The Danish Peace Academy

Terp, Holger: Peace in print, The history of the peace movement 5. Records No. 1181-1495 of 1888.

Ma Me Mi Mo Mu My
Na Ne Ni No Nu Ny
Ob Oc Of Og Ol On Op Or Os Ou Ov
Pa Pe Ph Pi Pl Po Pr Ps Pu
Ra Re Rh Ri Ro
  1. McPherson, Stephanie Sammartino: Peace and Bread : The Story of Jane Addams.
    - Carolrhoda Books, 1993. - pp.

  2. Madsen, Carl: Proces mod politiet.
    - Copenhagen : Stig Vendelkjær, 1969 ; 1971. - 386 pp. : ill. * DAN.
    (Anti Vietnam War Movement, Denmark. The author, a well known barrister, is defending demonstraters, who were attacked by the police during an demostration at the American embassy in Copenhagen on april 27. 1968).

  3. Magnusson, Leif: Fredskämpen : En bok om Klas Pontus Arnoldson : Den första svensk som fick Nobels fredspris.
    - Tumba : Stiftelsen Sveriges invandrarinstitut och museum, 1988. - 255 pp. SWE.

  4. Mahatma Gandhi : His life in Pictures.
    - Bombay : Pulbication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, 1954 ; Revised and reprinted in 1968. - [136] pp. : ill. *.

  5. Mahatma Gandhi : Letters to Americans / Compiled and Edited by E. S. Reddy.
    - New York : Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, USA, 1998. - 365 pp. *.

  6. Making war/making peace : The social foundations of violent conflict / edited by: Francesca M. Cancian ; James William Gibson. - Belmont, Calif. : Wadsworth Pub. Co., 1990. - ix, 421, pp. : ill.

  7. Malatesta, Errico: l` Anarchia.
    (Also translated into English:

    Anarchy : A new Translation from the Italian Original.
    - London : Freedom Press, 1891 ; 1942 ; 1945 ; 1958 ; 1974. - 54 pp. *. - ISBN 0-900384-07-7).

  8. Malleson, Miles: The Out-and-Outer.
    London : No Conscription Fellowship, 1916. - 20 pp.

  9. Maltry, Karola: Die neue Frauenfriedensbewegung : Entstehung, Entwicklung, Bedeutung.
    - Frankfurt am Main : Campus, 1993. - 321 pp. GER. - ISBN 3-593-355001-7

  10. Mandela, Nelson: Kampen er mit liv : Hans taler og skrifter samt historiske dokumenter og beretninger af medfanger.
    - Copenhagen : Samleren, 1986. - 248 pp. : ill. * DAN.

  11. Manifesto : gegen die Wehrpflicht und das Militärsystem / Against conscription and the military system.
    - Berlin : Gandhi-Informations-Zentrum, 1994. pp. GER ; ENG

  12. Marchand, C. Roland: The American Peace Movement and Social Reform 1898-1918.
    - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1972. - xix, 441 pp.

  13. Marcy, Sam: The Bolsheviks and War : Lessons for Today's anti-war Movement
    - New York : World View Forum, 1985. - iii, 165 pp.

  14. Martin, Brian: Uprooting War.
    - London : Freedom Press, 1984. pp.

  15. Martin, David A.: Pacifism : A Historical and Sociological Study. pp.

  16. Martin Niemöller und sein Bekenntnis / published by: Schweizerischen Evangelischen Hilfverk für die Bekennende Kirche in Deutschland. - Zollikon : Verlag der Evangelischen Buchhandlung Zollikon, 1938. - 71 pp. GER. *.
    (Also translated into Danish:

    Martin Niemöller og hans Bekendelse / published by: Schweizisk evangelisk Hjælpearbejde for Bekendelseskirken i Tyskland. - Copenhagen : De unges Forlag, 1946. - 63 pp. *).

  17. The Massachusetts Peace Society, Seventh Annual Report.
    N.D., ca. 1823. - 16 pp.
    Minutes of meeting of the Society, plus 3 anti-war tracts: A Wonderful Narrative of Two Families; Letters on Political and Military Persecution; The Bucanier's Protest.

  18. Massarrat, M.: Kriegsgefahr und Friedensbewegung.
    - Kassel-Bettenhausen : Weber, Zucht, 1984. - 112 pp. : ill. GER.

  19. Mattausch, John: A commitment to Campaign : A sociological study of CND.
    - Manchester : Manchester University Press, 1989. - vii, 192 pp.

  20. Matthies, Volker: Blockfreiheit als Sicherheitspolitik : Die Bewegung der Blockfreien als "grösste Friedensbewegung der Geschichte"? - München : Weltforum, 1983. - iii, 104 pp. : ill. (Weltwirtschaft und internationale Beziehungen. Diskus-sionsbeiträge ; 30).

  21. Matthiessen, Gunnar: Der König ist tot, es lebe der Kaiser : zur Diskussion ber die Perspektiven der Friedensbewegung. - Köln : Komitee für Frieden, Abrstung und Zusammenarbeit, 1989. - 23 pp. GER. (Schriftenreihe des Komitees für Frieden, Abrstung und Zusammenarbeit ; 20).

  22. Matthiessen, Gunnar: Zur Strategie der Friedensbewegung : Entwicklung, Stand und Perspektiven. - Köln : Komitee für Frieden, Abrstung und Zusammenarbeit, [1983]. - 35 pp. GER. (Schriftenreihe des Komitees für Frieden, Abrstung und Zusammenarbeit ; [6]).

  23. Maude, Aylmer: Leo Tolstoy.
    - London : Methuhuen & Co., 1918. - xi, 331 pp.

  24. Maude, Aylmer: The life of Tolstoy.
    - London : Constable, 1911-1917. - 506 pp.

  25. Maude, Aylmer: Leo Tolstoy : A short Biography.
    - London : Grant Richards, 1902. - 24 pp.
    (Also translated into Danish:

    Leo Tolstoj : En kort Levnedsbeskrivelse.
    - Copenhagen : J. Frimodts Boghandel, 1911. - 32. pp. *).

  26. Maude, Aylmer: A Peculiar People : The Doukhobors.
    - London : Grant Richards ; Archibal Constable & Co., 1904 ; 1905. - xi, 338 pp. : ill
    (Also printed in: - New York : Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1904. - pp. : ill. (Religious CO ; Russia ; Canada).

  27. Mauermann, Helmut: Das Internationale Friedensbüro 1892 bis 1950.
    - Stuttgart : Silberburg-Verlag, 1990. - 257 pp. GER.

  28. May, Samuel Joseph: An Address Delivered before the American Peace Society, in Park Street Church, Boston.
    - Boston : American Peace Society, 1860. - pp.

  29. Mead, Edwin D.: Boston's place in the Peace Movement.
    [S.L.] nd. pp.

  30. Mead, Edwin D.: The Literature of the Peace Movement.
    - Boston : International School of Peace, 1909. - 14 pp.
    Bibliographical and historical essay.

  31. Mead, Lucia True Ames: Educational organizations promoting international friendship.
    - Boston : World Peace Foundation, 1912. - 15 pp.

  32. Medicina per la pace : Incontro scientifico internazionale per la prevenzione della guerra nucleare, Roma, 11, 12, 13 marzo 1983 / Provincia di Roma, Asses-sorato alla pubblica istruzione e cultura ; Comitato scientifico italiano "Medicina per la pace" (con l'assistenza di International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War). - Rome : NIS, 1984. - 268 pp. : ill. IT.

  33. Melasuo, Tuomo: National Movements & World Peace.
    - New York : Gower, 1990. - 189 pp.

  34. Meltzer, Milton: Ain't gonna study war no more : The story of the anti-war Movement.
    - New York : Harper & Row, 1985. - pp.

  35. Memoirs pour rendre la paix perpetuelle en Europa / Abbe Charles Irene Castel de Saint Pierre.
    - Köln : Chez Jaque le Pacifique, 1712. - xxxvi, 448 pp. FRE.

  36. Mencheng, Wilhelm: Conscience.
    - Wallingford : Pendle Hills Publications, 1961. - 32 pp. *.
    (Pendle Hills Pamphlet ; 114). (Quaker Peace Work).

  37. Menchú, Rigobertha: Me llamo Rigobertha Menchú / Elisabeth Burgos. 1984. pp. SPA.
    (Also translated into Danish:

    Jeg hedder Rigobertha Menchú : Et liv og en stemme fra Guatemala. - Copenhagen : Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, 1985 ; 1992. - 311 pp, : ill. * (Stemmer fra den tredie verden). - ISBN 87-7028-455-5

  38. Mendl, Wolf : Prophets and Reconcilers : Reflections on the Quaker Peace Testamony.
    - London : Quaker Home Service, 1974. - 106 pp.

