The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, December 12, 1917



December 12, 1917

Dear Esther,

Your letter just received grieves me. “Be careful for nothing” comes to my lips as I write these lines. Why fret and worry? You are just now passing through fire.40 I am sure you will come out unhurt. It is your clear duty just now to obey those to whom you have given the right to control your movements.41 You can oppose them only when they clearly hinder your spiritual progress. They receive the benefit of any doubt. You could certainly reason with them that just at this time of the year you will have perfect weather in Ahmedabad, loving attention and no worry. The very change of surroundings is likely to do you good. If you still fail, you have to accept their opposition with resignation. Please do not worry over your exam. That is a mere nothing. We are best tried when we are thwarted in what to us are holy purposes. God’s ways are strange and inscrutable. Not our will but His must be our Law.

Please write to me frequently and, up to the end of the year, send your letters to Motihari. I should even value a telegram saying you are at peace with yourself, if you are that when you receive this.

With love,



Source: My Dear Child, pages 23-24; Collected Works, Volume 14, pages 106-07

40 The Danish Mission authorities had refused her permission to spend the Christmas holidays at Gandhi's ashram.

41 that is, the Danish Missionary Society


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