The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, February 18, 1928

[The Menons left for Denmark. Dr. Menon went to England for further studies and the family joined him there later in the year.]

The Ashram,


February 18, 1928

My dear child,

I had your two letters under one cover. It did appear to me that you had forgotten me entirely, and yet I knew that that wasn’t possible…139 was looking a picture of health when I saw her at Madras, and she told me all about you.

You must have heard about the relapse in my health.140 I am now under strict orders not to do any serious work involving mental or physical strain. Except for spinning, therefore, I am on my back. I am dictating this whilst spinning. But there is no cause for anxiety. I am getting better and hope soon to be allowed to move about.

Yes. The ashram remains what you have seen it to be. The population is daily increasing and we have too few houses to accommodate all the inmates.

I am asking for a complimentary copy of Young India to be sent to your address, and I shall see that as many back numbers as can be spared are also sent.

I am so glad that all of you are flourishing in health. What is Menon doing in England? Please send my love to him when…141 whom you know is in the ashram just now. She has come to pass a few days on her return from Delhi where she had gone to attend a women’s conference. Mirabai is here and keeping very good health indeed.

With love,


Mrs. Esther Menon

14 Asylvey

Taarboek, Denmark

Source: SN14241; Collected Works, Volume 36, pages 32-33. See also: Menon, K.: Brev fra Dr. Menon and Brev fra Esther Menon. Porto Novo, 1928 no. 3 pp. 13-21

139 The original is damaged here.

140 Gandhi fell ill on February 5.

141 The original is damaged here.


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