  39. Memories of peasant Tolstoyans in Soviet Russia / William Edgerton (editor).
    - Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 1993. - 264 pp. : ill. - ISBN 0-253-31911-0

  40. Menon, Ester: Gandhi : En Karakteristik og fremstilling af de sidste dages Begivenheder.
    - Copenhagen : H. Hagerup, 1930. - 48 pp. * DAN.

  41. Mehta, Ved: Mahatma Gandhi and his Apostles.
    - London ; New York : Andre Deutsch ; The Viking Press, 1977. - xi, 260 pp. - ISBN 0-205-288-1

  42. Miffin, Warner: The Defence of Warner Miffin against aspersions cast on him on account of his endeavors to promote Rightiousness, Mercy and Peace, among Mankind. - Philidelphia : Samuel Sanson, 1796. - 30 pp.

  43. Militarisierung, Friedensarbeit und kommunale Gegenwehr / Knut Krusewitz ; Gertrud Schilling ; Gerald Flinner.
    - Frankfurt am Main : Die Grünen, Hessen, 1985. - 327 pp. : ill. GER.

  44. Military Draft : Selected Readings on Conscription / Martin Anderson ; Casper W. Weinberger (editors).
    - Standford, CA : Hoover Institution Press, 1982. - 689 pp.

  45. Militærnægtelse : en oversigt over militærnægterordninger i forskellige lande / Peter Whittle.
    - Langeskov : AmK., 1988. - 45 pp. * DAN.

  46. Militærnægtere i Danmark : Studie af en minoritetsgruppe : En sociologisk undersøgelse af en minoritetsgruppe / Dorit Konkolewsky ... [et al.] - Ålborg : AUC, May 1977. - 306 pp. DAN. (Thesis). (CO's in Denmark).

  47. Minutes to Midnight : Nuclear Weapons Protest in America / by: Frances B. McCrea ; Gerald E. Markle.
    - London : Sage Publications, 1989. - 200 pp. * (Deals with Social Movements in Postindustrial Society, the Atomic Scientists Movement and The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, SANE and Freeze).

  48. Minrath, Axel: Friedenskampf : Die DKP und ihre Bundnispolitik in der Anti-Nachrustungsbewegung.
    - Köln : Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, 1968. - 158 pp. GER.

  49. Mitchell, Hobart: We would not Kill.
    - Richmond : Friends United Press, 1985. - 263 pp.
    (CO work in USA after World War 2).

  50. Modern Martyrs : Documents Collected by the War Resisters International.
    - Enfield : WRI., nd. - 35 pp. (CO.).

  51. Moe, Per: Det internasjonale arbeidet for fred 1914-1939.
    - Oslo : Det norske Nobelinstitut, 1952. - 153 pp. * NOR.

  52. Moe, Ragnvald: Le prix Nobel de la paix et l'Institut Nobel Norvegian : Rapport historique et descriptif accompagné d'une histore du movement pacifiste de 1896 â 1930. - Oslo : H. Ashenhough, 1932. - 301 pp. FRE.

  53. Molnár, Enrico C. S. : A Study of Peter Chelcický’s Life and a Translation from Czech of Part one of his Net of Faith : A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Department of Church History Pacific School of Religion In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Divinity. - Berkeley, California, February 1947.

  54. Moore, E. M.: The Quest for Peace as I Have Known it in Australia.
    - Melbourne : , 1950. - 208 pp.

  55. Moraes, Frank: Jawaharlal Neru : A Biography.
    - New York : The Macmillan Company, 1956. - 511 pp. *.

  56. Moritzen, Julius: The Peace Movement of America.
    - London ; New York : G. P. Putman's Sons ; Garland, 1912 ; 1971. - 419 pp. : ill.

  57. Mot atomkrig : Frågor och svar i kampen mot atomkrigsfaren.
    - Stockholm : Svenska Fredskommiteen, 1955. - pp. SWE.

  58. Mouvements et initiatives de paix dans la politique internationale : 1867 - 1928 : actes du colloque tenu á Stuttgart 29-30 août 1985 / Jacques Bariéty ; Antoine Fleury (editors) ; Association internationale d'histoire contemporaine de l' Europe (publ.). - Bern : Peter Lang, 1987. - 391 pp. FRE. - ISBN 3-261-03662-1

  59. Muller, Ivan: De la Guerra : La discours de la Deuxíeme internationale 1889-1914.
    - Geneva : Droz, 1980. - 306 pp. FRE.

  60. Musser, Daniel : Non-Resistance Asserted or the Kingdom of Christ and the Kingdom of this World Separated and no Concord between Christ and Belial in two parts.
    - Lancaster, PA : Elias Barr & Co., Publishers ; Pearsol & Geist, Printers. 1864. - 63 pp

  61. Muste, A. J.: The Essays of A. J. Muste / Nat Hentoff (editor).
    - New York : Bobbs-Merril, 1967. - 515 pp.

  62. My Country is the whole World : An anthology of Women's work on Peace and War / The Cambridge Women's Peace Collective. - London : Pandora, 1984. - 306 pp. : ill. *.

  63. My Life is my Message : Das Leben und Wirken von Gandhi / published by: Gandhi Informations Zentrum, Berlin.
    - Kassel-Bettenhausen : Weber, Zucht & Co. Versanbuchandlung & Verlag, 1988. - 304 pp. : ill. * GER. - ISBN 3-88713-033-2
    (An anthology and bibliography over German language publications about Gandhi).

  64. Münsteraner Tagung der Informationsstelle Wissenschaft und Frieden und des Arbeitskreises Münsteraner Wissenschaftlerinnen für den Frieden (1990 : Münster) : Frieden gestalten nach dem kalten Krieg : Neue Projekte der Friedenswissenschaft : Beiträge / Kathleen Battke ; Corinna Hauswedell ; Christiane Lammers (editors.). - Bonn : Informationsstelle Wissenschaft und Frieden, 1991. - 260 pp. : ill. GER. - ISBN 3-924684-26-X

  65. Mårald, Bert: Den svenska freds- och neutralitetsrörelsens uppkomst, ideologi, propaganda och politiska yttringer från Krimkriget til den svensk-norske upplösning.
    - Göteburg : Scandinavian University Books, 1974. - 314 pp. SWE. (Studia historica Gothoburgensia ; 14). (Thesis). (Early Swedish peace work 1853-1906).

  66. Nachdenken über Ossietzky : Aufsätze und Graphik / published by: Helmut Reinhardt.
    - Berlin : Verlag der Weltbühne v. Ossietzky & Co, 1989. - 301 pp. : ill. GER.

  67. Nag, Martin: I strid for fred : Tra kapitler av fredsbevægelsens pionertid i Norge.
    - Ås : Kvekerforlaget, 1985. - 96 pp. : ill. * NOR.
    - ISBN 82-90311-41-9
    (Kvekerforlagets småskrifter ; 31).
    (Early Norwegian peace work).

  68. Nag, Martin: Nytt lys over Asbjørn Kloster og hans nærmiljø i Stavanger, Ryfylke og Christiania.
    - Ås : Kvekerforlaget, 1986. - 293 pp. : ill. NOR.
    - ISBN 82-90311-42-7

  69. Nanda, Bal Ram: Gandhi and his critics.
    - Delhi : Oxford University Press, 1985 ; 1993. - ix, 178 pp.
    - ISBN 0-19-563363-6

  70. Nanda, Bal Ram: Mahatma Gandhi : A Biography.
    - Delhi [etc.] : Oxford University Press [Oxford India Paperbacks], 1989. - 272 pp. - ISBN 19-562345-2

  71. Narayan, R. K.: Waiting for the Mahatma.
    - Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1981. - 256 pp.

  72. National Movements and World Peace / editor Tuomo Melasuo.
    - Aldershot ; Brookfield : Avebury, 1990.
    - xi, 177 pp. (International Sociological Association. Research Committee National Movements and Imperialism). (World Congress of Sociology (11th: 1986: New Delhi, India).

  73. Naumkov, Pavel: Nej til krig.
    - Moscow : Novosti, 1983. - 100 pp. : ill. * DAN.

  74. Nedrustning under debatt, 1978-1982 / Ulrich Hertz (editor).
    - Stockholm : Arbetsgruppen för svensk folkriksdag för nedrustning, 1980. - 478 pp. SWE.

  75. Nedrustningskonferencen som blev en folkväckelse : Rapport om FNs andra specialsession om nedrustning (SSD II), New York, juni/juli 1982 / Ulrich Hertz ... et al. (editors). - Stockholm : Arbetsgruppen för svensk folkriksdag för nedrustning, 1983. - 143 pp. SWE.

  76. [Nerman, Ture]: Handla först - tänk seden!
    - Stockholm : , 1909. - pp. SWE.

