The Danish Peace Academy

Tecnical foreword to the bibliography Peace in Print

First of all I must say, that the title of this bibliography, peace in print does not have the same meaning as the Book's in print in the English speaking world. This is a bibliography of "Books out of Print", not a list of books for sale, though some of the books of course still can be obtained from booksellers or antiquarian book sellers. The title of this volume is merely a play with words.

This rather short bibliography of the history of the peace movements is thought to be a tool and a help for those interested in the subject for whatever reasons: university teachers and students, librarians, journalist and individuals in the peace movement. Here is an international bibliography so that the reader can learn what has been written about the history of the peace movement in different countries.

The bibliography chiefly covers books in English, German, French, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian. Regarding the registration of Danish and Norwegian books on the history of the peace movement the registration is thought to be complete.

For those who are unable to read some of the rather exotic languages I have made a short note on what most of the books are about. Many of these are research books from different university specialties and include an English or German summary making them accessible to those persons without knowledge of the language in question. Books written by famous authors found in one language, might be translated to other languages, or they might be reprinted, as well as the books published by big (international) cooperations are to be found in more than one language and edition. Famous authors have often their writings published in "collected works", which is another important source of information.

Note also that many of the books here mentioned list bibliographies, reading lists and subject indexes so that the student of the history of the peace movement can pursue the subject still further. And further note that many of the peace groups publish rules of regulations, directories of members, annual reports, proceedings and minutes from meetings and conferences, which can possible be borrowed from their main office's archive or from libraries. Many of the conferences of the peace movements are recorded and printed and are thus an important source to the political discussions in the peace movements.


Friedenskomitee der Bundesrepulbik Deutschland 232

Landsfriedenskomitee Baden-Würtemberg237

Landsfriedenskomitee Bayern238

Landsfriedenskomitee Bremen239

Landsfriedenskomitee Nordrhei-Westfalen239

Friedensbewegung Saar240

Kreis der Friedensfreunde Mannheim241

Deutsche Friendensgesellschaft242

Kampfbund gegen Atomschäden245

Westdeutsche Frauenfriedensbewegung249

Internationale der Kriegsdienstverweigerer251

Verband der Kriegsdienstverweigerer Frankfurt252

Internationale der Kriegsdienstverweigerer und Versöhnungsbund Stuttgart252

Bayerische Friedensbewegung253

Some of the German peace movements during the 1950'ties.

Illustration from no. ? . pp. 285

I have not made any political, scientific, religious or moral judgment about the books listed here. The criterion for including a book in this bibliography is merely that they are published and that I have learned about it. The student of the history of the peace movement must make his or her own judgment about the quality and usage of a publication.

The subject of reference bibliographies is often broader than just the peace movement and their history. The reference bibliographies also present writings on international policy in general and books of or about the peace movement and their activities, development and ideas. However only few important courses on the develop­ ment of the idea of peace and international relations are included in this bibliography. Basic those, who are important to get an overall view of the development.

When there are more than one author/editor or when the title are thought to be most significant, the title becomes the main reference for that entry. The Subject Index and the Subject Headings may help the reader to find the books he or she is looking for.

The registration of the books was completed in 19931. Attempts have been made to predominately use primarely registered books. When it in some cases unfortunately not have been possible, the results of on-line searches and the "Books in Print" for the different countries have been consulted as well as "The National Union Catalogue" (NUC) with books printed before (and after) 1956. However still some of the books recorded in this bibliography remain unverified.

Now after going though this bibliography the difficulty lies in getting hold of the books. However, if the local public library does not have the books, the research libraries, such as national or copyright libraries will have them, or they can through inter librarian loans obtain them.


This bibliography covers, as a rule and for practical reasons, only books and booklets. For the bibliographic references to magazines of the peace movements, see the bibliographies of Jacob ter Meulen, the Nobel Catalogue and Fried for magazines of the early peace movements, Reichel for German peace magazines and newspapers to 19336, the magazine "Die Friedenswarte" [vol. 1. 1899 ff.], for the inter war period, Arkin, Fred i bevægelse, Peace Research Abstracts Journal and Kodama for the magazines of the new peace movements, "Canada and International Security" for the Canadian and international magazines and indexed articles 1985 ff, The Acquisition lists from the library of the Norwegian Nobel Institute for new international peace magazines, Blumberg and French for Psychological peace magazines and Terp for the Danish peace magazines since 1882. For reprints of peace magazines see: "The Library of World Peace Studies" as they are recorded by the Library of the Norwegian Nobel Institute.

