The Danish Peace Academy

Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp Songbook

12 That's what gets us by

It ain't just the web
It's the way that we spin it,
It ain't just the world
It's the women within it.
It ain't just the struggle
It's the way that we win it.
That's what gets us by.

It ain't just the care,
It's the love and affection,
It ain't just the way
It's the sense of direction,
It ain't that we are good,
We're just bloody perfection.
That's what gets us by.

[No information about author and composer.
Also published in the Chant Down Greenham songbook.]

[Poster from 1983.
Poster source: Working Class Movement Library, London. ].

Hear That's what gets us by sung by Anna Key ... et al.
recorded March 16, 2006 for free at the Warren Resource centre in Hull
for the Danish Peace Academy.

12 Bella Ciao

We are women, and we are singing,
Bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao, ciao.
We are singing for liberation,
We want a non-violent revolution now.

[No information about author.
[Also typewritten and published in the Anti-nuclear songbook.]
Original Italian text:
Original music:, and English translation:
Eigil Poulsen from Danish No to Nuclear Weapons made a song based upon Bella Ciao for the Ravnstrup Women's Peace Camp. The text is dated November 19, 1983.]

13 We are the Daughters of Amazon

[A round.]

We are the daughters of Amazon
And it's for Greenham we're singing.

Repeat two times.

A heavy load. A heavy load.
And it will take some real strength.

Repeat two times.

[No information about author and composer.

Also published in the Frauenwiderstanscamp Hansrück songbook.]

[Source: Anne Lee.]

[Recorded in the Carry Greenham Home video 1983. Singer unknown.]

Hear We are the daughters of Amazon sung by Anna Key ... et al.
recorded March 16, 2006 for free at the Warren Resource centre in Hull for the Danish Peace Academy.

14 We work for the Russians

We Work For The Russians
We work for the Russians
At tuppence* a day
They ask us to stay here
And that's why we stay
We drink lots of vodka
And that's why we're gay

* twopence or two pennies.

[No information about author and composer.]

[Source: Feminist Archive South.]


For the past three months, a hot meal has been delivered every weekday evening to the Women's Peace Camp using the Greenham Food Van. The meals on wheels service started in November, 1984, and will continue indefinitely. The Greenham Food Van is the idea of Ascot Nuclear Disarmament Group. The group wanted to provide a regular and reliable hot meals service to help maintain the Women's Peace Camp throughout the winter.
The group acquired a transit van, had it made roadworthy, and insured and taxed it. The inside of the van has been fitted with a table and two-ring gas cooker for heating and serving food.
Ascot Nuclear Disarmament Group co-ordinate a rote of Peace groups within a 30-40 mile radius of Greenham Common who take it in turn to provide a meal. Local peace groups from Berkshire, Hampshire and Oxfordshire have used the van so far. Local groups decide on a menu and prepare a meal.
A driver and helper from the local group then take the van to Greenham and stop at each gate around the perimeter of the base to serve food to womem camped there: Fifty-to sixty meals are provided each evenin~ at 8 different locations around the base. The food provided is vegetarian/vegan and received enthusiasticaly as it is impossible to cook good food with the continuous, daily evictions of the Peace Camps.
The cost of maintaining, insuring, and taxing the Greenham Food Van have been met through donations and standing orders from individuals and Peace Groups nationwide.
The cost of food and petrol have been paid by the local groups using the van.
For more information, contact Merle Mindel, Ascot Nuclear Disarmament Group, Tel. Ascot 228770