  77. Die neue Friedensbewegung : Analüsen aus der Friedensforschung / Reiner Steinweg (editor) ; Friedensanalysen / Hessi-sche Stiftung Friedens- und Konflikt-forschung ; Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (publ.).
    - Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp, 1982.
    - 495 pp. GER. (Friedensanalüsen ; 16). (Edition Suhrkamp ; 1143. Neue Folge ; 143)

  78. The New Conscientious Objection : From sacred to secular resistance / Charles C. Moskos ; John Whiteclay ; II Chambers (editors). - New York : Oxford University Press, 1993. - 286 pp. : ill. - ISBN 0-19-507955-8

  79. The New Hungarian Peace MovementThe New Hungarian Peace Movement / Ferenc Köszegi ; E.P. Thompson.
    - London : END, 1984. - 53 pp. : ill. *.

  80. New Social Movements and the Perception of Military Threat in Western Democracies / Heinz-Ulrich Kohr ; Hans-Georg Rader (editors) - München : Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut der Bundeswehr, 1983. - iv, 205 pp.: ill.

  81. New York Commission for Detecting and Defeating Conspiracies: Minutes of the Commissioners for Detecting and Defeating Conspiracies in the State of New York, Albany County Sessions, 1778-1781 / Victor Hugo Palsits (editor). - Albany : [Published by] the State of New York, 1909-1910. 3. vols. (paged continously) : ill.

  82. News and Dissent : The Press and the Politics of Peace in Canada. / Robert A. Hackett. - Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1991. - pp.

  83. Neygen, Etienne Van: Wegbereiders : portretten van Vlaamse pacifisten. - Brussel : Forum voor vredesaktie, 1990. - 193 pp. : ill. FLE.

  84. Nichtpaktgebundene : Bewegung für Frieden, Abrustung und Entwicklung / Renate Wunsche ; Walter Hundt ; Helmut Mardek. - Berlin : Staatsverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1987. - 208 pp. GER.

  85. Nieder die Waffen : Hundert Jahre Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft 1892-1992 / editor Guido Grünwald.
    - Bremen : Donat, 1992. - 219 pp. : ill. GER. (Schrieftenreihe Geschicte und Frieden ; 5)

  86. Nieder die Waffen-die Hände gereicht! : Friedensbewegung in Bremen, 1898-1958 : Katalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung / publishers: Helmut Donat ; Andreas Röpcke. - Bremen : Donat, 1989. - 224 pp. : ill. ; port. GER. - ISBN 3-924444-45-5

  87. Nielsen, Henrik Kaare: Demokrati i bevægelse : Sammenlignende studier i politisk kultur og nye sociale bevægelser i Vesttyskland og Danmark. - Århus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 1991. - 357 pp. * DAN. - ISBN 87-7288-3551-0 (Thesis). (Comparative analysis of political cultures and new social movements in Vest Germany and Denmark, Die Grünen, END).

  88. Nielsen, Ingvard: Hvad betyder den folkelige Fredsbevægelse : En Oversigt over Dansk Freds- og Folkeforbundsforenings Virksomhed og Virkefelter / Ingvard Nielsen. - Copenhagen : Ungdommens Fredsforbund, 1936. - 8 s. * DAN.

  89. Niemöller, Martin: Fra Undervandsbåd til Prædikestol.
    - Copenhagen : Haase, 1939. - 230 pp. * DAN. (Also translated into English ?).

  90. Nilsson, Anna T.: Data och fakta rörenda fredsrörelsen.
    - Malmö : Own printing, 1924. - 51 pp. * SWE.

  91. Nilsson, Anna T.: Fredsrörelsens ABC : Data och fakta.
    - Stockholm : Informationsbyron for mellamfolkeligt samarbeta for fred, 1934. - 84 pp. * SWE. (Skrifter utgivna av Informationsbyron for fredsfrågor ; 15).
    (Also translated into French:

    A.B.C. du movement pour la paix : Dates e. et faits. - Paris ; Brusseles : La editiion Universelle, S. A. ; Librari de la Societa des Ami, 1933. - 83 pp.

    Also translated into: Estonian, Finnish, Italian, Polish, Serbian, and Spanish).

  92. Nilsson, Anna T.: Tio lyckliga år : På rejsa i fredsarbejtets tjänst.
    - Stockholm : Harriers, 1945. - 239 pp. SWE. (Women's peace work).

  93. Nilson, Signe: Lizzie Carlson och Internationella Kvinnoförbundet för fred och frihet.
    - Stockholm : Internationella Kvinnoförbundet för fred och frihet, 1939. - 56 pp. SWE.

  94. Nissen Styrk, Mads: Aktiv ungdom : Samtaler med 17 unge fra Atomkampagnen.
    - Copenhagen : Gyldendal, 1963. - 114 pp. * DAN. (CND).
    Note: Conversations with 17 young members of the Danish Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons.

  95. Nissen Styrk, Mads: En Sønderjysk bondedreng der drog ud : erindringer. - Århus : Husets Forlag, 1984. - 151 pp. : ill. * DAN. - ISBN 87-7483-114-3 (CND).

  96. Nobel Lectures : Peace / F. W. Haberman (editor).
    - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1972. - 418 + 474 + 496 pp.

  97. Nobelprisen 50 år : forskare, diktare, fredskämpar / published by Henrik Schück ... [et al.].
    - Stockholm : Sohlmans Förlag, 1950. - 511 pp. : ill.

  98. Nonviolence : A Reader in the Ethics of Action / Doris A. Hunter ; Krishna Mallick.
    - Lanham, Maryland : University Press of America, 1990. pp.

  99. Nonviolence, central to Christian spirituality : perspectives from scripture to the present / Joseph T. Culliton (editor).
    - New York : E. Mellen, 1982. - vi, 302 pp. (Toronto studies in theology ; 8).

  100. Nonviolence in America : A documentary History / editors: Staughton Lynd ; Alice Lynd.
    - Maryknoll : Orbis, 1995. - 530 pp. - ISBN 1-57075-010-6

  101. Nonviolence in International Crises : Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Non-violent Solutions of International Crises and Regional Conflicts, Frankfurt am Main, February 1989 / editors: Ernst-Otto Czempiel ; Liparit Kiuzadjan : Zdenek Masopust. - Wien : European Coordination Centre for Research and Documentation in Social Sciences, 1990. - 178 pp.

  102. Nonviolence in Theory and Practice / Robert L. Holmes (editor).
    - Belmont : Wadsworth, 1990. - 208 pp. - ISBN 0-534-12180-2

  103. Noordegraaf, Herman: Bart de Ligt (1883-1938) : in kontakt met tijdgenoten : H. Visscher, J. Severijn, G. J. Heering, J. B. Th. Hugenholtz, J. J. Buskes, Krishnamurti, M. van der Lubbe : "Over christendom, anti-militarisme en universele wereldkultuur". - Boxtel : Bart de Ligt-fonds, 1991. - 59 pp. : ill., port. NL. - ISBN 90-6346-110-0

  104. Nordby, Trond: Karl Evang.
    - Oslo : Aschenhough, 1989. - 370 pp. NOR.

  105. Nordentoft, Severin: Fredssagen : En samlet kritisk Fremstilling af dens Opgaver, Arbejdsstof, Hensigter, Midler og Methoder, dens Vildskud, Resultater, Muligheder og Udsigter, dens Dogmatik og Eschatologi, - kun ikke af dens Historie, Organisation og Personer / af Forf til "Et Ord til danske Demokrater" [Severin Nordentoft]. - Copenhagen : Prior, 1913. - 349 pp. DAN.

  106. Nordentoft, Severin: Practical pacifism and its adversaries : "Is it peace, Jehu?"
    - New York : Fredrick A. Stokes company, 1918 - 213 pp.

  107. Nordiska fredsmötet i Göteborg 15 maj 1982Nordiska fredsmötet i Göteborg 15 maj 1982 : ett bilddokument / [published by] Fotograficentrum, Göteborg.
    - Göteborg : Haga bokförl., 1982. - 80 pp. : ill. *.
    - ISBN 91-7734-002-7
    (On the fifteenth of May 1982, one-hundred-thousand people participated in a mass demonstration for peace. Sweden hasn't experienced a peace demonstration of this magnitude since the Vietnam warprotest marches in the early 70's. What has caused the citizens of the Nordic countries to join together and march through the streets of Gothenburg, Sweden?
    A seventy-year-old woman and her daughter had never before marched in a demonstration. They fear, as do the thousands of other participants, the total irreversible destruction of life and land left by a nuclear war.
    The people came from the countries of Iceland, Finland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden assembling in Gothenburg for what was to be known as the largest demonstration ever in Scandinavia. The marchers were divided into five groups all meeting in the city's center at UIlevi, an outdoor stadium.
    At the stadium spoke representatives from the Scandinavian countries as well as: Sean McBride from Ireland, Nobel peace-prize winner 1974, Daniel Ellsberg American who leaked the Pentagon papers and now peace activist, and Norwegian actress, Liv Ullman. The message was serious - the end of nuclear weapons. There was an enormous energy, created that day. People sang, marched, danced, and laughed all in the name of peace. This book is a photographic documentary of this energy created by 100,000 people one day in May.)
  108. Nordland, Eva: Fredsarbejde i Sovjetunionen.
    - Egtved : Fredsbevægelsens forlag, 1983. - 39 pp. : ill. * DAN. - ISBN 87-88089-46-0
    (Peace work ; Soviet Union).

