The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, [March 3,] 1920


Wednesday [March 3,] 1920

My dear child,

The case is going on,98 and as I have a few minutes’ interval, I want to give you a few lines.

You are constantly in my mind. Sometimes I even feel uneasy when I think of our chats and when I think that in some things I might have appeared harsh when I had wanted to be gentle. One's speech cannot be judged by one's intentions but only [by] the effect it produced on the hearer. Are you happy and joyful ? How are you in body?

I would like you to return Mr. Banker's99 trunk. If you need another, you may take one in Madras. You will let me have your programme, of course.

The case is finished and the judgment has been reserved. I have sent you a telegram.100

With love,



Source: My Dear Child, pages 66-67; Collected Works, Volume 17, page 67

98 Gandhi and Mahadev Desai were charged with contempt of court for an article in Young India. They were reprimanded by the High Court on March 12.

99 Shankarlal Banker, an associate of Gandhi

100 This telegram is not available.


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