The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, October 12, 1928

Satyagraha Ashram, Sabarmati,

October 12, 1928

My dear child,

I had your letter after a long lapse of time. It was therefore doubly welcome. I hope that this finds you in better health and that if there was an operation that it was quite successful and has left no ill effects.

The ashram is undergoing many changes at the present moment. You will see them all described in the pages of Young India when the time comes. Except for malaria which is seasonal for this time of the year, everything goes well here.

Remember me to Menon when you write to him.

Mrs. Esther Menon

Source: SN14411; Collected Works, Volume 37, page 358


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