  109. Norges Kommunistiska Parti: N. K. P. og militarismen : Taler for Oslo lagmannsrett av Peder Furboten ... [et al.]
    - Oslo : Ny Tid, [1924]. - 20 pp. NOR.

  110. Det Norske Arbeiderparti: Militærstreiken : Innstilling fra den av Arbeiderpartiet og Landsorganisationen nedsatte fælleskomite (1916). - Kra. [Oslo] : LO ; DNA, 1917. - 23 pp. * NOR.

  111. Notovitch, Nikolai: Le pacification de l` Europeet Nicolas II.
    - Paris : Ollendoff, 1899. - xx, 183 pp. FRE.

  112. Novák, Vladimír: Abeceda miroveho hnuti.
    - Praha : Horizont, 1980. - 237 pp. Tjeckoslovakian.

  113. Novák, Vlademír: The World Peace Movement.
    - Prague : Orbis Press Agency, 1988. - 64 pp. : ill. *.

  114. The Nuclear debate : Issues and politics / Phil Williams (editor).
    - London : Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1984. - v, 81 pp.

  115. Nuclear Weapons, Peace Movements and the Law / John Dewar (editor)... [et al.]
    - London : Macmillan, 1986. - xix, 255 pp.

  116. Nutall, Geofrey: Christian Pacifism in History.
    - Berkley : World Without War council, 1971. - 84 pp. *.

  117. Når uret bliver ret, bliver modstand til pligt : Forsvarstaler fra retssagen mod de kvinder, der gik ind på militært område i Ravnstrup i sommeren 84. Talerne blev holdt i retssalen i Viborg den 9. og 10. Januar 1985 / Gyrit Jørgensen ; Helle Balling ; Birgit Horn ; Anne Marie Tovborg Jensen ; Hanne Klein. - Skals ; Borup : Kvinder for fred i Skals og Borup, 1985. - 22 pp. : ill. * DAN.

  118. Les objecteurs : 1919-1984 : 1984 : vingt ans de statut légal en Belgique.
    - Bruxelles : CSCJ, 1984. - 332 pp. : ill. FRE. (CO).

  119. O'Connell, James: Making the Future : Thinking and acting abouth Peace in Contemporary Britain.
    - Hanley : Trentham, 1989. - 28 pp.

  120. Official report of the seventeenth Universal Congress of Peace, held at Caxton Hall, Westminster, London, July 27th to August 1st, 1908Official report of the seventeenth Universal Congress of Peace, held at Caxton Hall, Westminster, London, July 27th to August 1st, 1908.
    - London : The National Council of Peace Societies, 1909. - 480 pp. : ill. *.

  121. - Og give dig fred! : om kristendom og fredsbevgelser / Søren Krarup ; Jesper Langballe (editors).
    - Copenhagen : Gad, 1984. - 110 pp. * DAN. - ISBN 87-

  122. Oldberg, Ingmar: Fredskampanj och ubåtar : Soviets politik mot Sverige.
    - Stockholm : Utenrikspolitiska Instituttet, 1982. - 32 pp. * SWE. (Världspolitikkens dagsfrågor ; 11 : 1982). NWFZ, Sweden Soviet Union).

  123. Oldfield, Sybil: Women against the ion fist : Alternatives to Militarism 1900-1989.
    - Oxford : Blackwell, 1989. - 244 pp.

  124. Olesen, Kjeld: Man kan ikke sænke en regnbue : Med Greenpeace i Stillehavet : Dagbog. - Copenhagen : Fremad, 1985. - 80 pp. : ill. * DAN. - ISBN 87-557-3932-6
    (The diary of the Danish Social Democrat and former Secretary of Defence's journey with Greenpeace).

  125. The olive branch of peace and good will to men : Anti-war history of the Brethren and Mennonites, the peace people of the South, during the civil war, 1861-1865 / Samuel F.Sanger ; Daniel Hays.
    - Elgin, Ill. : Brethren Publishing House, 1907. - 232 pp. : Ill. *.

  126. Olson Nordendorf, Peter: Fredspolitisk folkeparti : Et pacifistisk forsøg på opnåelse af folketingsrepræsentation.
    - Odense : Odense University Press, 1985. - 86 pp. : ill. * DAN. (Odense University Studies in History and Social Science ; 91). - ISBN 87-7492-540-7 (Thesis). (CND).

  127. O'Niel, William: Everyone was Brave.
    - Chicago : Quadrangle Books, 1969. - pp.

  128. The Only Future : Documents of the Third Session of the Christian Peace Conference, Praha 1960.
    - Praha : The Christian Peace Conferece, 1960. - 134 pp. : ill. *.

  129. Opfordring til Kvinden om at deltage i Korstoget mod Krig : Fra Taler ved Kvindernes afdeling i Verdens Fredskongres i Chicago, 1893.
    - Copenhagen : 1906. - 4 pp. DAN.

  130. Opponents of War 1917-1918 : The Story of Antiwar Groups / H. C. Petterson ; C. Fite.
    - Madison : University of Wisconsin Press, 1957. - 399 pp. : ill.

  131. Opraab om Fredsadressen / Hovedbestyrelsen for Dansk Fredsforening.
    - Copenhagen : Dansk Fredsforening, 1898. - 4 pp. DAN.

  132. Ordnung, Carl: Christen in der Friedensbewegung : Zu Position und Aufgabe der Christlichen Friedenskonferenz (CFK).
    - Berlin? : Sekretariat des Hauptvorstandes des Christlich-Demokratischen Union Deutschlands ; Vertrieb Union Verlag, 1983. - 24 pp. GER. (Hefte aus Bergscheidungen ; 215).

  133. The Organized Peace Movement in Time of War, 1914 - 1919 / edited by: Blance Cook.
    - New York : Garland Publ., 1971. - pp.

  134. Orr, Edgar W.: Christian Pacifism.
    - Ashingdon ; Rochford, Essex : C. W. Daniel, 1958. - 168 pp. * (Deals mainly with the Society of Friends).

  135. Orr, Edgar W.: Quakers in Peace and War 1920-1967 : The Quaker Attitude to War. - Eastbone : W. J. Offord and Son, 1974. - 203 pp. * (Continuation of the book by Margareth E. Hirst).

  136. Organizing a Vietnam Protest Committee. / : Information Committee of the University of Wisconsin, CEVN.
    - Madison, Wis. : National Co-ordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam, 1965. - 29 pp. *.

  137. Ossietzky, Carl von: 227 Tage im Gefängnis : Briefe, Dokumente, Texte = Zweihundertsiebennundzwanzig Tage im Gefängnis, Briefe, Dokumente, Texte / editor: Stefan Berkholz ; Geleitworth [forword] Oscar Lafontaine ; [Also included is the Essay]: "Der Weltbühne-prozeß von 1931" by Ingo Müller. - Darmstadt ; Neuwied : Luchterhand Literaturverlag, 1988. - 391 pp. : ill. * GER. - ISBN 3-630-86670-0

  138. Ossietzky, Carl von: Rechenschaft : Publizistik aus den Jahren 1913-1933 / publisher Bruno Frei.
    - Frankfurt am Main Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1984. - 391 pp. * GER. ; Fisher Verboten und Verbrandt/Exil) - ISBN 3-596-25188-5

    First published as:

    Ossietzky, Carl von: Schriften / pulbished by: Bruno Frei ; Hans Leonard.
    - Berlin : Aufbau-Verlag, 1966. 2 Vols. - pp. GER.

  139. Ossietzky, Maud von: Maud von Ossietzky erzählt : Mit einem Gespräch zwischen Rosalinde v. Ossietzky-Palm und Ursula Madrasch-Groschopp. - Berlin : Buchverlag Der Morgen, 1988. - 193 pp : ill. GER.

  140. Ostergaard, Geofrey: Nonviolent Revolution in India.
    - New Delhi : Gandhi Peace Foundation, 1985. - xxiii, 419 pp.

