The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, May 16, 1920

The Ashram,

May 16, 1920

My dear child,

I cannot send you a love-letter, for the publication of the peace terms108 again unsettles the regularity of my work. I am glad you are able to leave quite so early as the 19th. I hope you received my telegram109 in reply to yours. Please do not worry about what happens to us here. We are all in God’s keeping and if we wait upon Him and Him alone, whatever happens is for our good. Even so-called afflictions turn out then to be for our benefit. Give yourself perfect rest and peace at home, let your father meet you as a better Christian for having been to India and having come in contact with the ashram and then when you are rested, strong in body, mind and soul, return. May you have a safe voyage, a happy time at home and a safe return. You will write of course regularly and give me your home address.

With deep love,



Source: My Dear Child, pages 70-71; Collected Works, Volume 17, page 425

108 Peace terms presented by the Allies to Turkey. Gandhi was at this time leading a national movement in defence of Turkey and the Caliphate (Khilafat).

109 This telegram is not available.


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