The Danish Peace AcademyGANDHI AND NORDIC COUNTRIESCollected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger TerpLetter, March 2, 1933 Yeravda Central Prison, March 2,1933 My dear child, I have your letter. I am sending it to Maria. I know she will be delighted with it. Probably you wrote the same time that you wrote to me. Even so, the news of your joining her early will not be stale to her. I posted a letter last week to Tangai and just gave you a line only. I hope she felt duly proud to receive a letter all to herself, put in an envelope bearing her address, and I hope that she sent me a thousand kisses when she got that letter. As I am pouring out my heart through Harijan, I feel that I have nothing more to say to the members of the growing family. With all the experience gained in a big hospital, Menon should return as a distinguished specialist in surgery. Love from us all and kisses to children. Bapu Source: My Dear Child, pages 99-100; Collected Works, Volume 53, page 440