The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, August 24, 1919

Laburnum Road,


August 24, 1919

My dear child,

Sundaram’s letter about you had made me very gloomy. My heart goes out to you in your sorrow. But I know that if we trust in God when we are weakest, somehow He makes us strong. Deep down in me therefore there is the feeling that all would be well with you no matter what happens to you. I could not, however, restrain myself from writing to the Governor. Here is a copy of my letter to him. If you are free, you would come down at once to the ashram. I want to write to Mr. Bittmann but I shall await reply to this. You will know the rest from my letter to the Governor. If it does not represent the situation correctly in any way, you will please let me know. You will be an unworthy child if you will not let me know your pecuniary wants.73

With love,



Source: My Dear Child, page 37; Collected Works, Volume 16, page 59

73 Miss Faering's salary from the Mission had been stopped.


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