The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, [June] 19, 1936

[June] 19, 1936

My dear child,

You are naughty. You will write on all the sides of your letter without giving any direction as to where you began writing in all the margins. Why don’t you add one more sheet? But no more of grumbling. I sent Saraswati and Kanti (who are they?) as I thought you would like to see them.

Strange! I have a letter from Maria this week. She shows considerable anxiety about you.

It must be torture to K. that he cannot do just what he thinks is best for want of funds. We have however to take comfort from the fact, God does not always allow us to do what we think is the best. I suppose we don’t always know what is best.

Do not make the children write to me. Let them write when they are led to do so of their own free will.

I hope you have completely recovered from your illness. How I should love to see you as hale and hearty as you were when we first met. You were such a picture of health that I had thought you to be incapable of getting ill.



Source: a photostat at the National Archives of India and My Dear Child, page 113; Collected Works, Volume 63, pages 71-72


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