Det Danske Fredsakademi

Titel Direktion Year Varighed Genre Sprog Note Kilde
1984 Radford, Michael 1984 110 Spilelfilm eng 1
Aftenlandet Peter Watkins 1977 100 Dokumentar dan 2
Agenda for a small planet UN 19?? 30 Dokumentar eng Serie på 24 fjernsynsudsendelser. UN Films on Disarmament
All the President's Men Alan J. Pakula 1976 138 Spilelfilm eng 1
Amazing Grace and Chuck 19?? eng An allegory about the power of nonviolent action.
Der er et andet USA, Løvengren, Karin ; Jakob Erle 198? 45 Dokumentar dan En lyd- og diasserie om fredsbevægelsen og præsidentvalg i USA lavet for Krogerup Højskole omkring 1985-1986. Folder.
Angel and the Badman James Edward Grant 1947 100 Spilelfilm eng A gunslinger is changed by a remarkable woman. 1
Atomic café 82 19?? 90 Dokumentar eng Kernevåbenudviklingen 1945-65 og fremstillingen heraf i medierne. Materialebanken : En oversigt
Atomic Cafe, The Jayne Loader, Kevin Rafferty, Pierce Rafferty 1986 86 Dokumentar eng A look back at the 1960s propaganda on what to do in case of a nuclear attack and footage of nuclear explosions and their effect on the troops used as guinea pigs. 1
Belle Epoque Fernando Trueba 1992 109 Komedie spa At the time of the Spanish Civil War, a deserter is taken in by a farmer and wooed by his four daughters. 1
Big Deal 19?? 60 Dokumentar eng F-16 Materialebanken : En oversigt
Big If, the Pojar, Bretislav 19?? 9 Tegnefilm eng United Nations Films on Disarmament
Bjerge i flammer 1932? ger Fred og Frihed, 1932:8 s. 6.
Bombs Away 19?? eng
Bombs will make the rainbow break 19?? eng Børns krigsfrygt i USA Materialebanken : En oversigt
Boom Pojar, Bretislav 1979 11 Tegnefilm eng United Nations Films on Disarmament
Born on the Fourth of July Oliver Stone 1989 140 Spilelfilm eng Ron Kovic, a soldier paralyzed in the Vietnam War, becomes an anti-war organizer. 1
Catch-22 Mike Nichols 1970 121 Satire eng A US bombardier in W.W. II learns the only way out of the Army is to go crazy; but if you want out, you're not crazy. 1
Caution to the wind 19?? 30 Dokumentar eng Om de første atomvåbenforsøg og den letsindighed, hvormed menige soldater og civile behandledes - og om den ligegyldighed, hvormed deres efterveer i dag behandles. Materialebanken : En oversigt
Coming Home Hal Ashby 1978 127 Spilelfilm eng A woman falls in love with a disabled Vietnam vet who campaigns against the War while her husband is in Vietnam. 1
Corpus Christi 1983 dan 2
Covert Action 19?? Dokumentar eng On the Run s. 264 265
Dances with Wolves Kevin Costner 1990 183 Spilelfilm eng Posted to Dakota Territory during the US Civil War, Lt. John Dunbar discovers an Indian tribe and turns to Native ways. 1
Disarmament Man, the 19?? 30 Dokumentar eng ENDs kampagneleder i diskussion med konservativ MP Materialebanken : En oversigt
Doomsday Clock, the 19?? 9 eng United Nations Films on Disarmament
Dr. Strangelove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Kubrick, Stanley 1963 104 Spilelfilm eng A rogue US general, convinced of a Communist plot, sends a bomber to the Soviet Union, which could trigger a Doomsday Device if attacked. 1
Er det mig i vil slå ihjel? 1981 55 swe 2
Europa og den kolde krig 1972 16 Dokumentar dan 2
Fem dage for freden Solvognen 1978 40 dan 2
Final harvest, the 19?? 30 Dokumentar eng Om afløvningsmidelt Agent Orance som blev sprøjtet ud over junglen i Vietnam under Veitnamkrigen og dens eftervirkninger på lokalbefolkningen og veteraner. Materialebanken : En oversigt
For the Boys Mark Rydell 1991 148 Spilelfilm eng Dixie, an unknown singer, gets her chance with star Eddie in the USO in WW II, then has to face Korea, McCarthyism, and Vietnam. 1
For Whom the Bell Tolls Sam Wood 1943 170 Spilelfilm eng A young soldier fighting for the Republic in the Spanish Civil War, has one night of romance before battle. 1
Friendly Persuasion William Wyler 1956 140 Spilelfilm eng A Quaker family in Indiana struggles to keep the Peace Testimony during the Civil War. 1
Gandhi Richard Attenborough 1982 188 Spilelfilm eng The life of Mohandas Gandhi, from his youth in South Africa to law school in England to his nonviolent campaign for Indian independence. 1
Grande Illusion, La Jean Renoir 1937 114 Spilelfilm fre Class, anti-Semitism and injustice trap the two French soldiers, Marechal and Rosenthal, who are captured by the Germans in W.W.I. 1
