The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, October 23, 1919

On the train,

Thursday [October 23, 1919]75

My dear child,

I do want you to feel at home at the ashram. I do not want you to feel or think you are in the midst of strangers. Pick up a few words in Hindustani daily and the linguistic barrier will vanish.

If the ashram is your home, you must reproduce the necessary home comfort. Pray demand them. Send me a line daily.

Remember that love is never afraid, it has no secrets. You will therefore open your heart to all and you will, I doubt not, find a response in every heart. Love will not be denied for it is ever patient and ever suffering. And love is service, therefore it ever rejoices in service.

Do keep your health.

Yours sincerely,

M. K. Gandhi

Source: My Dear Child, page 41; Collected Works, Volume 16, page 253

[On October 23, Gandhi wrote to his nephew, Maganlal, who was managing the ashram, to "make what arrangements you think best for Miss Faering," and added: "If you take her out for a walk every morning, as I used to take you out, this flower will bloom the better and will give sweet fragrance." (Collected Works, Volume 16, page 254.)]

75 Gandhi left on a tour of the Punjab soon after Miss Faering arrived at the ashram.


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