The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, [September 2, 1920]

On the way to Calcutta,

[September 2, 1920]

My dear child,

I had your first long letter from home. I was delighted.

I had four very pleasant days with Menon. He is frank, honest and clean. He is unassuming. I have invited him to come to the ashram any time he likes. I have told him too that both you and he could stay at the ashram and make it your home there.

He has still difficulties. Pressure is being put upon him to own Christianity for your [sake].114 I consider that unworthy of both of you. Your religion must be above everything. It is not a mechanical thing to be changed at will. Therefore in my opinion you must keep your respective faiths.

Then what about your children if you decide to bear them? It is a tremendous question for a godfearing person.

The solution I can see is that though you may marry, you may not see each other carnally. But you will both do as God directs you. Menon wished me to write to you what we talked and I have done. The solution appealed to him then. But that signifies nothing. Your connection is too sacred to tamper with.

Anne Marie, that is Miss Petersen, [as she] insists on my calling her, [and] I have fallen in love with each other. Of course I had nothing to forgive. But I must not describe the interview. She must have done it.115

Ba, Devdas, Mahadev, Imam Saheb, Shankerlal Banker, Anasuya Behn are with me among many others. These however you know. Harilal116 I shall meet tonight in Calcutta.

I know you are spreading there love for India. May God bless you and your mission.

With love,



Source: a photostat at the National Archives of India; Collected Works, Volume 18, page 223

114 The original has “case,” evidently a slip.

115 Please see Appendix I for text of letter by Anne Marie Petersen to Gandhi after meeting him September 1920.

116 Gandhi's eldest son


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