The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, April 13, 1932


April 13, 1932

My dear child,

I am always glad when I hear from you. Your letter is interesting and revealing. You are still fretting somewhat. That you should get over. If we have trust in God, we should not worry even as we would not when we have a trustworthy doorkeeper or guard. And who can be a better doorkeeper or guard than God the never-failing. It is not enough that we sing about such things or have a mere intellectual grasp. It is necessary to feel the thing within. Feeling is exactly like feeling pain or pleasure. It admits of or needs no argument. Who can argue us out of our experience? I write this because I want you to be absolutely free from all care and anxiety.

The idea of giving the children dolls of different races was very good. What is the name of the Hindi girl and what is her province?

Did I tell you that Mahadev was with me?

Kisses to the children.



Source: My Dear Child, pages 89-90; Collected Works, Volume 49, page 305


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