Great Dictator, The Charles Chaplin 1940 128 Komedie eng Dictator Adenoid Hynkel of Tomania is challenged by his rival Benzino Napaloni of Bacteria in Chaplin's first talkie. Chaplin plays two roles: the Jewish barber and Dictator Hynkel. 1
gælder din frihed, Det 1946 106 dan 2
Henry V Kenneth Branagh 1989 137 Spilelfilm eng On his way to the Battle of Agincourt against the French, Henry V rallies his dispirited troops and confronts his own doubts. 1
Hitlers 50 års dag 1939 21 Dokumentar ger 2
Hoffing aus bessere zeiten Raeber, Jonas 1993 11 Tegnefilm ger
Hole, the 19?? 15 Tegnefilm eng Almindelige menneskers holdning til krig. Materialebanken : En oversigt
Hvis du elsker denne jord 1983 30 Dokumentar dan 2
If you love this planet Terre Nash 1982 26 Dokumentar eng Dr. Helen Caldicott, president of Physicians for Social Responsibility, talks about the dangers of nuclear war and what we can do about it, in this award-winning documentary. Available from: National Film Board of Canada Materialebanken : En oversigt
In Country Norman Jewison 1989 120 Spilelfilm eng A girl whose father died as a US soldier in Vietnam, finds his diary and comes to terms with his life and that war. 1
In years, not Decades 1999 8 Dokumentar eng Email fra Danske Læger mod Kernevåben
Intet nyt fra Vestfronten Lewis Milestone 1930 105 Spilelfilm eng Baseret på Erich Maria Remarques roman.
Johnny Got His Gun Dalton Trumbo 1971 111 Spilelfilm eng A US soldier, disabled in W.W. I, regains consciousness and relives his life through dreams and memories. 1
Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance Alanis Abomsowin 1993 Dokumentar eng This National Film Board documentary shows the Native side of the stand-off at Oka, Quebec in 1990 between the Mohawks on one side and the Surete du Quebec and the Canadian Army on the other. 1
Killing Fields, The Roland Joffe 1984 141 Spilelfilm eng Dith Pran, aide to NYT journalist Sydney Schanberg in Vietnam, stays behind as the war ends, and the horror of Pol Pot's Cambodia unfolds. 1
klode i splid med sig selv, En 1976 35 Dokumentar dan 2
Kommer der krig, mor? 19?? 45 Dokumentar dan Kvinder for Fred ved Grethe Andersen. Køkkenrullen.
Krig og fred Bondartjuk, Sergej 19?? Spilelfilm rus
Little Big Man Arthur Penn 1970 150 Spilelfilm eng Jack Crab, and adopted Indian now 121 years old, reminisces about his days as a scout for General George Custer and the sole survivor of Custer's Last Stand. 1
Louder than Our Words eng 2
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media Mark Achbar 1992 110 Dokumentar eng World-famous linguist and American's one-man political opposition Noam Chomsky argues that big business and the US government combine to shape the news. As examples, he uses the focus on the Khmer Rouge atrocities in Kampuchea and the neglect of the slaughter of East Timorese by US-backed Indonesian troops. 1
mindste blad at sætte på en nælde, Det 1981 Dokumentar dan 2
Mission, The Roland Joffe 1986 125 Spilelfilm eng A Jesuit mission to the Indians in the jungles of Brazil in the 18th Century is threatened by Portuguese and Spanish colonists. The nonviolent resistance of one priest (Jeremy Irons) comes up against the cry for armed resistance by another missionary (Robert de Niro). 1
Mississippi Burning Alan Parker 1988 128 Spilelfilm eng Two FBI agents, one straight-arrow type and one Southern lawman, set out to solve the murders of two civil rights workers murdered during Mississippi Freedom Summer, 1964. 1
nabos søn, din 1982 65 Spilelfilm dan 2
Nuclear Nightmare 19?? 60 Dokumentar eng Hvad kunne udløse en atomkrig? Materialebanken : En oversigt
Nuclear Winter 19?? 80 Dokumentar eng Materialebanken : En oversigt
Oh! What a Lovely War Richard Attenborough 1969 139 Komedie eng A brilliant, stinging expose of the jingoism of British society W.W.I 1
On a Paper Crane Peace Anime no Kai 1994 Tegnefilm eng Tegnefilm for større børn om bombningen af Hiroshima.
On the Beach Stanley Kramer 1959 133 Spilelfilm eng A lone submarine survives a nuclear war between the USA and the USSR. 1
One Step at A Time 1999 24 Dokumentar eng Email fra Danske Læger mod Kernevåben
Paths of Glory Stanley Kubrick 1957 86 Spilelfilm eng Sent on a mission impossible, French soldiers mutiny in W.W.I, Their unit commander must deal with them and a foolhardy general. 1
Pika Don 10 Tegnefilm jap 2
Poul Jacobs og atombanden 1979 eng 2
Power of One, the 19?? Dokumentar eng About nonviolence in Africa.