  141. Ostergaard, Geofrey: Resisting the Nation State : The Pacifist and Anarchist Traditions.
    - London : Peace Pledge Union, 1982 ; 1983 ; 1991 - 38 pp. : ill. *. - ISBN 0-902680-35-8

  142. Out of Step : War resistance in South AfricaOut of Step : War resistance in South Africa / The Catholic Institute for International Relations.
    - London : Catholic Institute for International Relations (CIIR), 1989. - 141 pp. : ill. ; 30 cm. *. - ISBN 1-85287-053-2 (South Africa, CO. History. End Conscription Campaign 1984-1988).

  143. Overy, Bob: How effective are Peace Movements?
    - Montreal : Harvest House, 1982. - 78 pp. *. - ISBN 0-88772-217-2

  144. Pablo Picasso - fredsforkæmper og kommunist / Herluf Bidstrup ; Rolf Spörcke.
    - Copenhagen : Land og Folk, 1982. - 35 pp : ill. DAN.

  145. Pacifism and citizenship - can they coexist? / Kenneth M. Jensen ; Kimber M. Schraub (editors).
    - Washington, D.C. : United States Institute of Peace, 1991. - pp.

  146. Pacifists at Bow Street : A Full Report of Procedings Under the Defence Regulations Against Officeers and Members of the PPU. - London : Peace Pledge Union, 1940. - pp.

  147. Page, Kirby: Kirby Page, Social Evangelist : The Autobiography of a 20th Century Prophet for Peace.
    - Nyack, N.Y. : Fellowship Press, 1975. - 158 pp.

  148. Parkin, Frank: Middle Class Radicalism : The Social Bases of the British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
    - Manchester : Manchester University Press, 1968. - 207 pp.

  149. Passy, Frédérik: Historique du mouvement de la paix.
    - Paris : V. Giard & E. Brière, 1904. - 64 pp. FRE. *.

  150. Patil, V.T.: Mahatma Gandhi and the Civil Disobedience Movement, 1930-34 : A Study in the dynamics of the Mass Movement. - Delhi : Renaissance Publishing House, 1988. - vi, 224 pp.

  151. Patriotism and Pacifists in War Time.
    - Chicago ? : Women's Peace Party, 1917. - pp.

  152. Patterson, David Sands: Towards a warless World : The travail of the American Peace Movement 1887-1914. - Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 1976. - 339 pp. : ill.

  153. Pauling, Linus: A lifelong quest for Peace : A Dialogue / Linus Pauling ; Daisaku Ikeda.
    - Boston : Jones and Barlett, 1992. - 118 pp. : ill. - ISBN 0-86720-278-5

  154. Pauling, Linus: Linus Pauling in his own words : Selected writings, speeches, and interviews / editor Barbara Marinacci.
    - New York : Simon & Schuster, 1995. - 320 pp. - ISBN 0-684-81387-4

  155. Paulin, Theodore: Introduction to Nonviolence.
    - New York : The Pacifist Research Bureau, 1944. - 58 pp.

  156. Pazifismus in der Weimarer Republik : Beiträge zur historischen Friedensforschung / Karl Holl ; Wolfram Wette.
    - Paderborn : Schöningh, 1981. - 181 pp. GER.

  157. Pazifismus in Deutschland : Dokumente zur Friedensbewegung 1890-1939 / Wolfgang Bentz.
    - Frankfurt am Main : Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 19? - pp. GER. (Fischer TB ; 4362).

  158. Pazifismus zwischen dem Weltkriege : Deutsche Scriptsteller und Künstler gegen Krieg und Militarismus 1918-1933 / Dietrich Hart ...[et al.] - Heidelberg : HVA, 1985. - 258 pp. : ill. GER. (Heidelberg Bibliotheksschriften ; 16).

  159. Peace action in the eighties : Social Science Perspectives / Sam Marullo ; John Lofland (editors).
    - New Brunswick : Rutgers University Press, 1990. - xv, 289 pp. : ill. - ISBN 0-8135-1561-

  160. Peace Agitator : The Story of A. J. Muste / Nat Hentoff.
    - New York : Macmillan, 1963. - 269 pp.

  161. Peace is the Way : A guide to pacifist views and actions / compiled and edited by: Cyril Wright ; Tony Augarde.
    - Cambridge : Lutterworth Press, 1990. - 178 pp. - ISBN 0-7188-2821-6

  162. Peace Movements and Political Cultures / Charles Chatfield ; Peter van den Dungen (editors).
    - Knoxville : University of Tennessee Press, 1988. - xx, 317 pp.

  163. Peace Movements in Europe and the United States / Werner Kaltefleiter ; Robert L. Pfaltzgraff (editors)
    - London : Croom Helm, 1985. - 211 pp.

  164. Peace Movement in Struggle Against Nuclear War and Disarmament / Ivo Frane ... [et al.]
    - Prague : Orbis Press Agency, 1986. - 40 pp. *. END.

  165. Peace Movements in Western Europe, Japan and the USA during the Cold War / Benjamin Ziemann (Ed.)
    - Essen : Klartext Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 2007. - 288 pp. ; Frieden und Krieg. Beiträge zur Historischen Friedensforschung, Band 8) - ISBN 3-89861-763-7
    Contributions include:
    Michael S. Foley, Confronting the War Machine in Boston and Puerto Rico: Draft Resistance During the Vietnam War
    Caroline Hoefferle, A Web of Interconnections: Student Peace Movements in Britain and the United States, 1960-1975
    Robbie Lieberman, "Peace and Civil Rights Don't Mix, They Say." Anticommunism and the Dividing of U.S. Social Movements, 1947-1967
    Dieter Rucht, Peace Movements in Context: A Sociological Perspective
    Massimo De Giuseppe, The Discovery of the 'other' America: Encounters with Latin America in Italian Pacifism, 1955-1980
    Holger Nehring, Searching for Security: The British and West German Protests against Nuclear Weapons and "Respectability", 1958-1963

  166. Peace Movements : National and International / Raymond, J. Alison (editor).
    - New York : Research and Action Associates, 1963. - 85 pp. (National Council of Women of the United States).

  167. Peace Movement Today = Sovre-mennoe antivoennoe dviuenie / under the editorship of P. N. Fedoseyev. - Moscow : General Editorial Board for Foreign Language Publications, Nauka Publishers, 1987. - 100 pp. (International peace and disarmament series ; 39) = (Meudunarodnyj mir i razoruuenie ; 39).

  168. The Peace Reading Book : Being a series of Selections from the Sacred Scriptures, The Early Christian Fathers, and Historicans, Philisophers, - The wise and thoughtfull of all ages; condemnatory of the Principles and Practices of War, and inclulating those of True Christianity; designed for the use in Schools, and for private tuition / Henry Gardiner Adams (editor). - London : Charles Gilpin, 1844. - pp.

  169. Peace with work to do : The Academic study of Peace / James O'Connell ; Adam Curle.
    - Leamington Spa : Berg, 1985. - 50 pp.

  170. Peacework : 20 years of nonviolent social change / Pat Barren ; American Friends Service Committee, New England Regional Office (editors). - Baltimore : Forthkamp, 1991. - 286 pp. : ill. - ISBN 1-879175-09-6

  171. Peacework : Oral histories of Women Peace Activists / Judith Porter Adams.
    - Boston : Twayne Publishers, 1990. - x, 228 pp. : ill.

  172. Penn, William: An Essay towards the Present and Future Peace of Europe : By the establishing of an European Dyet, Parlament or Estatis.
    - London : [S. L] 1693. - 42 pp. (Reprinted: London : 1696 ; 1702 ; 1726 ; 1897 ; 1983.

    Also reprinted with an introduction by: Peter van den Dungen.
    - Bradford ; Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 1983. - xxxv, 67 pp.
    (United Nations Library, Geneva, Serie F, Sources on the History of International Organizations ; 1).
    (Also translated into French:

    Essai d' un Projet pour rendre la Paix de l' Europa solide et durable : Par l' 'establissement d' une diète, génerale composèe (1693?)

    Reprinted as:

    Essai d' un Projet pour rendre la Paix de l' Europa solide et durable : Par l' 'establissement d' une diète, génerale composèe (1693?) : Facsimilé de l'exemplaire unique dans la Bibliothèque de l'Institute Nobel Norvégien à Oslo / avec une notice bibliographique de Peter van den Dungen. - York : William Sessions, The Ebor Press, 1986. - xv, 85 pp. * (Facimile of "the recently discovered" French edition of William Penn's 250 year old appeal for "The Peace of Europe").

  173. Peringer, Christine: How we work for peace : Canadian community activities.
    - Dundas, Ont. : Peace Research Institute-Dundas, 1987. - 446 pp. : ill.

  174. Perkins, Elisha B.: Address delivered before the Peace Society of Windham County.
    - Brooklyn, Con. : Advertiser Press, 1828. - pp.

