The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, July 16, 1926

The Ashram,


July 16, 1926

My dear child,

I have your letter. Why must you enter into all the explanation in respect of Rs. 10/-? I would be grieved if you pinch yourself for sending me Rs. 10/- or anything. As there was a question in the ashram as to whether the money was received or not and whether, if it was received, it was mislaid, I told you about it. But, it would please me better if you will keep the khaddar and not think of paying for it. After all, what has been sent to you is second-hand khaddar from old stock belonging to the members of the ashram. Nor need you hesitate to ask for more if you want more.

I am delighted to hear of the progress made by Nani.136 It would be an achievement if she speaks three languages equally well when she grows up. I suppose, the strong will she inherits from her mother and gentleness from her father, or, will you say vice versa?

It is too early to think of what I shall do next year. But, if I do come to the South, I would love to go to Porto Novo.

With love to you all,



Mrs. Esther Menon

(Porto Novo)

S. I. R.

Source: My Dear Child, page 82; Collected Works, Volume 31, pages 148-49

136 Esther Menon’s daughter, Nan


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