The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, June 25, 1920


June 25, 1920

My dear child,

I have not been regular in writing to you as I had intended to. I have been too busy with the Khilafat question. I did however ask Mahadev to write to you on my behalf. You must also be receiving Young India regularly.

I had expected to hear from you from on board. But as yet there is nothing from you. I wrote to you a letter111 to reach you on your steamer and another112 to London care of Thomas Cook. I do hope you received both these letters.

I am now fixed up for the time being in Bombay. I enclose herewith the letters to the Viceroy.113 They will give you an idea of my activity. Devdas is with me.

I am anxious to hear about your meeting with your father and your health. Of course I expect to hear from you regularly.

With love,



Source: My Dear Child, page 72; Collected Works, Volume 17, pages 511-12

111 Presumably the ‘note’ referred to in the letter of May 25.

112 This is not available.

113 Presumably his letter of June 22, 1920, to the Viceroy explaining why he had advised non-co-operation with the British Government unless the peace terms for Turkey were revised; and a letter on the same day to the private secretary to the Viceroy enclosing a representation by Muslims on the same subject


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