  175. Perris, George Herbert: A History of the Peace Conference at the Hague.
    - London : International Arbitration Association, 1899. - 102 pp.

  176. Perspektiven gesellschaftlicher Entwicklung in beiden deutschen Staaten : Materialien eines Symposions aus Anlass der Ossietzky-Tage 1987 an der Universität Oldenburg / Friedrich W. Busch (publisher). - Oldenburg : Heinz Holzberg Verlag, 1988. - 191 pp. GER. (Schriften-reihe der Universität Oldenburg).

  177. PETS overvågning af protestbevægelser 1945-1989 :
    Fra Atomkampagnen til BZ-brigaden.
    / Rasmus Mariager ; Regin Schmidt.
    - Copenhagen : PET-kommissionen, 2009. - 465 pp. : ill. *. DAN.
    ; PET-kommissionens Beretning ; 10).
    Note: The official report about the Danish Police intelligence surveillance of Danish peace groups during the cold war.

  178. Petersen, Karl: Børn for fred : En dagbog om fredsarbejde med børn. - Valby : Landsforbundet DUI-Leg og Virke, 1984. - 36 pp. DAN.

  179. Petrich-Lawrence, Emmeline: My part in a changing world.
    - London : Gollancz, 1938. - 367 pp. : ill. *.
    (Women's liberation and WILFPF).

  180. Phelps, Christine: the Anglo-American Peace Movements in the midnineteenth Centry.
    - New York : (s.n.) 1930. pp.

  181. Philips, Samuel: Preaching Peace by Jesus Christ describ'd and urg'd, as the Principal Design of the Gospel-Ministery : A Sermon Delivered in the Audience of the ministers of the Province of the Massachussetts-bay in New England, at their Annual Convention in Boston, on May 31st 1753. - Boston : S. Kneeland, 1753. 2 Vols. - 42 pp.

  182. Phoenix: Letters and Documents of Alice Herz. / : Alice Herz, Shingo Shibata.
    - Amsterdam : John Benjamins Publishing, 1976 - 216 pp.

  183. Pioners for Peace : The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom 1915-1965 / Gertrude Bussey ; Margaret Tims. - London : George Allen & Son ; WILFPF, British Section, 1965 ; 1980. - 255 pp. : ill. *. - ISBN 0-9506969-0-3

  184. Pitre, David W.: To Marthin Luther King with Love : A Southern Quaker's Tribute.
    - Vallingford : Pendle Hills Publications, 1984. - 36 pp. *. (Pendle Hills Pamphlet ; 254).

  185. A plea with Ministers for the Cause of Peace.
    - Boston : American Peace Society, 1850-1859 [?]. - 16 pp.

  186. Plener, Ulla: Arbeiterbewegung : Demokratische Hauptkraft im Kapitalismus.
    - Berlin : Staatsverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1988. - 271 pp. GER.

  187. Polak, Millie Graham: Mr. Gandhi : The Man.
    - London : George Allen & Unwin, 1931. - 186 pp. *.
    (Also translated into Swedish:)
    Gandhi i vardagslivet.
    Stockholm : SKD förlag, 1932. - 160 pp.

  188. Positionen der Friedensbewegung : Die Auseinandersetzung um den US--Mittelstreckenraketenbeschluss : Dokumente, Appelle, Beiträge / Lutz Plümer (publisher). - Frankfurt am Main : Sendler, 1981. - 155 pp. GER.

  189. Posset, Franz: Krieg und Christentum : Katholische Friedensbewegung zwischen dem ersten und zweiten Weltkrieg unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Werkes von Max Josepf Metzger. - Meitingen : Kyrios-Verlag, 1978. - 644 pp. GER.

  190. Poulsen, Jens Åge: Kampen for freden.
    - Copenhagen : Gyldendal, 1988.
    - 48 pp. : ill. * DAN. - ISBN 87-00-11592-4 (Next Stop Nevada).

  191. The Power of the People : Active Nonviolence in the United States / edited by: Robert Cooney ; Helen Michalowski.
    - Philidelphia ; Santa Cruz : New Society Publishers, 1987. - 272 pp. : ill. ; 30 cm. - ISBN 0-86571-089-9 (Reading list pp. 246-261). (Nonviolent Organizations in the United States pp. 262-263). (Important work on the nonviolent movement in U.S.A.).

  192. Prasad, Bapu Rajendra: Saatygraha in Champaran.
    - Madras : S. Ganesan, 1928. - 281 pp. *.

  193. Prasad, Devi: War is a crime against humanity : The Story of the War Resisters' International. - London : WRI, 2005. - 553 pp. : ill. *. - ISBN 0-903517-20-5

  194. Pratt, Hodgson: A Peace Maker in Germany.
    - London : T. G. Johnson, Printer, 1887. - 4 pp.

  195. Presidents and Protesters : Political rhetoric in the 1960s / Theodore Otto Windt Jr.. - Tuscaloosa : University of Alabama Press, 1990. - xvii, 309 pp.

  196. Prize essays on a Congress of nations, for the adjustment of international disputes, and for the promotion of universal peace without resort to arms. Together with a sixth essays, comprising the substance of the rejected essays by John A. Bolles and others / editor William Ladd.
    - Boston : Whipple & Damrell ; the American Peace Society, 1840. - pp.

  197. Privat, Edmond: Vivo de Gandhi.
    - Printed by Imprenta Gutenberg - La Laguna (Tenerife) : J. Régulo Eldonisto, 1967. - 159 pp. : ill. *. ESP. ; Poemoj noveloj Dramoj Esseoj ; 32).
    (Fist Gandhi biography written in Esperanto.

    Also translated into Swedish:

    Gandhis liv.
    - Stockholm : Westerberg, 1969. - 168 pp.

    Also translated into French and English).

  198. Pro pace Mundi : Gesellschaftwissenschaftler der Friedrich-Schiller--Universitat Jena über Frieden und Friedenskampf / Manfred Weissbecker (editor). - Jena : Die Universitat, 1985. - 128 pp. GER.

  199. Problemy wojny, pokoju i rewolucji / Ryszard Frelek ; Adam Kruczkowski.
    - Warszhaw : Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1964. - 93 pp. POL.

  200. Proceedings of a Peace Meeting held at Union League Hall, New York, December 23d, 1870, For the purpose of Free Consultation on the Subject of a Womens Peace Congress for the World, as Proposed by Mrs. Julia Ward Howe.
    - Philidelphia : John Gillam & Co., 1871. - pp.

  201. Proceedings of the fifth American Peace Congress held in San Francisco, California, October 10-13, 1915, as the sixth and last congress of the Committee of one hundred (appointed by the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America to have charge of the religious activities during the Panama-Pacific International Exposition) and under the auspices of the Church Peace Union--the American Peace Society, assisted by the American League to limit armaments--the American Peace Centenary Committee--the League to enforce peace--the San Francisco Federated Peace Committee for 1915, and the Woman's Peace Party. - New York : The Church Peace Union, [1915]. - 190 pp.

  202. The Procedings of the first General Peace Convention : Held in London, June 22, 1843 and the Two following Days / John Jefferson (editor).
    - London : Peace Society's Office, 1843. - vii, 118 pp.

  203. Proceedings of the National Arbitration and Peace Congress New York, April 14-th to 17th, 1907.
    - New York : Underwood & Underwood,

  204. Proceedings of the Third American Peace Congress, held in Baltimore, Maryland, May 3 to 6, 1911 / Eugene Allen Noble (editor).
    - Baltimore : The Waverly Press, 1911. - xxxviii, 504 pp.

  205. Procedings of the [2nd) Universal Peace Congress, held in Westminster Town Hall, London, from 14th to 19th July 1890. - London : Published at the Office of the Congress, 1890. - vii, 249 pp.

  206. Proces verbal de la conference internationale tenue a Bruxelles International Arbitration and Peace Association. - London : L'Association = International Arbiration and Peace Association, 1883. - xvi, [3]-150 pp.

  207. Programme of the Hungarian Peace Movement in the Year of Peace 1986 / Miklos Barbas (editor).
    - Budapest : Hungarian Peace council, 1986. - 40 pp.

  208. The Progressions of Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section / Frank H. Epp ; Marlene G. Epp.
    - Akron : Mennoita Central Committee, 1984. - 23 pp. *.

  209. Protest in der Klemme : Soziale Bewegungen in der Bundesrepublik / Georg Haasken ; Michael Wigbers.
    - Frankfurt am Main : Neue Kritik, 1986. - 211 pp. GER.

  210. Protest og oprør : Kollektive aktioner i Danmark 1700-1985 / edited by: Flemming Nielsen.
    - Århus : Modtryk, 1986. - 365 pp. : ill. - ISBN 87-7394-084-4 *. DAN.
    (Articles on nonviolent protests and rebellions in Denmark).

