The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, June 23, 1926

The Ashram,

Sabarmati ,

June 23, 1926

My dear child,

I have your letter. Now you know everything about the much talked of visit to Finland.135 I felt that the time had not yet arrived for going. I could see no clear definite light. Undoubtedly, had I gone to Finland, I would have gone to Denmark also. I had made that definite promise to Anne Marie and I would have loved to have seen your own home. But that was not to be.

Mirabai is doing quite well and she is standing the heat wonderfully well. I am glad you have a helper. You have not yet told me what sort and what quantity of old khaddar is to be sent to you. But Maganlal has made a parcel. It is being despatched today to the address given by you at ‘Craiglea.’ I suppose ‘Craiglea’ is the name of the cottage in Kodaikanal. It is quite like Menon that he should be devoting himself to the care of the sick. You refer to Rs. 10/-. Nothing has been received here as yet. Nothing need be sent.



Mrs. Esther Menon



Source: My Dear Child, page 81; Collected Works, Volume 31, page 39

135 Gandhi had been invited to the World YMCA Conference in Finland. He considered a visit to Finland and possibly Denmark, but decided against it.


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