The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, [March 19, 1920]


Friday [March 19, 1920]

Oh I could go through all life’s troubles singing,

Turning each night to day,

If self were not so fast around me, clinging

To all I do or say.

My very thoughts are selfish, always building

Mean castles in the air,

I use my love of others for a gilding

To make myself look fair.

I fancy all the world engrossed with judging

My merit or my blame.

Its warmest praise seems an ungracious grudging

Of praise which I might claim.

Alas! no speed in life can snatch us wholly

Out of self’s hateful sight,

And it keeps step, whene’er we travel slowly

And sleeps with us at night.

O Lord that I could waste my life for others,

With no ends of my own,

That I could pour myself into my brothers

And live for them alone.

My dear child,

You have forgotten your promise. Do not keep me without anything from you for so many days. The above is my selection for the day.

With love,



Source: My Dear Child, page 64; Collected Works, Volume 17, page 98


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