The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, January 13, 1918


January 13, 1918

My dear Esther,

Having been wandering about, I have not been able to reply to your letters. I was in Calcutta, thence went to Bombay and the ashram and returned only yesterday. I had varied experiences which I cannot describe for want of time.

To say that perfection is not attainable on this earth is to deny God. The statement about impossibility of ridding ourselves of sin clearly refers to a stage in life. But we need not search scriptures in support of the assertion. We do see men constantly becoming better under effort and discipline. There is no occasion for limiting the capacity for improvement. Life to me would lose all its interest if I feel that I could not attain perfect love on earth. After all, what matters is that our capacity for loving ever expands. It is a slow process. How shall you love the men who thwart you even in well-doing? And yet that is the time of supreme test.

I hope that you are now enjoying greater peace of mind. Let your love for the ashram be a source of strength in your attempt to do your duty there.42 The ashram is undoubtedly intended to teach us to do our assigned task with the utmost attention and with cheerfulness. There is meaning in our wishes (however pure) not being fulfilled. Not our will but His will be done.

I hope you are making progress in your Tamil lessons.

Did you receive from Messrs Natesan & Co.43 a book they have brought out containing my speeches and writings? I am sending you a copy of my speech in Calcutta on Social Service.44

With love.



Source:My Dear Child, pages 24-25; Collected Works, Volume 14, page 146

42 Miss Faering was at the time teaching at the Danish Mission Boarding School at Tirukoilur, near Madras.

43 publishers in Madras

44 “Address at All-India Social Service Conference,” December 31, 1917. Collected Works, Volume 14, pages 121-28.


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