The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, [March 25,]1920

[Miss Faering decided to leave for Denmark and wished to meet Gandhi before catching the boat in Bombay.]


Thursday [March 25,]1920

My dear child,

My heart and my prayers are with you. Your letter grieves me beyond words. That you should suffer so much pain! But true joy will come to the godly. And as my faith in your godliness is unshakable, I have a certain belief that you will have a peace full of joy.

You will certainly see Mr. Menon if you think that you should. I am anxious for you to get an early boat. The voyage will give you the solitude you need and your home and your father the comfort and the companionship you will want.

If you have not returned Mr. Banker's trunk, please do not send it by parcel. It may be returned on your coming back to Bombay. There is absolutely no hurry.

With love,



Source: My Dear Child, page 67; Collected Works, Volume 17, pages 292-93


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