The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, December 11, 1925


December 11, 1925

My dear Esther,

I was looking forward to hearing from you for a long time. I was therefore delighted to hear from you. I am glad you are better.

You have heard all about my fast?128 I am none the worse for it. I have almost regained the lost weight in ten days and am now resting with J.129 at Wardha.

Miss Slade whom we call Mira is with me and is coming to the Congress.130 She was glad to get your letter. She will write to you, I expect, if she has not done so already.

I hope to return to the ashram about New Year’s Day.

M.131 has lofty ideas of service. May they all be realized!

Is the school growing? How many children - boys and girls - have you? What is your syllabus?

With love to you all,




I am here till 21st instant.

Source:My Dear Child, page 77; Collected Works, Volume 29, page 312

128 Gandhi undertook a fast from November 24 to December 1 because of misconduct in the ashram.

129 presumably Mr. Jamnalal Bajaj, an associate of Gandhi

130 Miss Margaret Slade, daughter Admiral Sir Edmund Slade of Britain, was known as Mira (Miraben). She became interested in Gandhi and joined his ashram in 1925. She was closely associated with him until his death.

131 presumably Miss Anne Marie Petersen


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