Pow-Wow Highway Jonathan Wicks 1989 88 Spilelfilm eng Two young Native men on the U.S. plains seek to rally their people. Philbert seeks mystical power through Native spirituality, and the other, a Vietnam War veteran named Buddy Red Bow, tries political organizing. 1
Price of Britains Bomb 19?? Dokumentar eng Materialebanken : En oversigt
Private History of a Campaign That Failed, The Peter H. Hunt 1981 90 Spilelfilm eng Fifteen boys from Hannibal, Missouri, face the horrors of war. A dramatization of "A War Prayer" opens the film. Mark Twain, who was a deserter from a Confederate unit in the Civil War and became an anti-slavery writer, wrote the original story. 1
Protest and Survive 1982 30 Dokumentar eng 2
Resolving Conflict Creatively between Victims & Youth Offenders 19?? Dokumentar eng
Return of the Secaucus Seven, The John Sayles 1980 110 Komedie eng A group of young anti-war protesters from the 1960s get together on the anniversary of their arrest - not for sitting in at a draft board, as was their plan, but for a traffic offence on the way to the protest. 1
Roi de coeur (King of Hearts) Philippe de Broca 1966 100 Komedie fre A British soldier sent into a French town in W.W. I to disarm a bomb finds himself locked up in the town's insane asylum, where the inmates, less insane than the populace during war, crown him the "King of Hearts". 1
Romero John Duigan 1989 105 Spilelfilm eng Bishop Romero of El Salvador spoke out against the Death Squads of the government. His reward was martyrdom. 1
Rosa Luxemburg Margerethe von Trotta 1986 110 Biografi ger From 1898 to 1919, Polish-born Rosa Luxemburg, the hero of German Social Democrats, worked against war and for a socialist society. 1
Russians are Coming, the Russians are Coming, The Norman Jewison 1966 120 Komedie eng Based on: The Off-Islanders, by Nathaniel Benchley. A Russian submarine lands off New England during the Cold War and negotiates with the town. 1
Salt of the Earth Herbert Biberman 1954 94 Spilelfilm eng Striking workers in the Empire Zinc mine in New Mexico are faced with the extra oppression of Mexican-Americans and women. Written, directed, and produced by members of the Hollywood Ten. 1
Search, The Fred Zinnemann 1948 105 Spilelfilm eng After W.W. II, a boy is cared for in Berlin by Clift while the boy's mother searches for him in Displaced Persons' camps across Europe. 1
Sergeant York Humphrey Hawks 1941 134 Spilelfilm eng A pacifist, drafted in the US Army in W.W.I, turns into a military hero. 1
Shenandoah Andrew McLaglan 1965 165 Spilelfilm eng A farmer in Virginia tries valiantly to keep out of the Civil War. 1
Shoulder Arms Charles Chaplin 1918 Komedie eng Asplund, Uno: Chaplin og hans 81 film.
Sidste fem dage, de 19?? 100 Spilelfilm ger Om Weisse Rose. Materialebanken : En oversigt
Slagtehal fem eller børentoget George Roy Hill 1972 104 Science fiction eng Billy Pilgrim emerges from a POW camp in Dresden after the fire-bombing in W.W. II to become adrift in time. 1
Slip freden løs 1983 40 Dokumentar dan Fire film. 2
Threads 19?? 100 Dokumentar eng Materialebanken : En oversigt
Ukendte Soldat, den 1931? Antikrigsfilm ? Vist i Colosseum og Det lille Teater i København. Statsminister Stauning taler indledningsvist om 'Afrustningens Nødvendighed'. Fred og Frihed, 1932:1 s. 6.
War Game, the 1967 49 Dokumentar eng Den danske folkehøjskoles fredsundervisning
War, The Jon Avnet 1994 127 eng A Southern US veteran, psychologically injured by the Vietnam War, tries to teach his children peace. 1
Weisse Rose, Die (The White Rose) Michael Verhoeven 1982 123 Spilelfilm ger In Munich in 1942, two students, Hans and Sophie Scholl, join an underground resistance group against Hitler. They distribute leaflets and make contacts in other cities. Then the Gestapo finds their trail. 1
Wings of Desire (Der Himmel ueber Berlin) Wim Wenders 1987 127 Spilelfilm ger Two angels whose turf is Berlin, disguise themselves as ageing hippie men with shabby overcoats, ponytails and smiling faces. One angel, Damiel (Bruno Ganz), tires of his life of observing, recording, and consoling, but never intervening, and above all, never feeling. Damiel is tempted to try mortality by ex-angel Peter Falk, an actor in Berlin to do an anti-war movie about Nazi Germany. 1
Womens Peace, the 19?? Dokumentar eng Om Greenham Common Materialebanken : En oversigt
Aadalen 31 Bo Widerberg 1969 100 swe 1


1Peaceweb's Movies with a Conscience.

2Den danske folkehøjskoles fredsundervisning.