The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, [after February 25, 1935]

[After February 25, 1935]

My dear child,

I have just finished reading your precious letter. My heart was weeping as I was reading it. Do you know this Tamil proverb - “ Thikkatravanukku theivamay thunai”? It means God is the help of the helpless. He will help you and comfort you. You must not lose faith in His mercy and His healing power.

You should have written to me much earlier than you have done. But better late than never.

You should tell Menon all that the children feel. What is done is done. God had a purpose behind this marriage. You are neither spent nor bent.

You way is clear. You should take the children to Denmark or England if your expenses can be easily found. If you cannot stand that climate, you should return to India leaving the children to the care of those who would take them.

If this is not possible, you should live on a hill where you can be all the year round and bring them up as Indians in Indian surroundings. I think they are too good to resist this. To bring them up in India in a European school is fatal for their moral growth.

Of course I should love to have you and the children by my side. But they won’t stand the climate and probably the surroundings also. Do not hesitate to write to me as often as you need. I am well enough to attend to your letters.

I tried to secure something good for Menon but failed, i.e., I could not secure the salary he would need. But if he is freed of the care of the children and even you, he can take up an ill paid post but one in which he will have ample experience.

Whatever the ultimate issue, you must not be anxious about anything. Remember that God takes the burden of all our cares on His broad shoulders if we will but let Him. This is as true as it is true that I am writing to you. Only His way is not our way, His shoulders are not like ours. But there is all the beauty in doing His will.



Source: a photostat at the National Archives of India; Collected Works, Volume 60, pages 264-65

[ Gandhi wrote to C.F. Andrews on July 29, 1935: "Esther's is a tough problem. My opinion is that Menon should stick to India but not to Tanjore. Real skill has its price everywhere." Collected Works, Volume 61, page 295.]


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