The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, [February 1, 1920]


Sunday [February 1, 1920]

My dear child,

The enclosed92 was written in the morning. I have just got your pencil letter. I do clearly see that you made a mistake in accepting the invitation. You are young, you are inexperienced. You have a golden heart but it needs steadying. What is a big ship without a rudder? Where does it go? Does it not drift? My heart weeps for you today. You have left a surrounding93 where you could grow after a fashion; you have come to a surrounding94 where you can grow much more if you will assimilate the surrounding. You must not prick yourself in your waywardness. A disciplined conscience is one to obey. It is the voice of God. An undisciplined conscience leads to perdition, for the devil speaks through it. I wish I was with you. ‘Not everyone that sayeth unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven shall enter that kingdom.’ I am quoting from memory but it will do.

Do put yourself under discipline. Never do anything without consulting Maganlal. Let him be as elder brother to you. Come close to him. Ask for the food you need, take the rest you want and put your mind and body at rest.

Write to me daily a full letter.

I shall pray for you and love you all the more for your waywardness.



Source: My Dear Child, pages 55-56; Collected Works, Volume 17, pages 3-4

[Gandhi wrote on the same day to Maganlal Gandhi:

“There is a letter from Esther and hence I write this second letter to you. I have written to her as well. She made a great mistake in going.95 I can see her weakness. This is how a holy soul falls. She claims too much independence. She feels humiliated to have to ask anyone. She is like a ship without a rudder. She has a large heart, but does not know what to do with it.

“I have advised her in my letter that she should look upon you as an elder brother and obey you, discuss matters with you. You should see her and find out her needs. If necessary, she may stay with you. It is possible that, by herself, Ba will not be able to look after her. I so much want to be in the ashram at this time. My heart is bleeding. It does not seem that Esther has done anything sinful. But I also believe that she may do such a thing in no time. This feeling may be only an expression of my fear.” (Collected Works, Volume 17, pages 4-5)]

92 The previous letter of the same date; see above.

93 The Danish Mission to which Esther Faering had belonged

94 the ashram at Sabarmati

95 to attend a marriage party


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