The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, March 26, 1940


March 26, 1940

My dear child,

It seems ages when I heard from you last. Therefore it gave me joy to see your letter to Charlie who has forwarded it to me for disposal. Why have you not been writing to me? I know you are careful about my time. But I do want an occasional line from you.

The girls are the biggest problem for you. But there too you have to trust God to lead you. No use fretting about things we cannot mend.

How are you keeping yourself?

Charlie had a narrow escape.194 He is still bed-ridden but out of danger. I saw him often enough when I was in Calcutta. Mahadev, who has just returned from Calcutta, brings news of slow but steady progress.

For the family here, I am keeping fit, Ba has a persistent cough and is weak, Mahadev is living here. The place is fairly crowded. Mary195 is still in the village of her choice sticking to it in spite of difficulties.

M. writes to me now and then.



Source:My Dear Child, page 115; Collected Works, Volume 71, page 373

194 Gandhi had visited C.F. Andrews, who had an operation in March, at the hospital in Calcutta.

195 Miss F. Mary Barr


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