The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, July 22, 1918


July 22, 1918

My dear child,

I have been debating with myself whether to write to you or not to. Your letter made painful reading. I am today at the ashram and have just worn the second vest sent by you. I came to know of it only today. It does not fit well. The sleeves are too short. But that matters little. I am wearing it and shall wear it out.

I am quite sure that you must quietly go through your contract even though you may be prohibited from coming to the ashram or writing to me. You will gain greater strength of will and purpose by the enforced discipline and restraint.

It will be a privilege if you are permitted to write to me and receive letters. Do please tell me what final decision has been arrived at.

I have suspended Civil Disobedience for the time being. You will see my letter to the Press.

With love,



Source:My Dear Child, pages 30-3l; Collected Works, Volume 14, page 497


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