  211. Protest, power and social change : An encyclopedia of nonviolent Action from ACT-UP to Women's Suffrage / editors: Roger S. Powers ; William R. Vogele. - New York ; London : Garland Publ., 1997. - 610 pp. - ISBN 0-8153-0913-9

  212. The Pugwash Conferences revisited / Hearings before the Subcommitte to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act.
    - Washington, DC. : U.S. Congress. Senate. Committe on the Judicary, 1960. - pp.

  213. Psychotherapie und Friedensarbeit / Hilarion Petzold (publisher).
    - Paderborn : Junfermann, 1986. - 404 pp. : ill. GER. (Reihe Innovative Psychoterapie und Humanwissenschaften ; 32).

  214. Paasche, Hans: Meine Mitschuld am Weltkriege.
    - Berlin : Verlag Neues Vaterland (E. Berger & Co.), 1921. - pp. GER.

  215. Quaker Service at the Crossroads : American Friends, the American Friends Service Committee and Peace and Revolution / Chuck Fager (editor). - Falls Church VA : Kimo Press, 1989. - 216 pp.

  216. Ouakerism : A way of life : In homage to Sigrid Hellesen Lund on her 90th birthday February 23rd 1982 / Hans Eirik Aarek (editor).
    - Ås : Kvekerforlaget, 1982. - 208 pp. - ISBN 82-90311-22-2

  217. The Quiet Battle : Writings on the Theory and Practice of Non-Violent Resistance / Mulford Q. Sibley (Editor).
    - Boston : Beacon Press, 1963. - 386 pp. (Reprinted - Boston : Beacon Paperback, 1968. - 386 pp. Beacon Paperback ; 311) *.

  218. Quincy, Josiah: Address : Delivered at the Fifth Anniversary of The Massachusetts Peace Society, December 25th, 1820.
    - Cambridge, Mass.: Printed by Hilliard & Metcalf, 1821. - 32 pp.

  219. Qvadriga, W.: Carl von Ossietsky 1889-1938 : Lebensbild.
    - [S. L.] (s.n.) 1988. - 336 pp. : ill. GER.

  220. Rain, Pierre: Organisation da la paix en Europe depais les origins jusqúá L.O.N.U..
    - Paris : Table ronde, 1946. - 237 pp. FRE.

  221. Rainbow Wariour : The French attempt to sink Greenpeace / Robin Morgan ; Brian Whitaker.
    - London : Arrow Books, 1986. - 298 pp. : ill.
    (Also transalted into Norwegian:

    Rainbow Wariour : Det franske forsøket på å senke Greenpeace.
    - Oslo : Capelen, 1986. - 276 pp. : ill..

  222. The Rainbow Warrior Affair / Richard Shears ; Isobelle Gidley.
    - London : Counterpoint, 1986. - 217 pp. : ill. ; Unwin Paperbacks/Generel Current Affaires). - ISBN 0-04-900041-1

  223. Raketstrid og fredsdebat / edited by: Fredsbus '81-gruppen.
    - Copenhagen : Peter la Cour, 1983. - 80 pp. : ill. DAN.

  224. Randle, Michael: Civil Resistance.
    - London : Fontana, 1994. - 259 pp. - ISBN : 0-586-09291-9

  225. Randzio-Plath, Christa: Was geht uns Frauen der Krieg an?
    - Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1982. - 156 pp. GER.

  226. Rapport de gestion / The International Peace Bureau, Geneva.
    - Geneva : The International Peace Bureau, nd. pp. FRE.

  227. Rapport om fredsundervisning / Kirsten Nielsen (editors)... [et al.]
    - Copenhagen : Danmarks Lærerhøjskole, 1985. - 144 pp : ill. * DAN.

  228. Rapport om retsagerne mod medemmer af Den tyrkiske Fredsforening / Ole Espersen (MP) ... [et al.].
    - Copenhagen : (s.n), 1985. - 14 pp. ; 30 cm. * DAN.

  229. Rapporto di ricerca su i movimenti pacifisti e antinucleari in Italia 1980-1988 / published by: Centro militare di studi strategici (Italy)
    - Roma : Rivista militare, 1990. - 357 pp. IT. (Collana del "Centro militare di studi strategici" ; 11).

  230. Rawlison, Roger: Larzac : A Victory for Nonviolence.
    - London : Quaker Peace & Service, 1983. - 43 pp. *.

  231. A la recherche du "mouvement de paix" en France : non violence, objection, antimilitarisme, pacifisme antinucleaire / Jacques Fontanel ; Jean-Francois Guilhaudis ; Daniel Colard. - Grenoble : CEDSI, Faculte de droit, Universite des sciences sociales, 1983. - 279 pp. : ill. FRE. (Supplément ; 2 à l`Annuaire Arés defénce et securitè).

  232. Redfearn, David: Tolstoy : Principles of a new world order.
    - London : Shepheard-Walwyn, 1992. - 196 pp. - ISBN 0-85683-134-4

  233. Rieber-Mohn, Hallvard: Ossietzky : En studie i sivilt mot : Med en innledning om Nobels Fredspris og tre artikler av Carl von Ossietzky.
    - Oslo : Aschenhough, 1974. - 126 pp. NOR.

  234. Reisenberger, Dieter: Geschichte der Friedensbewegung in Deutschland : Von der anfängen bis 1933.
    - Göttringen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1985. - 297 pp. GER.

  235. Rejsen til Sovjet : Raport fra NTA's besøg hos Sovjets Fredskommte / Inger Brøndum ; Ole Wøide.
    - Copenhagen : NTAs kampagnegruppe, 1983. - 19 pp. * DAN. (END).

  236. Rens, Ivo: Jean-Jacques de Sellon : Pacifiste et précurseur de "l' éspirit de Genève" / Ivo Rens ; Klaus-Gerd Giesen.
    - Fondation GIPRI, 1985. - 34 pp. FRE

  237. Report / Chicago Peace Society.
    - Chicago : Chicago Peace Society, 1912-2011 - pp.

  238. Report / The Wisbech Local Peace Association.
    - Wisbech, Eng. : [S. L.] n.d. pp.

  239. Report of the 4th. International Congress of Antimilitarist Ministers and Clergymen, Edinburg june - July 1937. pp.

  240. Report of the General Secretary and Treasurer to the Annual Meeting of the Trustees.
    - New York : Church Peace Union, nd. - pp.

  241. Report of Inaugural Congress Vol. 1. Working Sessions / The International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace.
    - London : International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace, 1964. - 83 pp.

  242. Report of the Proceedings of the Peace Conference at Edinburgh, October 12th and 13th, 1853.
    /: Richard Cobden, John Bright, Edward Miall. 1853. pp.

  243. Report of the World Youth Peace Congress 1928 / The Secretary of The World Youth Peace Congress (1928). Bilthoven, Holland. - London : Headley Brothers, (1928). - 95 pp. : ill. * (Conference of the International Youth Legue, WRI?).

  244. Report on the Communist "Peace" Offencive : A Campaign to Disarm and Defeat the United States.
    / U. S. House of Reprensentive, the Committee on Un-American Activities. 82st Congress. 1st. Session, April 1, 1951.
    - Washington DC : Committee on Un-American Activities, 1951. - 166 pp. *.

  245. Report on the International Situation and the Activities of the World Peace Counsel Secretariat since the Havana Presidental Committee Meeting : Session of The Bureau of The World Peace Counsel (Copenhagen, Denmark. January 6.8, 1982) / . - Helsinki : The World Peace Counsel, 1982. - 22 pp. ; 30 cm.*.

  246. Resisting the Serpent : Palau's Struggle for Self-Determination / Bob Aldridge ; Ched Myers.
    - McLean, Va. : Forthkamp, 1990. - 210 pp. *.

  247. Reuman, Robert E.: Walls.
    - Wallingford : Pendle Hills Publications, 1966. - 31 pp. *. (Pendle Hills Pamphlet ; 147).

  248. Reutz Gjermoe, Johanne: For likeverd og fred.
    - Oslo : Own publishing, 1983. - 161 pp. : ill. * NOR. (WILFPF).

  249. Rewiev of the International Movement, July 1934 to July 1937.
    - Enfield : WRI, [1942] - 48 pp. *.

  250. Review of the Scientific and Cultural Conference for World Peace / U. S. House of Reprensentive, the Committee on Un-American Activities. 81st Congress. 1st. Session. - Washington : (s.n) 1949. pp.

  251. Revolt against War.
    - Chicago? : The Womens Peace Party, 1915. pp.

  252. Revolutionare Bundnispolitik heute : Theoretische Probleme und politische Erfahrungen in Westeuropa und Lateinamerika / Jürgen Kubler ; Peter Gartner. - Leipzig : Karl-Marx-Universitat Leipzig, Interdisziplinares Zentrum für Vergleichende Revolutionsforschung, 1987. - 84 pp. GER.

