The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, May 19,1917


May 19, 1917

My dear Esther,

Your letter does credit to your heart. I really do not need the Rs.21 50/- at the present moment. Just now we have more than we need. If you cannot think of using it for any other purpose you can think of, send it to the ashram to be kept for an emergency fund. The ashram too has no present need of money. You will not perhaps be surprised to learn that all the pecuniary assistance in my work has come, in a way, in answer to prayer. I have not been obliged to beg, i.e., for conducting the missions I have undertaken. But this is a long story into which l cannot go.

The work here continues as usual.

Do please remember me to Miss Peterson when you write to her and tell her I shall still expect her promised long letter.

With love,



Source:My Dear Child, page 10; Collected Works, Volume 13, page 403

21 Rupees. Rupee is Indian currency.


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