The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, [February 8, 1920]

Sunday [February 8, 1920]

My dear child,

I have seen your pathetic letter to S.97 I am glad you have poured out your heart in it. I have telegraphed to you today asking you not to leave [the ashram] before I reach if you can at all stay. I want to have a few long chats with you in the early morning which I get only at the ashram. I could urge you too to have the baths I have suggested. Ask for the water to be brought to you.

Are you an unworthy child? You have made yourself dearest to me by your wonderful love and conscientiousness. You do not for one moment think that your waywardness can make any alteration in my estimation of your worthiness. It is my privilege to point out where you need strengthening. If the body is the temple of the Holy, it requires the utmost care - certainly not pampering but equally certainly not disregard or even indifference.

With deep love always mingled with prayer,



Source: My Dear Child, pages 56-57; Collected Works, Volume 17, page 20

97 possibly Mrs. Sarladevi Chaudharani, a friend of Gandhi, in Lahore


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