  253. Rey, A. Augustin: Neutralisation des detrotis [!] : Constantinople russe : Couronnemnt de l'edifice politique de la nouvelle Europe.
    - Paris : J. Meynial, 1971. - 62 pp. FRE.

  254. Reynolds, Earle: The Forbidden Voyage.
    - London : Casell, 1962. - 281 pp.

  255. Reynolds, Reginald A: India, Gandi and World Peace.
    - London : Friends of India, 1930. - 26 pp. *.

  256. Reynolds, Reginald A: Gandhi's Fast : Its Cause and Significance.
    - London : No More War Movement, [1932]. - 18 pp. *.

  257. Rhees, Morgan John: The altar of peace being the substance of a discourse delivered in the Council House, at Greenville, July 5th, 1795, before the officers of the American Army, and Major General Wayne, commander in chief, and minister plenipotentiary from the United States to treat with the Indian tribes, north west of the Ohio, by Morgan J. Rhees. To which is prefixed, an address of the Missionary Society, with their constitution.
    - Philadelphia : Printed by Ephraim Conrad, 1798. - 13 pp.

  258. Richards, Eleanor: Pacifism : A Short History.
    - London : Peace Pledge Union, 1981. - 12 pp.

  259. Richardt, Bo: Fredsvagten ved Christiansborg - Bagmandens beretning.
    - Copenhagen : Skriveforlaget, 2011. - 218 pp. : Ill. *. DAN - ISBN 978-87-92573-64-3
    Published in connection with the Peace Guard's 10-year anniversary.
    This book is Bo Richardt version of the Peace Guard - his heart and soul that rises in protest against the regimentation and the hypocrisy he found in both the reactions and actions since 11th September - a different but nonetheless important piece ofthe history of Denmark. -

  260. The Ribbon - ISBN 0-937274-24-0The Ribbon : A Celebration of Life / edited by the Lark Books staff and Marianne Philbin.
    - Asheville : Lark Books, 1985. - 158 pp * - ISBN 0-937274-24-0

  261. The Right to Refuse Military Orders / editor Merja Pentikäinen. - Geneva : International Peace Bureau in collaboration with IALANA, Peace Union of Finland, Finnish Lawyers for Peace and Survival, 1994. - 108 pp. * - ISBN 951-9193-40-5

  262. Rights in concord: the response to the counter-inaugural protest activities in Washington, D.C., January 18-20, 1969; a special staff study submitted to the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence. Washington, D.C. the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence, 1969. - 152 pp. : ill. *.

  263. Risegård Jakobsen, Marie: Hvornår og hvordan var det nu det var? - Copenhagen : Kvindernes Internationale Liga for Fred og Frihed, 1982. - 16 pp. : ill. * DAN. (WILFPF).

  264. Risskov Sørensen, Kurt: Fredssagen i Danmark 1882-1914.
    - Odense : Odense University Press, 1981. - 112 pp. : ill. * DAN.
    - ISBN 87-7492-340-4 (Thesis). (Liberal Danish peace work).

  265. Rochon, T. R.: Mobility for Peace.
    - London : Adamantine, 1990. - 232 pp.

  266. Robie, David: Eyes of fire : The last voyage of the Rainbow Warrior.
    - Philidelphia : New Society Publishers, 1987. - 168 pp. : ill. (Published in 1986 in New Zeeland).

  267. Robbins, Keith: The Abolition of War : The "Peace Movement" in Britain, 1914-1919.
    - Cardiff : University of Wales Press, 1986. - 255 pp.

  268. Rochon, Thomas B.: Mobilizing for Peace : The Antinuclear Movements in Western Europe.
    - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1988. - xxi, 232 pp.

  269. Roland Holst, Henriëtte (van der Schalk): Een requiem voor Gandhi.
    - Amsterdam: Van Ditmar, 1948 - 30 pp. Dutch

  270. Roland Holst, Henriëtte (van der Schalk): Gandhi.
    - Amsterdam : Ploegsma, 1947 ; 1958 - 211 pp. Dutch.

  271. Roland Holst, Henriëtte (van der Schalk): De Revolutionaire Massa-Aktie, Een Studie (Rotterdam 1918). Dutch.

  272. Rolland, Romain: Romain Rolland and Gandhi Correspondence : (letters, diary extracts, articles etc.) / forword by Jarwahal Neru.
    - New Delhi : Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, 1976. - xxviii, 607 pp. - ISBN 0-933-919-1

  273. Rolland, Romain: Mahatma Gandhi.
    - Paris : Librairie Stock, Delamain, Boutelleau & Cie, 1924. - 204 pp. *
    (The first French edition is printed on paper from Dutch Van Gelder. 30 numbered copies. Printing of no. 31. to 580 on slightly less poor quality paper). (Importent Gandhi biography). (Later French editions published in: 1926, 1929 and 1930. - 208 pp. Later French version published in 1948 and 1952. 69. printings.

    Also translated into Danish:

    Mahatma Gandhi.
    - Copenhagen : GAD, 1924. - 140 pp. *.

    Also translated into English:

    Mahatma Gandhi : A study in Indian Nationalism.
    - Triplicane ; Madras: S. Ganesan. 1923. - 140 pp.

    Also pulbished as:

    Mahatma Gandhi : The Man who became one with the Universal Being.
    - London : Swarthmore Press, (1924). - 159 pp.. The biography is also published in - New York ; London : The Centry Co. 1924. - 250 pp. and by: - London : Allen & Unwin, 1930. - 159 pp. (Four printings).

    Also translated into Finnish: Mahatma Gandhi.
    - Porvoossa : Söderström, [1924]. - 181 pp.

    Also translated into German:

    Mahatma Gandhi.
    - Erlenbach ; Zürich : Rotapfel Verlag, 1924. - 146 pp.

    Reprinted: 1924 ; 1930. - 160 pp. 55.000 copies.

    Also published in: - Münich : Rotapfel Verlag, (1923). - 160 pp.

    Also pulbished in: - Riga : Riikis, 1930.
    - 110 pp.

    Also translated into Spanish:

    Mahâtma Gandhi. - Buenos Aires : S. A. D. E., 1942. - 215 pp.).

  274. Rolland, Romain: Vie de Tolstoî.
    - Paris : Hachette et Cie, 1911. - 203 pp.
    (Also published in Beirut : Dar al-Afaq al Jadida, 1981. - 153 pp.).
    (Also translated into English:

    - London [etc.] T. F. Unwin, 1911. - 256 pp.

    also published in:
    - New York : E. P. Dutton & Company, 1911. - 321 pp.

    Also translated into Danish:

    - Copenhagen : V. Pios Boghandel - Povl Branner, 1919. - 262 pp. *.

    Also translated into German:

    Das Leben Tolstoi.
    - Frankfurt am Main : Rutten & Löning, 1927. - 219 pp. : ill.)

  275. Ropers, Norbert: Tourismus zwischen West und Ost : ein Beitrag zum Frieden?
    - Frankfurt : 1986. - 285 pp. GER.

  276. Rosa Luxenburg im kampf gegen der deutsche militarismus.
    - Berlin : Dietz Verlag, nd. - 263 pp. : ill. GER.

  277. Rose, Clive: Campaigns against Western defence : NATO's adversaries and critics.
    - New York ; London : St. Martins Press ; Macmillian, 1985. - 318 pp. *
    (Royal United Defence Service Institute ; RUSI Defence).

  278. Rosenberg, P. A.: Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson.
    - Copenhagen : Gyldendal, 1915. - 98 pp. * DAN.

  279. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: La Paix Perpétuelle Et La Polysynodie : Extraits Et Jugements 1756.
    Translated into English:
    The Political Writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau vol. 1 [1915]

  280. Rothstein, Andrew: The Soldier's strikes of 1919.
    - London : The Macmillan Press, 1980. - 114 pp. *. - ISBN 0-333-27693-0.
    (In January and February 1919 an unprecedended wave of strikes and demonstrations took place in the British armed forces against the delays in demobilisaion which chanced a profound change on British foreign policy as plans for a large-scale intervention in Soviet Russia had to be dropped).

  281. Rotten, Elisabeth: Jane Addams 1860-1935.
    - Zürich : Internationalen Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit, Schweizerischer Zweig, 1936.
    - 50 pp. * GER.

  282. Rowland, Della: Martin Luther King, Jr. : The dream of peaceful revolution.
    - Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Silver Burdett Press, 1990. - vi, 138 pp. : ill. ISBN 0-382-09924-9.

  283. Roy, Ramashary: Self and Society : A study in Gandhian thought.
    - New Delhi : Sage Publications in collab. with United Nations University, 1984. - 205 pp.


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