. Kok, 1989. - 63 pp. NL.

  356. Øjne ser, hvad øjne vil se : Hvad der virkeligt hændte på verdensfredskongressen i København 15.-19. oktober 1986 / Eva Bendix ... [et al.] - Prauge : Det internationale Journalistforbund, 1987. - 119 pp. : ill. * DAN.
    (Also translated into English:

    Eyes see what eyes want to see : Western Media and the Peace Movement : What actually happened at the World Peace Congress in Copenhagen. - Prague : International Organization of Journalists, 1987. - 125 pp. : ill.)

  357. Åland : Sjalvstyrt demilitariserat område / Martin Isaksson ; Ingemar Johansson.
    - Mariehamn : Ålands fredsförening, 1987. - 42 pp. : ill. * SWE.
    (Also translated into English:

    The Aland Islands : Autonomous demilitarized region.
    - Mariehamn, Finland : Ålands fredsförening, 1985. - 40 pp. : ill.

  358. Årbog for de Nordiske Interparlamentariske Grupper = Årbok for de Nordiske interparlamentariske grupper = Årsbok for de Nordiska interparlamentariska grupperna. - Copenhagen ... [etc.?]: DAN. ; SWE. ; NOR. (Interparliamentary union; Danish group; Interparliamentary union; Norwegian group; Interparliamentary union; Swedish group; Interparliamentary union; Finnish group).

  359. Årek, Hans Eirik: Et lidet Viidnesbyrd mod Krig og Fægtning.
    - Ås : Kvekerforlaget, 19?? - 124 pp. NOR. (CO ; Norway).

  360. Åseboe, Carsten O.: Vakt i gevær : Hvå enhver arbeiderrekrutt bør vite.
    - Oslo : Ny Tid, 1927. - 15 pp. NOR. (CO in Norway).

  361. Återuppbyggna och Hjalp / Thora Alvaro N:son ; Birger Qvarnström (editors).
    - Gökalund: Svenska Världsfredsmissionens Forlag, 1947. - 28 pp. : ill. *. SWE. (WRI).


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