The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, May 18, 1936

May 18, 1936

My dear child,

You are being tested. Why should you have 'flu even in a cool place like Kodai? But I know you will keep your peace even in the midst of tortures and live up to your motto. You will tell me when you are free. My prayers and my love are with you.


Source: My Dear Child, page 114; Collected Works, Volume 62, page 416

[Gandhi wrote on May 25, 1936, to Mrs. Saraswati Ambujammal to see Esther Menon on his behalf and befriend her, if possible. He wrote to her again on June 6: “I am glad you went to Esther. If you found her glad to receive your visit, I would like you to go to her as often as you conveniently can.” (Collected Works, Volume 62, page 445 and Volume 63, page 21)]


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