The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, April 15, 1920


April 15, 1920

My dear child,

I have just returned from Bombay. I passed the fasting and prayer week104 at Bombay. It is true I have not written to you but that does not mean that I have thought any the less of you or prayed for you less lovingly. I had no time and I felt I had sent you enough verses to last you for some time. I should send more if I knew your condition of mind. And so I allowed a few days to pass by without committing myself to writing.

But now I have your precious letter. I am quite resigned to your marriage. I will not argue against it. You will do exactly as God guides you. Only always be sure it is the voice of God.

Yes, I should certainly love to see Mr. Menon. That you are willing to give yourself to him is proof enough to me that he is no ordinary young man.

There is no certainty about my going to London. It is mere talk as yet; I have written to the Viceroy and much will depend upon the answer.

I had very rich experiences in Bombay during the fasting week. But of these when we meet. When are you likely to leave for home?

With love,



Source: My Dear Child, pages 68-69; Collected Works, Volume 17, pages 315-16

104 National Week was observed by the Indian National Congress from April 6 to April 13.


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