The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, May 29, 1932


May 29, 1932

My dear child,

This is silence time. I have your longish letter - none too long for me. I forgot last time to tell you I had received the book you sent me. I shall read it as soon as I can. Every minute is pre-mortgaged. Any new reading or other work that comes my way has therefore to await its turn unless it is of such paramount importance as to warrant suspension of current work.

Feeling is of the heart. It may easily lead us astray unless we would keep the heart pure. It is like keeping house and everything in it clean. The heart is the source from which knowledge of God springs. If the source is contaminated, every other remedy is useless. And if its purity is assured nothing else is needed.

This is written with the right hand, for the left has become worse than the right. There is nothing to worry about. Only, it must have complete rest. I therefore spin on a wheel which has a pedal and draw the thread with the right hand.

We are three - all well.

Love from us all. Kisses to the children.


Source: My Dear Child, page 91; Collected Works, Volume 49, pages 490-91


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