The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, [February 10,], 1920


Tuesday [February 10,] 1920

My dear child,

I have your dear telegram and two letters in one day. I had telegraphed before I received your letter about your father. I am sure that you should answer that call by going [to Denmark] as early as possible. Only I want to have many a chat with you before you go. Never mind the weakness of body today. I would like you still to consider the ashram as your home to which you could return whenever you wished to. If you feel like going now to Madras and come back on your way to Denmark you may do so. But I prefer seeing you before you go to Madras. But pray do whatever is in your opinion best. Take warm baths and you will get rid of the rash. The hip baths must do you good.

I want Devdas to go with you. I shall discuss it with him and with you when we meet. The idea of Mahadev going attracts me more.

D. has a little book given to him by a missionary. It is called The Inner Shrine. In a hymn I read these lines: “With happy grief and mournful joy, /My spirit now is filled,” and at once I thought of you. ‘Happy grief’ and ‘mournful joy’ are wonderful expressions. But no more today.

With love and prayer,



Source: My Dear Child, pages 50-51; Collected Works, Volume 17, page 22


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