The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, November 11, 1932

Yeravda Central Prison,

November 11, 1932

My dear child,

I have your latest letter telling me how in ecstasy161 you would have run to the telegraph office to wire to me and how you subsequently realised that that would have been wrong if only because we are poor people and all the money we had, had to be held in trust for God’s service. And I had your long love letter which you had sent to the ashram address.

Well, the fast was well worth it even for enabling Menon to give up smoking. The value lies in having given up a thing which had so possessed him. I know that many young men and young women, old men and old women were moved to such restraint and self-denial during the fast week. It shows that it was from God.

I saw and we all admired the group photo with Andrews in it. It was very good. And the bare-bodied Tangai. She looks a perfect picture.

I expect in your next letter to see the account of your visit to the diseased sister.

I had a long letter from the Sunfield School people giving me an account of the new buildings.

You must not trifle with your body by putting into it things that will not suit it. You cannot build your body on pulses. You do not need them at all. Your diet must consist largely of milk, eggs (since you do take them and it is well you do) and whole-meal bread and fruit and green vegetables, salads, tomatoes, spinach, marrow and the like. Even as a soldier keeps his arms clean and in order so must we keep our arms (God-given bodies) clean and in perfect order.

I have almost regained my strength and am taking normal food. Mira writes regularly every week and is keeping well. Devdas is much better but is overworking himself and so is Pyarelal. Mahadev of course is with me. Tilakam is at the ashram. He is a good young man. He is not strong in body.

Enclosed is a letter162 for the young friend from Denmark. Ba is at the ashram. I think she has aged more than I have, though she is wonderfully active. Her mind gets easily tired. She worries too much.

Love to you all and in addition kisses to the children.


Source: My Dear Child, pages 95-96; Collected Works, Volume 51, pages 399-400

161 at the news of the termination of the fast by Gandhi

162 This is not available.


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