The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, February 10, 1933

Yeravda Central Prison,

February 10, 1933

My dear child,

Yes. You did keep me without a letter this time for some weeks and I was wondering why. I must not give you a long letter this time, because the new weekly Harijan164 absorbs me to the exclusion of everything else. You will see the copy that will reach you at the same time as this.

I can quite understand what a source of pleasure Charlie Andrews’s presence must be to you and the children.165 His presence in your midst takes away from me too a load of anxiety on your behalf.

Love from us all to you all.


Source: My Dear Child, page 98; Collected Works, Volume 53, page 256

164 Gandhi started a weekly newspaper Harijan to promote service to the Harijans.

165 C.F. Andrews stayed at the Woodbrooke Settlement for some time.


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