F(062) L61

Library of world peace studies / Warren F. Kuehl (ed.). - [s.l.] : Clearwater, 1978-1982. - 1242 microfiche.

Vol. [1]: Advocate of peace : vol.1, 1837 - vol.95, 1932. - 260 microfiche.


Vol. [2]: American advocate of peace : vol.1, 1834 - vol.2, 1836. - 7 microfi­ che.


Vol. [3]: Another mother for peace : August 1967 - October 1975. - 4 micro­ fiche.


Vol. [4]: Arms control & disarmament bibliography : vol.1, 1964/65 - vol.9, no.2, 1973. - 43 microfiche.


Vol. [5]: Calumet : vol.1, 1831 - vo­ l.2, 1835. - 10 microfiche.


Vol. [6]: Correspondance autographiee du Bureau international de la paix 1892 - 1895 : correspondance bimensuelle 1895 - 1911 : le mouvement pacifiste 1911 - 1940. - 86 microfiche.


Vol. [7]: The defense monitor : vol.1, 1972 - vol.11, no.8, 1982. - 10 microfi­ che.


Vol. [8]: The friend of peace : vol.1, 1815 - vol.4, 1827. - 21 microfiche.

Samples of reprinted peace magazines in the collections of The Library of the Norwegian Nobel Institute, Oslo.

B.C. Secondary Students' Peace Educa­ tion Conference. "Deciding our role in the nuclear age : proceedings of the B.C. Secondary Students' Peace

Education Conference. Brackendale, B.C., November 8-10, 1985.": Peace

Education Coalition of British Columbia. 38p. (PSBIB,ISN=5147)

THES: Peace Education / Peace Move­ ments / Peace Research

GEO: Canada

Bacher, John. "Peace Movement's Limited Agenda." CANADIAN DI­ MENSION 21 (60, O '87. p.8-10. (PV­ R,ISN=1211)

Bacher, John. "Le mouvement pacifiste canadien et ses conflits de valeur."

OPTION PAIX 5(4), hiver'87. p.13-16. (PSBIB,ISN=9765)

THES: Peace Movements

GEO: Canada

Bacher, John. "War resisters." PEACE MAGAZINE VII(IV), Jl/Au'91. p.25.


THES: pacifism

"Balts on the brink." ECONOMIST 318(7689), Ja 12-18'91. p.39-40.


Samples of records of indexed peace magazines from the former Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security.



IBZ : Internationale Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenlitteratur aus allen Gebieten des Wissens = International bibliography of periodical litterature covering all fields of knowledge / Otto Zeller ; Wolfram Zeller. - Osnabrüch: Dietrich. 1965 -.

Ulrich's international periodical directory : Now including Irregular Serials & annuals.
Ed-. New York: Bowler. 1932-.

Theses and dissertations

Dissertation abstracts international.
- Ann Abor, Mich.: University Microfilms. 1938-.

Guide to theses and dissertations : An international bibliography of bibliographies / Michael M. Reynolds. - Phoenix, Ar.: Oryx Press. 1985 VII, 263 pp.

Governments reports : Announcement and index / Published by The National Technical Information Services. - Springfield, Va.: NTIS. 1946-.


Index on conference proceedings received 1964-.
- Boston Spa: The British Library Document Supply Center. 1966-.

InterDoc : Directory of published proceedings.
- Harrison, N.Y.: InterDoc Cooperation, 1965-.


Index translatium 1948- : Répetoire international des traductions = International bibliography of translations. - Paris: UNESCO. 1949-.

National bibliographies

An annotated guide to current national bibliographies / Barbara L. Bell. - Alexandria Va, Chadwick-Headly. 1986. XXVI, 407 pp. (Government Documents Bibliographies).

A short title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland & Ireland and of English books printed abroad 1475-1640 / first comp. by A. W. Pollard and G. R. Redgrave. 2nd ed. revised and enlarged / begun by W. A. Jackson and F. S. Ferguson, completed by Katherine F. Pantzer. - London: The Bibliographical Society. 1976-. vol 1-. First edition: London: The Bibliographical Society. 1926. XVI, 609 pp.

Short title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and British America and of English books printed in other countries, 1641-1700 / compiled by Donald G. Wing. 2nd ed. revised and enlarged. - New York: Index Commit­ tee of modern Language Association of America. 197. First edition. - New York: Columbia University Press, 1945-51.

Biographical information on microfiche's - 1925

The Scandinavian Biographical Archive

British Biographical Archive

Deutsche Biographisches Archive

Books in Print and CD-Rom's

British Library Catalogue on CD-Rom c 1991.

