The Danish Peace Academy

Dickran, Karekin: Various Titles of Publications related to Northern resources by one or another way

Armenian Genocide Documentation

Gomidas Institute, USA.

Diaries of a Danish Missionary. Harpoot, 1907-1919 (release date, September 2001) is the latest addition to the Gomidas Institutešs Armenian Genocide Documentation Series, alongside such titles as:

Tracy Atkinson, “The German, the Turk and the Devil Made a Triple Alliance; Harpoot Diaries, 1907-1917“.

Henry Riggs, “Days of Tragedy in Armenia : Personal Experiences in Harpoot, 1915-17”.

James Barton, “Turkish Atrocities : Statements of American Missionaries on the Destruction of Christian Communities in Ottoman Turkey, 1915-1917”; and

Beatrice Morley, Marsovan 1915.

Books, booklets and articles

  1. Articles in “Kristeligt Dagblad” (Christian daily) (1895-1997)

  2. “10 Års festkrift”, 10 years jubilee, by Kvindelige Missionsarbejdere. 1910.

  3. “Armenske Martyrer”, Armenian martyrs, By Jensine Ørtz. 1912. K.M.A.

  4. Maria Jacobsens Diary 1907-1919. Danish (Original handwriting) In Armenian by Father Nerses Pakhdikian. English translation, publicized.

  5. “Sonenaufgang”, by German missionary Mr. Ehmann.

  6. “Et blad af armeniens historie”, A page from armenian history, by Amalia Lange 1920. K.M.A. 1920.

  7. “I Skyggedalen”, In the shadowvalley by Marie Dinesen. København 1920. K.M.A.

  8. “Pigen fra Danmark”, The girl from Denmark, About Karen Jeppe. By Sick Ingeborg Maria (Born 1858). 1921.

  9. “Oplevelse deroverfra”, Experiences from there, Miss. Hansine Marcher. K.M.A.

  10. Articels in “Nationaltidende”. 1924. by Inge Hofman Bang.

  11. “Armenien”, Armenia by Åge Mejer Benedictsen. published by friends of Armenians. københavn, 1925

  12. Lectures by Åge Mejer Benedictsen.

  13. “Geliebte Fremde Mutter”, about Karen Jeppe by A. O. Schwede (DDR priest)

  14. “En tjenergerning blandt martyrfolket”, A servants work among the Martyr people by Elise Bockelund 1900-1930.

  15. Overkammerherr Oxholm, Suprem chamberman Oxholm. by Steen Vinkel. København, 1931.

  16. Vartuhi, Pamphlet, by K.M.A. 1932. 30 pages.

  17. “Lys i Mørke”, Light in darkness by Elsa Vind, booklet 13 pages 1939.

  18. “Falden Blandt røvere”, Fallen among Robbers by H. L. Larsen provst (Rural Dean) in Aarhus 1924.

  19. “Blandt Armensk flygtninge”, Among Aarmeian refugees, by Amalia Lang København. K.M.A. 1920 - 1925.

  20. “Et hjemløst folk”, A Homeless People, by Dagmar Jensen 1929.

  21. By far Euphrates. Massacres of Armenians in Ourfa.

  22. “Armensk børn fra Harpoot til libanon”, Armenian childrens from Kharpert to Lebanon, by Elsa Vind 1949.

  23. “Høsten er stor”, The Harvest is Great, by Elise Bockelund. København 1950.

  24. Birds Nest, by Nerses Pakhdikian

  25. Articles in Hask, (Antelias) Nr. 8-12 1970 / Nr. 3-8, 1973.

  26. “Den mørke flod”, (Eufrat) Dark River, by Alma Johanson. Swedish K.M.A.

  27. “Blodets och tårernas land”, The land of tears and blood by Alma Johanson. Swedish K.M.A.

  28. “Trons fremsynthed”, Forsight of Faith, A Jubilee writting.

  29. “Samlet flyveblade”, Flysheets, 1901 Norwegian K.M.A. Inger Marie Høeg.

  30. “Norsk K.M.A. Norwegian archives at Oslo,

  31. “Norsk arkiv privat” Fritjof Nansen.

  32. Karen Jeppe by Christian Winther.

  33. “Armenien og Karen Jeppe”, Armenia and Karen Jeppe by Christian Winther.

  34. “Landet, hvor arkens Due fløj”, The land where the dove winged. Martin Jensen.

  35. “Die Entchung und wiederherstillung der armenischen nation”. Professor Marquart: 1919.

  36. “Armenien und Europa.” “Ein Anklageschrift.” Johannes Lepsius: Berlin 1896.

  37. “Bericht uber die lage des armenischn volkes in der Turkei (Strengt vertraulich)” Johannes Lepsius: Potsdam 1916.

  38. “Deutschland und Armenien 1914-1918. Samlung diplomatischer Aktenstucke”. Johannes Lepsius: Postdam 1918.

  39. The condition of Armenia, by. E. J. Dillon 1895.

  40. The treatment of the armenians in the Ottoman empire. by Tojnbee Arnold. London 1916.

  41. An appreciation by Charles V. Vickerey, Cleveland H. Dodge. by Bayard Dodge. 1923.

  42. History of Near East Relief.

  43. Gjennem Armenia, Through Armenia by Fridtjof Nansen, Oslo.

  44. Den Lille Doktor, Little big Doctor, by Alice Shepard Riggs.

  45. De Hjemsøgte, The afflicted with famine, by Inga Nalbandian.

  46. “Et besøg hos Karen Jeppe”, A visit to Karen Jeppe, by Henni Forchhammer 1926.

  47. “Minde om Karen Jeppe”, In memory of Karen Jeppe, by Henni Forchhammer 1935.

  48. “Armenien og Karen Jeppe”, Armenia and Karen Jeppe, by Christian Winther 1936.

  49. Maria Jacobsens Photo Album, in possesion of Armenian Catolicosate at Antelias, Libanon. Most of the pictures are take by the American Ambassador Lesley Davis.

  50. Swedish K.M.A. archives. Kvinnliga Missions Arbetare, K.M.A. Established at 1894 by Fredda Hammar Adress: Artillerigatan 45, 11445 Stockholm, Sweden Phone: 08 - 665 94 60 vx Telefax: 08 - 665 94 61

  51. Ett folk i landsflykt, A nation at flight by Alma Johansson


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