The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, March 21, 1920

Sunday, March 21, 1920

I say to thee, do thou repeat

To the first man thou mayest meet

In lane, highway or open street -

That he and we and all men move

Under a canopy of love,

As broad as the blue sky above;

That doubt and trouble, fear and pain,

And anguish all are shadows vain.

That death itself shall not remain,

That weary deserts we may tread,

A dreary labyrinth may thread,

Through dark ways under ground be led,

Yet, if we all one Guide obey,

The dreariest path, the darkest way

Shall issue out in heavenly day;

And we on diverse shores now cast,

Shall meet, our perilous voyage past,

All in our Father’s house at last.


My dear child,

I am on the train to Delhi. I could not go out for rest.101 I sent you nothing yesterday. I could not. This may be my last for some days because I shall not know what will happen from day to day. Do let me have a line from you.

With love,


Source: My Dear Child, page 65; Collected Works, Volume 17, page 108

101 Gandhi was advised rest as he had some trouble with one of his legs. In the last week of March and again at the end of April he went to Sinhgadh for rest.


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