Dansk Bogfortegnelse 1890 ff.

National Union Catalogue pre-1956 Imprints. - Washington: Manchel. 1968-1988. 754 vol.

National Union Catalogue 1956 through 1967. Fotowa: Rowman and Littlefield. c 1970. 125 vol.

National Union Catalogue : Author Lists 1968-1972. - Ann Abor: Edwards. 119 vol.

Norsk Bokfortegnelse 1900 ff.

Systematic searches in the libraries mentioned in the colophon.

Computer searches in the following computerized databases:

ALBA - [The] Danish National Acquisition Catalogue of Foreign Language Materials.

BASIS - Database of the Danish public libraries.

Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security.

DIALOG files 421-425 and 430.

KVINFO - Center for Interdisciplinary Information on Women's Studies, Copenhagen.

NIAS - Nordic Institute for Asian Research, University of Copenhagen.

ODIN - Odense University Library.

REX - Royal Library of Copenhagen.

SNU - Copenhagen.

Computer networks.

3228 Sacramento Street
San Francisco, California 94115.

Search terms

British Museum and Library shellmark:

8425 e

8425 ee

8052 i

The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London:

G3.4 = pacifism

passive resistance

peace movements

dewey 172.42 = peace

327.172 = nonviolence

940.316.2 = pacifist's WW1, history

940.531.62 = pacifist's WW1, history

Key words


Danish dewey

dk=15.7 - peace and peace movements

dk=32.3 - civil rights, civil disobedience and nonviolence.

dk=32.7 - international policy

dk=35.51 - conscientious objectors




anti draft movements

anti nuclear movements

civil disobedience

civil rights

contentious objection$


gandhi and nonviolence

international relations



non-violent movements




peace and movement$

peace and social movement$

peace movement

peace movements

peace not law

peace not peace keeping

peace not peace officers

peace not peace treaties

peace societies

peace societies

peace society

society of friends and peace

war resistance movement

women and peace


les conscripts

movement de la paix







as well as searchings on names of personalities and authors, known to be active in the peace movements. However, biographies about Alfred Nobel are not included in this bibliography. Interested should consult the Library of the Norwegian Nobel Institute.

The searches was concluded in the spring and summer of 1992.

Not included in this bibliography are foreign language books for instance Arabic, Hindi, Chinese and so on. Russian and East Euro­ pean language books are only included when they are primary registered or they are found in databases and then only if the key words indicate relevant subjects. It is not because of good will that the foreign language books are excluded and I hope that they some day can be added to the bibliography.

Neither included are novels and books on the League of Nations and the United Nations except they deal with the peace move­ ments.

Books written in foreign languages like russian and japanese are placed under their english or other language titles for practical reasons.

Abbreviation list

AmK - Aldrig mere Krig (Danish chapter: WRI, Section).

c - copyright.

CND - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. CO - Conscientious Objector.

D.I.F.K - Dansk Institut for Kritisk Fredsforskning (Institut for Critical Peace Research, Denmark).

DNA - Det Norske Arbeiderparti (The Norwegian Labor Party).

END - European Nuclear Disarmament.

[et al.] - et alii = other persons.

ff - following.

nd - no date of publishing.

FmK - Folkereisningen mot Krig (Norwegian chapter: WRI, Section).

LO - Landsorganisasjonen (The Norwegian labor movement organization.

NTA - Nej til Atomvåben (No to Nuclear Weapons - Danish chapter, END).

NWFZ - Nuclear Weapon Free Zones.

PRIO - International Peace Research Institute, Oslo.


(s.n.) sine nomine = publisher not known.

SNU - Det sikkerheds- of nedrustningspolitiske Udvalg = The Danish Disarmament and Security Policy Committee.

[S. L.] - Sine Logo = place of publisher or printer not known.

United States - United States of America.

WILFPF - Women International League for Peace and Freedom. / International League for Peace and Freedom.

WRI - War Resisters International.


DAN. - Danish.

ESP. - Esperanto.

FL. - Flemish. (Belgium).

FRE. - French.

GER. - German.

IT. - Italian.JA. - Japanese.

NL. - (Dutch). The Netherlands.

NOR. - Norwegian.

POL. - Polish.

RUS. - Russian.

SWE. - Swedish.

TJ. - Czechoslovakian

Letter codes

ü read y.

Ü read Y.

ä read ae.

Æ read ae.

Ö read oe.

ö read oe.

ø read oe.

Ø read Oe.

å in Danish is regarded as the same letter as aa.

Å read Aa.

* Primarily registered books.

; = and or number.


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