The Danish Peace Academy

Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp Songbook

7 Lilly of the arc lights

Underneath the arc lights
By the old Green Gate
I took out my bolt-cutters
My hands could hardly wait
I snipped towards her
She snipped to me
We both could see
The Common free
Oh Lily of the arc lights !
A-snipping in the rain

As we crawled into the base
We held our cutters tight
Wondering if the USA
Would shoot at us on sight
I sneaked along with her
She sneaked with me
We both could see
The Common free
Oh Lily of the arc lights !
Will this all be in vain?

Closer to the missile silos
My heart began to quiver
Was it Lily, the fear, the base
Or just a little shiver?
I looked towards her
She looked to me
We both could see
The Common free
Oh Lily of the arc lights
It wasn’t Jenny or Leslie, Katrina, Sabine or any of the others….. or Jane!

Cutting up the silo fence
My knees they turned to jellies
But standing strongly next to me
Was Lily in her wellies
I snipped towards her
She snipped to me
We both could see
The Common free
Oh Lily of the arc lights !
We have everything to gain

Running up the missile silos
Planting lots of trees
Should I have given my heart away
Or kept it in deep freeze?
Stayed pure and cold
And sound ideologically
Or we could be
Completely silly
Oh Lily of the arc lights !
Is it true romance or pain?

When we got to Newbury nick
We shared a little cell
We wrote on walls, sang lots of songs
Drove all the men to hell
I had snipped towards her
She had snipped to me
We both had seen
The Common free
Oh Lily of the Arc Lights ! Will I see you again?

[Silver Moon, Green Gate, 1983]

8 Poster: Women Come Together Greenham Common
Dec. 12th. 1982 Welcome

[No information about artist].

Next song.


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