The Danish Peace Academy


Collected by E. S. Reddy - and Holger Terp

Letter, January 25, 1929

The Ashram, Sabarmati,

January 25, 1929

I have your letters, including the one you gave to the Danish sisters.144 They were here for over a week. They left only two days ago and they told me they enjoyed their stay at the ashram. They had their meals at the common board at which over 175 men, women and children sit.

Maria has written me that you are still weak and have not completely recovered after your operation,145 but that you and Menon are due to return at the end of the year. I shall be glad to see you both and the children face to face.

Nothing is yet decided about my European visit this year. But I am hesitating especially in view of the Congress resolution.146 Maria says I can best go to Europe as a messenger from a free India.147 My reason inclines towards that view, but I am waiting on God for light.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. Esther Menon

Taarbaek, Denmark

Source: SN15130; Collected Works, Volume 38, page 400

144 Mrs. Ellen Horup and Miss Olsen. See Gandhi’s letter to Mrs. Horup below.

145 for appendicitis

146 In December 1928, the Indian National Congress adopted a resolution, moved by Gandhi, that if Britain did not grant dominion status to India within a year, non-violent non-cooperation would be revived.

147 Please see letter from Miss Anne Marie Petersen to Gandhi on January 15, 1929, in Appendix I


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