The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, May 9, 1920

The Ashram,

May 9, 1920

My dear child,

I did not at all like to part with you. But I know it was good for your health’s sake. I only hope that the expectation has been fully realized and that the climate of Sinhgadh has agreed with you.

I am sorry there is no chance of my being with you as early as I had thought. The great strike107 commenced today. I, however, do hope that it will not last long. The mill-owners have no case and they have no fighters in their midst. It was a big meeting last night. The men were full of courage and determination.

I cannot help writing down for us again the heavenly lines of Trench -

Yet, if we will one Guide obey

The dreariest path, the darkest way

Shall issue out in heavenly day;

And we on diverse shores now cast,

Shall meet, our perilous voyage past,

All in our Father’s house at last.

With love,



Source: My Dear Child, pages 69-70; Collected Works, Volume 17, page 402

[Esther Faering left for Denmark on S.S. Berlin on May 19, 1920. Gandhi could not see her again before her departure.]

107 Workers in the cotton mills in Ahmedabad went on strike under the guidance of Gandhi.


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