The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, April 17, 1917

[Gandhi went to Champaran district in Bihar on April 15, 1917, to investigate the condition of peasants who were being cruelly exploited by indigo planters, who were mostly British. The government served him notice ordering him to leave the district. He defied the order and was charged before Court on 18 April. He pleaded guilty, but on April 21, the government withdrew the case and instructed its officials to assist Gandhi.

On June 10, the Bihar government appointed a committee to inquire into all disputes and appointed Gandhi as one of the members. The committee submitted a unanimous report and in November the government enacted the Champaran Agrarian Bill to remove the main grievances.

Motihari was the headquarters of Champaran district and Bettiah a town in the district.]


April 17, 1917

My dear Esther,

I know you will want me to tell you that I am about to be imprisoned. I have come here to remove some labour grievances. The authorities do not want me. Hence the impending imprisonment. Do ask Mr. M. at the ashram to send you some papers, and you will know. I am absolutely joyed to think that I shall be imprisoned for the sake of conscience.


(if you want me to sign)


Source:My Dear Child, pages 6-7; Collected Works, Volume 13, page 371


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