The Danish Peace AcademyGANDHI AND NORDIC COUNTRIESCollected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger TerpLetter, May 7, 1933 Yeravda Central Prison, May 7, 1933
My dear child, I know what you are passing through. I look upon the coming fast as the richest gift God has yet blessed me with.173 I must not write more. You should know that it is well whatever the result. Love for you both and kisses for the children. Bapu Source: My Dear Child, page 101; Collected Works, Volume 55, pages 137-38 173 Gandhi undertook a weeks fast from May 8, 1933, for self-purification, stressing the need for purity among workers serving Harijans. The government released him from prison on that day.