The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, October 4, 1932

Yeravda Central Prison,

October 4, 1932

My dear child,

I have your long letter of 4th September. That is a bygone age.

After the fast is like a new birth to me. I am rapidly gathering strength. The lost weight has almost come back. The lost strength will take a little time. The days of agony were also days of inner joy. It was a little penance for the great sin of untouchability committed by millions against their fellow beings. But you know all about it by now.

You must try to get rid of your rheumatism by steam baths and a diet free of much starch and proteins and full of fresh fruit.

I wish you could persuade Nan and Tangai to go to a public school and live down the prejudice, i.e., if the teachers welcome the idea of their going there.

I had a birthday greeting cable from Denmark. The name of the sender was not given.

No more today.

Love from us and kisses to the children.


Source: My Dear Child, page 94; Collected Works, Volume 51, page 187


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