the food runs to Greenhan

Anne Lee: I was able to spend only short stays at Greenham, but still remember the food runs. I stayed at Indigo Gate, the main gate on the north side of the base. The USAF c. 1986 moved itseveral hundred metres further west. We then called it Woad Gate (woad was an ancient blue dye with which ancient Britons painted their bodies when confronting the Roman adversary). The campsite was on the road verge.
At one stage there were 9 camps: 7 at the Gates, identified by the women as the colours of the rainbow. Between Green and Blue Gates, there was Emerald camp - opposite the Cruise Missile Silos and between Red and Orange was Red Gap, where an internal road terminated at the fence, but there was no gate - it would, however, have been possible for the USAF to have brought out the missile convoy through Red Gap.
The evictions were carried out by Council Bailiffs (mainly 'Baldy' and Willis) eqipped with a refuse muncher truck and a flat-back lorry for larger furniture items. In the early days of the evictions they used to steal womens' property without giving the women time to pack up and leave and physically assault women (see TV programme Carry Greenham Home). After complaints the Bailiffs were accompanied by a police escort to ensure they did it legally. The women were permitted to load all the gear into cars, vans and onto prams. It is legal to move along the highway, but not to camp. After the Bailiffs had gone it was possible to return and set up camp again. This meant that we couldn't leave the camp site, to do water runs, etc, until after the Bailiffs had been.
A SPIRITED feminist, Labour Party activist and champion of the underdog, Joan Hayman was a mainstay of the Greenham Common peace camp for over 12 years. Source: Obituary: Joan Hayman Old Age Pensioner at the Greenham Common peace camp. The Independent (London, England) Article date:May 3, 2002.

Ulla Moltved: The only waterpost at Greenham Common, summer 1984.

In the winter of 1985 Newbury District Council decided to evict the Greenham Women and clear them out forever. This necessitated making it impossible for women to live on the campsites.
The Bailiffs then started work at 7am and worked continuously round the perimeter evicting all the camps, then starting again and working until 7 in the evening. During the worst of the winter weather it was not possible for the women to be unpacking the camp gear each time. As the Bailiffs put out the fires with fire extinguishers, it was difficult, sometimes not possible, to relight the fires and make a hot drink before the Bailiffs got back. The camps might be evicted up to five times a day. It went on day after day after day in the winter.
The hot food runs made survival possible. They also brought firelighters, dry wood, dry blankets and other essentials. There was also an international financial support network for Greenham.
Women at Woad Gate made up this song (to the tune of 'Beside the seaside, beside the sea')
Baldy and Willis are getting on now.
Well over 40 I should say,
But they're still little boys and they like to play with toys -
The yellow muncher and the wee white truck.

15 Building Bridges

Original photo source: Davenport, Hugo:
Women at the wire. Observer; December 12, 1982 p. 13.
Bygge broer / Building Bridges. Peace banner from Danish artist Mie Bak Jakobsen, Women for Peace.
Bygge broer / Building Bridges. Peace banner from Danish artist
Mie Bak Jakobsen, Women for Peace.

Building bridges between our divisions
I reach out for you, won't you reach out to me
With all of our voices and all of our visions
Sisters, we can make such a sweet harmony ...

Dear friend, dear friend.
Let me tell you how I feel.
You have given me such treasures.
I love you so.

[Source: Feminist Archive South.]

[No information about author and composer.]

[Second verse added from Chants : This a combination of songs from the net and personal collections (compiled in this form by Syrylyn Rainbow­Dragon.) Some of this collection of Pagan songs was assembled by Walking Stick.

[Also typewritten and published in the Anti-nuclear songbook.
Also published in the Chant Down Greenham songbook and in the Ravnstrup Women's Peace Camp songbook.]

Hear Building Bridges and Stand Up
sung by 1world Peacesingers.

[Stand Up and Building Bridges is also recorded by Wild Wimmin for Peace on the MC the Great Peace March, 1986.]

Building Bridges was discovered by a British Quaker named Elizabeth Cave. She heard the song at Greenham Common. Elizabeth Cave sent the song to the Britain Yearly Meeting children's meeting newsletter where it was published. Someone else saw it there and submitted it to Sing Out Magazine, who published it in their RISE UP SINGING collection. Nick Page’s arrangement of this round, which was premiered at GA 2002, is published by Hal Leonard’s Publishing.
Blood, Peter; and Annie Patterson (eds.) / Rise Up Singing, Sing Out, Sof (1989/1992), p194 ]

Building Bridges
Words: The women of Greenham Common peace occupation in England, 1983
Music: Contemporary English Quaker Round

[Verse of Building Bridges is translated into Danish by the Danish Women for Peace.
Translater: Sulejma. Køkkenrullen, No. 1, January 1985.

Vi bygger broer,
over vores kløfter
Ta´r hinandens hænder
og samler energi
Med alle vores drømme
og håb og visioner
Søstre vi har kimen
Til en fremtid fuld af liv

Next song.


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